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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. The goalkeeping situation is what it is. At least we know that the players know the club, team, management and fans and won't take time to settle and we also know that we will be guaranteed plenty of high scoring games again. Both 'keepers are capable of exceptional performances, but both have their shortcomings; Grindlay's hesitancy with crosses and Ewings' occasional odd moments where he'll chuck one in for no apparent reason. Of the two, Ewings is probably the more capable shotstopper, but Grindlay is probably the more consistent. We were never going to get worldbeaters, so let's just get on with it.
  2. Glad they made an announcement as I was running out of French names.
  3. Hercule Poirot? Marquis de Sade? Pepe le Pew?
  4. Jacques Chirac? Charles de Gaul? Serge Gainsbourg?
  5. No, but I was definitely shite enough to be a Scotland player.
  6. I've always said that Kenny Miller and Scott Brown (stretching the definition of Edinburgh a bit) have a very obvious "Edinburgh face shape", like with one look at their weird faces it's blatantly obvious where they're from. Definitely an insult.
  7. Think he only made three appearances for us, at least two of which were from the bench. Can't be arsed checking the stats, but that sounds about right from memory. Didn't stay at us long, QP long, Airdrie long or Berwick long (when fit) and has made very few senior first team appearances at any club he's been signed to. Bit of an enigma, I think he'd need to play a full season every week for anyone to actually judge if he's decent or not. Mind you, the Alloa fan (think there only is the one) said that Mark Gilhaney would never be fit or show his ability in a Sons shirt and he's been a constant in our side for a few years now, so I suppose there's hope for him.
  8. Didn't play for us and though he showed up well for them at first he then got injured, so no idea. Ask QP or Airdrie fans?
  9. In primary 6 I played for Cameroon (we went out in the first round) at the mini World Cup in school and the following year I captained Scotland (went out 2-1 in the QF's) in the same (apparently annual) competition. Thankfully no-one from FIFA seems to have found out that I represented two different nations in the World Cup, so my reputation remains untarnished within the footballing community.
  10. Whether I sound nice or not wasn't really the point. I was simply being honest. That list was spanning decades from childhood to adulthood and the vast majority of the incidents detailed happened years ago. I grew up in a rough place and went to a rough school, both were places were violence could be visited upon you frequently and without provocation. Several of those incidents were random acts of violence started on me by bawbags while out and about in Glasgow, something which seems all too common sadly. In terms of provocation, the only one of those started by me was the petrol station because some p***k intimidated my wife. Violence isn't big or clever and if you read my post again you'll see it's more or less just a list of injuries I've received, not a glorified list of conquests. I also have brothers and I defy anyone who has brothers never to have been in childhood fights with them.
  11. I started a new job on Monday, and quit it at lunchtime today.
  12. Where to fucking start. I've been hit with a bottle, had my head stamped on, my front two teeth are crooked from a punch that floored me, I walked with a limp for three days after pulling muscles in my foot kicking some bellend in a petrol station forecourt, I've had a blade pulled on me several times, been hit in the spine with a cosh, had double black eyes, split lips, burst nose, sair baws, headbutted a guy at the same time as he headbutted me and a foot on my throat off the top of my head. So, yeah, I've been in a fight. Whether I'm any good in a fight is another question. 2013 was a lively year round my way, with a neighbour dispute spilling over into violence a couple of times, most memorably with 4 a side outside the building. Say no to violence, kids.
  13. The Trust are not consulted on club decisions. They react to things that the club do, or deal with things that the club hand off to them, they do not influence the club decision makers, much as we would all like them to. To blame the Trust for this shambles is to show a massive misunderstanding of their role in club affairs, and I say that as a non-Trust member.
  14. The Trust do great work, but have almost zero influence on decision making. The Trust are not remotely to blame here.
  15. Pure shite from the club this. I knew I couldn't renew last season as my son was due to arrive mid-season so I paid at the gate for as many home and away games as I could get to in the early part of the season. This season I was going to renew again, regardless of whether I would be there every week or not. Last season was the first time in years that I hadn't bought a season book and only because I knew I wouldn't get to any games after October. Absolutely gutted I won't be able to go back to being a season ticket holder. Proper shafted by the club.
  16. f**k sake! I hadn't been able to get along yet and intended to get mine closer to the season starting. What a shambles. If the demand is there for more season tickets then they should sell them, it's not like they're going to run out of available seats to flog, just designate some walkup seats as season tickets. Ridiculous.
  17. Reasonably pleased with our recent signings.
  18. Look, meight, none of us have heard of him, so it's got to be a no from DFC.
  19. Just to be clear, S, I wasn't being serious about Finnie. k thanx.
  20. Wonder how Ryan Finnie's getting on at Rangers...
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