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Posts posted by Clyde01

  1. A change to 3 14 team divisions would paper over most of the objections to promotion/relegation. Hearts relegation to the Championship is voided if the top two Championship teams are promoted instead...the only complainers then are Dundee and Ayr, and they both knew their promotion chances were small. The middle tier of 14 includes the top six from League One, so no one feels left out there, and only Cove are truly bent about the new lowest 14 grouping, which they should skoosh next year.

    I think you’ll find Clyde, Peterhead & Forfar as well as Cove would be pissed if they pull that stunt.
    You can’t suddenly punt the bottom 4 of league one into the diddy league with no prior warning.
  2. Can think of f**k all worse than this happening. Bad enough having them in the league system already never mind mini versions.

    It’s classic when running this story to throw in a comparison to a Bayern Munich or Real Madrid. Having a b-team is of course the ONLY reason these clubs are so damn successful.

    Rangers and Celtic will be on a par with them in no time once their reserves are playing against our lower league teams.
  3. Well it looks like the reconstruction is back on the agenda again right enough but not the idea of 14 team leagues seems Gordon Smith was the architect on introduce the colts have a league 1 N and S but its being angled it will save clubs travel money i.e. teams from South travelling to Peterhead etc and also apparently its going to give players at the non premiership clubs a better chance of a move to a bigger team "aye right"

    He explained: “The reasons for it are two-fold. You will have teams playing each other who are nearer each other so that means less cost and probably more derby matches as well.

    “But having the reserve teams of the Premiership clubs also invigorates it. That means you get bigger crowds then and you make more money. It would be a big boost for Annan to be playing against a Celtic or a Kilmarnock. Their expenses go down, but their income would increase. You play at their stadiums.

    “There is another aspect to it as well. The smaller clubs’ players would be getting tested against top class opposition - which would mean that more of their players are putting themselves in the shop window to be transferred. Premiership teams would be able to see they could play against their players.

    This is utter bollocks and needs to get in the fucking sea.

    For a start if the premier league sides are reserves then the strength of their side will vary massively throughout the season depending on first team circumstances. How is that fair on the other sides? For instance, Celtic have Edouard and mcgregor coming back from injury and playing against Clyde then the next week have a big European match so the kids play against Dumbarton.

    The crowds argument is utter pish as well. The crowds in challenge cup games have been pitiful and there’s no chance old firm glory hunters are going to want to see their kids getting pumped off Peterhead away.

    If they want kids playing with and against experienced pros then a reserve league is the way to go. Not ruining the competition of the lower leagues.
  4. Found this as one of the proposal for reconstruction basically 2 league 1 split into North and South, we also have the joy of 2 COLT sides joining the leagues worst format yet so you can guarantee the 2 arsecheeks will allow it.

    Any alterations to the existing league set-up would need overwhelming support from member clubs, requiring at least 11 Premiership clubs to back the move along with a majority of clubs down the divisions.
    There will be four tiers in the new structure – Premiership 1, Premiership 2, Championship and the same-level League 1 North and League 1 South. Here’s how reconstruction may look...

    Premiership reshuffle

    Scottish football's top tier will start with 14 teams who play 26 matches i.e. clubs face each other home and away before a mid-season break at the end of January.

    The division then splits into the top eight teams – Premiership 1 – who will play each other home and away resulting in a 40-game season.

    The bottom six teams will then be joined by the top two teams in the Championship to create the Premiership 2. The eight teams will also play a further 14 games to complete a 40-game season for all clubs barring the two promoted Championship teams, who will play 36.

    A league trophy will be presented to the champions.

    Championship structure

    The Championship will have 12 teams in what the SPFL is calling the pre-split phase, who will play each other home and away. After each club has played 22 games, the top two teams are promoted at the split and join the bottom six Premiership clubs to create Premiership 2. 

    The remaining ten Championship clubs play a further two times with the champions winning the league trophy and the tenth-placed team being relegated.

    In terms of play-offs, the Championship winners will play the team finishing second bottom in Premiership 2, while the Championship runners-up will play the team finishing third bottom in Premiership 2. The winning teams from both ties will contest a play-off final. The team finishing second-last in the Championship (ninth) will play-off with the League 1 runner-up.


    League 1 overhaul

    The remaining teams will see significant change in the lower reaches of the SPFL, with two same-step leagues created and named League 1 North and League 1 South.

    It is hoped that by regionalising the divisions, it will reduce travel costs and create more derby matches.

    There are four remaining spaces for clubs in the new League 1 structure. The SPFL has already indicated that one team each will be bumped up from the Highland League and Lowland League, with the remaining two slots going to Premiership “colt” teams, or a second member of the Highland League and Lowland League.

    The teams in both League 1 divisions will play each other four times, resulting in a 36-game season. Play-offs will then be held to decide automatic promotion to the Championship.

    The League 1 North winners will face the League 1 South runners-up, with the League 1 North runners-up facing the League 1 South winners.

    The two winning team will then contest a play-off final, with the winners being automatically promoted and the losing finalists playing the second-bottom Championship team.


    This sounds remarkable similar to the two 12s splitting to three 8s model for the top two tiers that was bombed out a few years ago.

    Any proposal that involves colts sides is still a non-starter for me (and plenty others I’m sure).

    If Clyde are anything other than a 3 men and a dug club, they’d stroll into tier 2 on a regular basis. Try looking beyond one season.


    In a 14 team league you’d need a split so you’d play at a maximum six sides four times in a season. ‘Eureka’.


    You could share a league with someone for three years and only have played them six times, which is how many times we’ve played Peterhead this season alone. Doesn’t that just sound much better?


    So you would play 24 out of 38 league games against the same 6 sides. It’s hardly the breath of fresh air you are selling it as.


    Listen, I don’t think the 14-14-14 model is completely without merit but to go to such a drastic realignment I think you need to give clubs notice and a full season of matches to transition to that structure.

    Who knew that the difference between 6th and 7th in League One would be so massive before a ball was kicked. Dumbarton get to join the second tier and play all the big clubs while its back to Elgin and Annan for us? Hardly fair to pull that out of the blue.

    Also there is no place at the table for lowland/highland league winners.


    What would be much fairer and more interesting is to promote 2 and relegate none for next season taking us to 14-10-10-10 and then looking at how we transition for the following again season to a 14-14-14 from there. That way everyone knows what’s at stake before the season starts.


    ETA: from 14-10-10-10 we could also transition to a 12-12-20 which I think is quite a nice model too but without the headache of relegating clubs out of the league to reduce 44 clubs back down to 42.

  6. Clyde, Peterhead, Forfar and Stranraer would still be in the third tier, where they are now, with a very realistic chance of promotion to the second tier. Surely that’s better than sitting struggling in the third tier, with only a truly exceptional season being likely to take them into tier 2? It’d be easier to stay there if they made it too. Try looking beyond next season.

    Cove would maybe be the sole losers of a 14-14-14, they’d still go up a tier technically but obviously the rest of the league moves with them. But one team out of 42 unhappy would surely go down as a result? No matter what you do, some teams are going to be pissed off. There isn’t a solution that pleases everyone, and there isn’t a solution that you can call ‘right’.

    Our current ten team leagues are shite. We accept them because they’re what we’re used to but it’s turgid playing the same teams at least four times a season, often more, so if we could use this crisis to try something new out I’d be very happy.

    So Clyde will console themselves with still on paper being a third tier side but having swapped games against Raith, Falkirk, Airdrie, potentially Thistle for games against Elgin, Cowdenbeath etc with their 3 men and a dug supporters. Right you are then [emoji23].

    Your last point is also pish as you claim playing 4 times a season is turgid and want to replace it with leagues of 14 where we play (you guessed it) 4 times a season. Eureka!

  7. Was sitting the other day working out some stuff for work and thought I would work out the plan for what to do going forward. 

    Thought about a full change

    14 team leagues x 3

    Then the Highland and lowland.

    Then the Eos, wos, sos etc


    Do a 7 team split half way through season so after 26 games (home and away) so top 7 play each other 2 times and bottom 7 play each other 2 times (home and away). As I noticed Michael Stewart says it's contractual for old firm....


    Top 2 automatically go up a league like English leagues.

    Can do the play offs like we do currently or have a 3rd v 12th in league above play off "final" only.







    So Clyde, Peterhead, Forfar and Stranraer are effectively relegated. Cove win the league for nothing and Brechin survive meaning Kelty and or Brora are denied promotion. What a pile of shite.


    ETA: you would be better promoting the top 2 in each league with no relegation and promote kelty and Brora. Go 14-10-10-10 with the potential to revert back if that was the consensus.


  8. It’s not simple though.

    It’s incredibly difficult to sort out player contracts. It’s not really fair to have different squads to finish the season so do you mandate the players stay on? What if the club doesn’t want to keep them? What if they have a new club or just want to leave?

    Then you’re fucking up next season because it’s a short season so you can’t generate much revenue from your season tickets and you’ve also lost revenue from the cups.

    It’s the type of idea that sounds simple but when you actually think about the practicalities it’s not workable.

    Just don’t open the transfer window until the fixtures for this season are complete. Clubs could give players short term extensions or if players refuse to stay on they wouldn’t be able to sign for another club until the transfer window opens.

  9. So you want to potentially eject Brechin from the league based on a health emergency rather than deservedly/objectively based on results? Doubt that would survive judicial review.

    It’s not just based on a health emergency though, it’s based on them being shite all season, being well behind in last place and having spent most of the season there.

    Realistically Kelty or Brora will batter them in a playoff.
    Saw this about German League online not sure if theirs any truth in it but could it be an option? No relegation and top 2 in each division promoted, with both HL and LL promoting one. Next season whenever that is increased relegation to reset it back to normal, season might even need to be play each other x 3 as I doubt it’ll start on time.
    Prem - No one relegated
    Champ - DUFC/ICTFC promoted
    L1 - RRFC / Falkirk promoted
    L2 - Cove / Edinburgh promoted
    HL / LL Brora / Kelty Promoted
    Only other option is season null and void and everyone stays where they are, I don’t see how you can declare champions in leagues with games to go or relegate teams. IMG_1376.thumb.jpg.2672f498b74c6a91a1b151d9f395bca3.jpg

    Why is it ok to reward teams by promotion based on 3/4 of a season but not relegate bottom teams in similar circumstances. Brechin and Stranraer are both pretty much tied on to finish last in their respective leagues.
  11. Being able to choose or nominate the region you will drop into is a farce. There needs to be a clearly defined border, as is currently the case.

    If Brechin have any ambition to return to League 2 then the Highland League is definitely a much more likely route. You only have to look at Berwick as an example of what could happen in the Lowland League. Plus it’s constantly improving with fresh blood slowly pushing the dross down, which is not the case in the HFL either.

  12. I think there's less chance of us having a catastrophic season like we did in 2008-09. We no longer give the Scottish Cup runners-up a place, and our champions can't just go out after one tie, they'll be in the Conference League at least.
    With 5 teams we might not reach the kind of points we've achieved this season, but so long as we don't have a really bad season then we shouldn't have such a dramatic drop like before.

    Let’s bear in mind though that our third place finisher from last season was dispatched by a part time league of wales side. In fact there are countless examples of our sides being embarrassed by diddies over the last decade.
  13. Perhaps your bunch went into the match expecting a win and that's why they put in such a dire display?

    Given our record all season against teams around us in the league that would be very surprising. If any of our players had that attitude I would hope Lennon or Moore would apply a swift boot up the arse.
  14. We won’t be in any dogfight, on recent evidence we are in free fall of Barry Ferguson proportions, can we arrest it?
    I don’t think so, not with that team of inconsistent chancers.

    To be fair Stranraer, Forfar, Peterhead and even Dumbarton have all been in pretty rank form. None of them seem capable of picking up many points either (except when playing us which is the main worry).
  15. Has there been a game this season that we've been favourites for in which we haven't turned in a largely shite performance? It seems like we only ever perform well in games where we're expected to do naff all. The buck has to stop with Lennon on this - this squad and his overall recruitment record simply isn't good enough, before you even begin to look at his selections and tactics. God help us next season, too, if we stay up with a number of these frauds on two-year deals.

    Amazed the bookies had us as favourites for that tonight. Dumbarton were 2/1 to win, like printing money.
  16. All I know is at least 1 other club offered him a deal which would have made him their highest paid player (by a margin), but although they could meet the £1000/week they couldn't offer a length of term deal that could meet his demands.  I have it on good authority Mr Goodwillie's terms were £1000/week and a 2.5 year deal.

    So he said it would an offer of a grand a week to sign for Raith then. He was happy to stay at Clyde for less.
  17. Another thick moron who lazily and stupidly equates Irish rebel songs with glorifying the Provisional IRA.

    Why the f**k would you want to sing Irish rebel songs at a Scottish football match in the year 2020 you troglodyte c**t.

    Anyway this is boring now so away back to arguing with fans of the other arse cheek.

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