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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. Anyone with one of those "mod" haircuts, looking like a cut price Liam Gallagher. The mark of a c**t. Usually accompanied by a Fred Perry polo.
  2. Auchinleck's amazing. You should definitely buy a house there. If they have included white goods and it's still the cheapest by far on your shortlist then they've obviously made a mistake in their marketing and you'd be daft not to buy it.
  3. I drove past the Macron Stadium a few weeks ago. Could have been me.
  4. This may astound and baffle you, but I use Pie and Bovril to talk cod shit about football and keep my business life entirely separate. Crazy I know.
  5. What does my job have to do with my disdain for the ugly sisters and their disciples?
  6. I've been using single malt, but if that runs out I'll give your idea a try Hopefully the chemist doesn't mishear and prescribe me Anusol instead.
  7. Ken what I dislike more than spiders? Flying ants. I hate when they swarm in the summer. Even the way they look and crawl all over each other and the look of their wings reviles me. Ugly wee fuckers. I'm all in favour of spiders eating flying ants.
  8. After an afternoon of tests, examinations and xrays at the dentist, apparently I don't have toothache. I do, however, have stress related muscle pain in my face, eye socket, neck, head and back, most probably due to grinding my teeth and chewing my fingers at work. Being told to de-stress by a dentist. Gives new meaning to the term "face ache" I suppose.
  9. The Chase for me. Proper captain and Mr Consistency.
  10. Not to sound like a broken record, but... ARE YOU HAVING A LAUGH?! We don't need a new stadium, or a hotel, or a gym, or a restaurant, or offices, or shops.
  11. Update on the Milton Inn. I stopped in last night for a bite of dinner and had the worst steak I've ever eaten. And a flat pint. Always a flat pint at the Milton Inn. I then told the waitress everything was fine with the meal in the most passive-aggressive tone I could muster, tipped her only 10% to show my disappointment and went home to spend 40 minutes wiping and sobbing. Sobbing and wiping. Wiping. Sobbing. And all for the very reasonable price of £15 a steak and £3.20 a (flat) pint. Do not eat at the Milton Inn, you have been warned.
  12. Even before I saw that film (which was underwhelming and could have done so much more with the concept, imo) I occasionally worried that people could see my movements or hear my inner monologue. On an unrelated note, is anyone else's government brain chip sensitive to static radio waves?
  13. The point still stands and I'm hardly alone, it's not like I'm the only Facebook user.
  14. Answer me this; What if you send out a letter to your great uncle Walt of you and your family having a swim and then discover 6 months later that great uncle Walt was photocopying your pictures and distributing them amongst BEASTs? My point is that you cannot control what people do with the media you provide them with, you can only control who has access to it, and I was under the impression, until this afternoon, that only people I trust and know had access to that media. Much like a letter enclosing a photo, you trust that only someone you know and trust will see it and that their intentions will be honourable, but the second you click "upload" or drop it in the post box or hand it to them, you lose control of the image and cannot then know what it is being used for.
  15. I understand how the security settings work, I just hadn't realised that friends of friends could see my updates as I believed I had selected the option that prevented that. It certainly used to work that way. My point, though joking, was still semi-serious. Though you can give the pictures physically to your loved ones, you still can't control what they do with them, or what they think about. My mum and my step-mum have both been guilty of this in the past.
  16. Yes, they did. But that doesn't really answer the points I made, semi-seriously/semi-jesting, about the sharing of images, does it?
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