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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. I'm not sure how I can phrase this differently than I have any of the other thousand times, but I'm not site based.
  2. Not sheep, no. People who wear slim fit jeans are c***s. HTH.
  3. I would suggest that you stop being such a whiny little bitch.
  4. Word, yo. Treated myself to a new jacket last night to celebrate and the wife bought me some trainers during the week. Shipping the boy off to his gran's on Saturday and taking the missus out on the town. Might even try and finger her. Weekend ahoy!
  5. What merchant do you work at, Philpy? I'm needing to call in an order this afternoon, about 4ish.
  6. I'm a hand surgeon so can assure you that your swelling should have gone down by now and your hand will need to be amputated. That flap of dead skin is just the beginning, the rest of your hand will soon follow.
  7. I had not considered the outside threats to the business from gangsters and the like. Thanks for setting me straight. I will now give up my dream of owning and operating a manky roll van.
  8. You know, if it wasn't for the early starts and smell of hot burger fat, I reckon one could make a decent living doing that, especially given how much the b*****ds charge when they've got your undivided attention like at gigs, fitba games, festivals etc.
  9. Not if you're accompanying it with a w**k.
  10. Doing sum quick sums here, I make it 36 years until state retirement age, unless they increase it from 67 before then. Oh joy.
  11. All the shite of the day rolls to me. Site guys, architects, clients, owners, designers, engineers, suppliers, subcontractors, building control, banking, tax, accountants, all goes through me. I get to listen to the utter nonsense of everyone involved for only £250,000 per annum*. *or possibly slightly less.
  12. Maybe. Or maybe my colleagues and the general public are just eejits. I'm not sure I'm cut out for this "work" thing. I'd be far happier just being given money and not having to do anything.
  13. I was visiting Elgin for a pre-season tournament hosted by City and featuring Killie, Locos and County. Stayed in Forres as the B&B was nice and did the whisky tours whilst up there.
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