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Everything posted by btb

  1. Yeah tend to think that's incompetence like Cable & Farron last night, perhaps a sharper opposition could have 1-1 of the close votes. Apologies to the two SNP MPs who were at funerals.
  2. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/ng-interactive/2018/jul/17/did-your-mp-back-the-customs-union-amendment-new-clause-18
  3. If you're a Labour MP why would you forego a chance to bring down this Govt. (incompetent & rabidly right wing) by voting for a Bill that everyone knows is just fantasy politics. Surely a tactical vote on the issue to force a Vote of Confidence and possibly a GE?
  4. Miller scored 3 league goals in 18 appearances last season and 5 in 23 overall. A year older and with a smaller club I'd be surprised if he hit double figures.
  5. Reilly was very much only a possible in terms of being able to cut it in the top flight. I'm just surprised although I probably shouldn't be about his reputation falling amongst Saints fans over the last few days (especially on BAWA ) but with the LC barely three weeks away there's a lot of work still to do.
  6. What's happened to all the ITK guys - I presume they've not established any sources within the new setup yet. I WANT A RUMOUR!
  7. Erm, so the Dunfermline posters were correct about Gavin Reilly all along...………… Certainly seems to have deteriorated as a player in the last month. If Stubbsy is able to recruit two better forwards than Reilly on our budget first go I'll be impressed.
  8. Erm, apparently you guys were correct about Gavin Reilly all along…………
  9. Apparently Somerset Capital Management (co-owned by Jacob Rees-Mogg) has opened a subsidiary in Dublin from where they plan to trade post-Brexit if no suitable agreement is reached. They're no fools!
  10. Seems like May’s Tuesday night deal with her backbenchers is falling apart already - less than 48hrs! https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/jun/14/tory-rebellion-back-on-after-mps-reject-mays-brexit-amendment
  11. The "certainties of 2014" no longer exist. We have IMO the least competent Govt/PM in my lifetime at Westminster, it’s a leap in the dark either way - if NS cant convince the Scottish electorate that she’s more competent than May and we’re better off going it alone then so be it. If she doesn't have the cojones to go for it then hell mend her.
  12. Outed - the shame! *********************** Boiled beef and carrots, Boiled beef and carrots etc...………...
  13. Teriffic game - 371/5 batting. Sorta knew it would still be tight and in the end we would have to bowl England out to win - and we did! *************** Ray Illingworth, Tony Greig, Geoff Boycott, W.G. Grace, Ian Botham, Douglas Jardine, "Scotch" Mike Denness, Joe Root - your boys took a helluva beating!
  14. Another wicket 245/4! If we can Hales out it could get interesting! *********** Just got interesting!
  15. She is uncomfortable with anything other than soft questions from Tory supporters at party events. Only the "Foodbank Nurse" OG by the SNP saved her embarrassing performance from being the main story at the pre-election TV debate.
  16. Obviously this seasons gonna be a white knuckle ride (especially given the managerial situation) but we managed 8 seasons last time before we picked Tommy Craig - I'd say all the Bottom 6 teams are only a coupla bad decisions away from relegation.
  17. Sent off against us in the CC Semi-Final last season for a late, late tackle - looked slow all match perhaps a legacy from one of his injuries.
  18. Any experienced manager available to us is going to have a bit of baggage. I tend to prefer up&comers for the Saints job but Steve Aitken (whom I wanted ahead of AR & JR) didn't have a good season & it's a bit soon for JG. My preference remains Hopkin. *********************** Disappointed if reports we're going to wait "another week just to get all the CV's in and then we will start to go through them" are true - I'd hoped and expected that given the circumstances GLS would have been up to a little skillduggery himself, have a short list already and be set to make a decision by the end of the week.
  19. Would love it - arguably as good a managerial performance as JRs last season.
  20. I think it's naïve to assume there's no contact to see if a deal is likely before official contact is made. Still time to put in a sneaky eleventh hour bid for David "Hoppy" Hopkin! Where's the beef?
  21. Cult hero (and personal fave) Adam Hansen is en route to completing his 20th consecutive Grand Tour, currently 56th. His best ever is 53rd - Come on Eileen Adam!
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