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Everything posted by btb

  1. Overall I'm happy to see us lose out on the Miller deal but I'm a bit concerned that we seem to have put so much effort into signing him. Just under 72 hours until the window closes and there's a lot of work to be done before then as we don't want to be chasing free agents next week.
  2. Ross started the cull at the end of last season, since then the problems we've suffered are as follows The bulk of the players JR was going to bring in got cold feet when his future became uncertain. TF/GLS took too long to appoint a replacement and didn't seem to want to chase any of the players JR had identified as targets. So far Stubbsy's recruitment has been "meh" in the extreme. We don't have the calibre of player to play expansive football in this division - we have to adapt our tactics (shitfest) or get relegated. Individually withdrawing the contract offer to Reilly and all of the players released or told they can leave can be justified (Cammy Smith might be the exception) but collectively it's added to the disruption within the squad and as I said none of the incomers seem to be upgrades. Crucial week coming up - if GLS doesn't free up some of the McGinn money then Stubbsy is a lame duck and heading towards being a dead one!
  3. Paul McGinn’s been decent so far - RB is not a priority position atm.
  4. Interesting Italian band who have played at The Ferry a coupla times in recent years - mixture of original material plus Genesis covers. http://www.thewatchmusic.net/
  5. Further evidence that we're all of secondary importance when it comes to sustaining LondonLand. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2018/jul/29/most-capital-cities-are-well-off-but-london-is-like-another-country
  6. Not just the owner of a damned fine beard! https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/jul/29/oh-for-the-days-when-it-was-always-brussels-fault-brexit-jeremy-hunt
  7. Well the EU couldn't demand a second referendum - it's the one thing that would guarantee a second Leave vote but to repeat myself it would leave (sic) them in a position to write the terms of any new deal (as if they weren't already) - the UK's position would be perfectly clear.
  8. It's no problem to ask for, the period as already been agreed as a transitional period, and we're continually being told the r27 are sticking together, I'd be surprised if Gibraltar suddenly becomes a "make or break" issue but like I said were going to be in a "bend over and take it position" and it'd be the ultimate slap in the face for the gammons if the UK has to cede sovereignty as a result of the EU referendum. I accept it's ambiguous and by no means certain that they'll comply but I think Spain will be "expected" to give way this time. *********************** Whatever happens the UK will be in a worse position than prior to June 2016.
  9. It’s clear the UK is not going to be ready to leave the EU on the official Brexit Day March 29 next year, (8 months away exactly) I reckon we’ll ask for an extension to Dec 2020 (the end of the current EU Budget) which will be granted as it will leave us in a "bend over and take it" position. May will be finished (surely?) and the Tories will be struggling to avoid an immediate election but I reckon would/will have to call one sometime in between the two dates (May 2020?).
  10. She made my Little-Pengelly stir.
  11. Saddened to see there were no photographs of the Lovely Ladies of the DUP this year! I will rectify this by posting one of Diane Forsythe…………………
  12. It's all beginning to unravel...…………. Twitter Ads info and privacy Twitter Ads info and privacy
  13. New explanation for the pairing, erm, situation...………………...
  14. This explanation is odd because Jo Swinson, the Lib Dem MP, needs a pair because she has just had a baby and is on maternity leave. It is not as if she was planning to vote in some divisions, but not others. And Lewis did not not take part in most of the divisions on Tuesday night (honouring the pairing arrangement). But he did take part in the two closest ones (one of which the government won, and one of which it lost.)
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