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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. Makes sense as he's never previously had any education
  2. Absolutely gobsmacked that they even think 17 houses on the rocky west coast counts as a town
  3. Think I'll throw a couple back due to their small size.
  4. A rich haul today. They're just throwing themselves in the nets. Much like they do in Brechin, or Forfar.
  5. Just back from Silverton and the weather is ideal. It could, of course, change as the day wears on, but so far, so good.
  6. They're just the names of Dundee suburbs
  7. We're talking about the human population, not the fish stocks
  8. To be fair, calling the amalgamation of four clubs from four rural fishing villages with a combined population of 800 a "mega club" is a bit of a stretch.
  9. Cash at turnstile and pie stall. Cash or card in the bar
  10. We're not at the sand stage. The pitch is fine. I remember after that game, waiting on the train back to Clydebank at Dumbarton East, a couple of early 20s Dundee Utd fans in DU scarves and Lyle & Scott jackets deciding they weren't hard after all and quietly waiting for the same train as me after realising I was going the same direction as them.
  11. Not one mention of ice hockey, so clearly not him. Also, we all (rightly imo) give BallochHunsFan stick for his long, rambling posts, but nobody ever calls out @Jan Vojáček for the same thing! He gets away with it because he's young and posh IMO. Clear classism in action. Bet he's a member of a rotary club. Whatever the f**k that is.
  12. It's very important to remember that at Dumbarton (as well as at other clubs) there isn't a staff to deal with things like landscaping and carpark maintenance etc, nor is there a budget to bring in contractors for same. This absolutely is not unique and is an issue all smaller clubs around the world deal with. Volunteers are the lifeblood of DFC (again, also true of many other clubs) and they enable the day to day operations of the club to function. There are only three or so paid (part time) members of staff. All of the others are outside contractors or volunteers. If you're not keen on the condition of the foliage in the carpark (for example), or the cleanliness of the seats in the stand, then nip down to the stadium and get stuck in. There are no barriers to volunteering, the overworked staff and volunteers would be thrilled if someone or several sooeones wanted to empty the bins, sweep the stand, replace the paper towels in the bogs, clean the seats, litter pick the grounds, call local businesses to enquire about sponsorship/investment or any one of a thousand other small, essential, thankless tasks. Helping out also engenders a closeness to the club. Clubs like DFC don't exist in a vacuum where the fans are disconnected and only turn up on match days to be entertained. We're not Man United. If you want to see something changed, then change it. You get to effect the difference you desire, the club gets assistance, the staff and volunteers get a helping hand and you feel more connection to your team. Everyone's a winner, baby, that's the truth.
  13. The stuff around the perimeter of the park is pitch covers, training goals and the like. Not particularly neat looking, but it's where it's needed. I agree that the car park area could do with a few days of folk chopping away weeds, shrubs, bushes etc. Perhaps an idea for @Sons Fan? Try and drum up some volunteers? I'm happy to contribute my brush cutters and landscaping equipment plus my labour.
  14. Just back from the ground and noticed something which has slightly irritated me; the tenants are messy b*****ds. There were 40 people in attendance on Saturday for their game and their players have left water bottles and rubbish strewn around the park. Bugs me. The folk running the club and stadium already have too much to do, without having to clean up after Broomhill.
  15. Pitch looks decent, good effort from the groundsman given Broomhill had a game on Saturday on it.
  16. I'm supposed to be away for this one, though that may prove weather dependent. As I'll be in the hills and without signal I won't even know the score until I get back sometime on Sunday, so I look forward to checking in here then and discovering we've won 6 nil.
  17. Sparsity of twitter updates is always a good indication it's been a pish game.
  18. Is there not a Cove Rangers thread for all this mind numbing Cove background chat?
  19. I see from the fixtures that we finish the season away at Stenhousemuir, so hopefully we'll have the title wrapped up by the previous week's home game. Takes the pressure off the away game.
  20. We'll stick at least ten goals past these. Ruth hattrick, Orsi double, singles from Durnan, McGuffie, Gray and Carlo and a late brace from Mumbongo.
  21. Weren't we in the Championship for 5 years? Or has drink addled my brain? Anyway, Alloa won the Champions League recently while we were relegated to five a sides. Or something.
  22. Well we got a 3-3 draw with Alloa last Saturday. So there.
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