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Everything posted by btb

  1. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2019/jan/12/neil-warnock-cardiff-city-brexit-leave
  2. Any comments? https://www.eveningtelegraph.co.uk/fp/exclusive-dundee-fcs-american-owners-seek-full-control-of-club-stopping-fans-blocking-any-merger-with-dundee-united/
  3. Hodson has played 18 games for us since arriving, every game he was eligible to play by my reckoning - my flabber will be gasted if he leaves.
  4. He is on the right wing of the Democratic Party so stands a reasonable chance.
  5. Another name off my Championship Winners Mug, if you look closely you can just see the ane!
  6. That story was doing the rounds in the summer after the pair were signed, it's hard to believe Stubbs would mess up his main gig for a bonus from V9, still as a wise man said "it's a funny old game".
  7. It was a bit of a surprise when May backed REMAIN as she had been considered to be on the LEAVE side and was even considered as a possible leader of the LEAVE campaign, She was pretty low profile during the campaign itself making only one speech IIRC - clearly positioning herself for a potential leadership challenge in the aftermath every bit as much as BoJo. Well she got what she wanted although she may (sic) wish that she hadn't now! https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/nov/01/theresa-may-leadership-eu-out-campaign
  8. Putin says holding second referendum on Brexit would be undemocratic 
  9. ...............and in the other blue corner previous runner-up - Angela Leadsom!
  10. As I said a week ago............. ...............having said that it looked to me like JC did indeed say "stupid woman". ******************** Ooops, there goes my future career as a professional lip-reader! https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/dec/16/a-shout-out-to-lip-readers-unsung-heroes-of-the-week
  11. I understand Corbyn's dilemna (sp?) he doesn't want to call a full VoNC while the DUP are still awaiting TMs fantasy concessions on "The Backstop" but I think he'd have been better to have one and call out the DUP on the likelihood of these concessions actually happening - If the concessions don't occur (and they won't) Corbyn loses nothing and can call for another VoNC saying "told you so".
  12. Did anyone else see Andrew Neil teasing Liam Fox about the ease of sorting out a Trade Deal with the EU. Fair play to Fox though he replied that the Trade Deal would still be easy even if the withdrawal had been difficult (Oooh err, missus) - and he managed to keep a straight face.
  13. May has told the 22 she won’t lead the party into the next election. Ministers crying in the room
  14. PMQs has always been a matter of both sides talking at tangents, with the PM having an inbuilt advantage by finishing each exchange with an irrelevant answer. The exception to this is government backbenchers lobbing soft balls to the PM for s/he to smash. In it's current format it's pretty much a waste of time - so why am I watching it?
  15. May at PMQs getting loud support from her "loyal backbenchers". Quite clearly Monday's cancellation was part of a strategy to force a party VoC followed by delaying the vote on her Brexit deal till Jan 21 (unless it can be further delayed) with the ultimate aim of bumping the deal through in a climate of fear of a "No Deal" exit.
  16. VoC - almost certainly what May wanted. On public declarations she'll romp it, but it's a secret ballot!
  17. Apparently they don't want us...................... https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/dec/07/norwegian-politicians-reject-uks-norway-plus-brexit-plan
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