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Everything posted by btb

  1. So May is not going to accept "indicative votes" - is it possible for the opposition to propose a "meaningful vote", if not then surely there's got to be another VoNC?
  2. Blackford needs to be more focussed with his contributions - especially as he's usually given second shot at asking questions.
  3. In the end I suppose it was the likeliest outcome even considering May's deal is likely the best the DUP are going to get from their POV. Shows the folly of dealing with a party who want to believe it's still the 17th century!
  4. With the exception of Lidington all LEAVERs - one last push to get May's Deal through although that would involve getting the DUP to accept it's the best deal (from their (POV) they're likely to get - unfortunately they do like to say NO!
  5. Will the DUP/ERG go for the May deal as the best (from their POV) they're likely to get, if so will that be enough votes to pass in the HoC, if not will the opposition be able to unite and force a GE or second Brexit Referendum, might May even resign? I haven't the foggiest!
  6. A bit overtaken by events but what amazed me is that it was only 6 minutes after it was announced that May was asking for a three month delay that Andrea Leadsom was briefing against it saying we couldn't go beyond May 23, the EU elections - 6 fucking minutes!
  7. Quite a few folk suggesting the EU would insist on a second referendum as the price for extending A50 - this would be an absolute gift for Leave!
  8. Yeah, maybe she's a bit smarter than we gave her credit for, still she couldn't even have got within a sniff of winning MV3 if it wasn't for JCs, erm, opposition, Dread to think of the headlines in the Express, Mail, Telegraph etc if she gets her deal through - think I'll take to bed for a long, long time.
  9. I'm not predicting blood on the streets, absolutely not, but refusing a second Independence Referendum will harden attitudes and in the long run only strengthen the argument for Scotland leaving the UK. I'm one of those Nats of the opinion that Brexit is a significant change to the security that "Better Together" promised us in 2014 and despite the wilful misinterpretation of Alex Salmond "once in a generation" comments we're entitled to another IndyRef if that's what the Scottish Parliament wants. If the Yoons were confident they would win there wouldn't be any fuss!
  10. Karen Bradley SoS for NI re-enters the Dumbest Cabinet Minister 2019 contest. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-47471469
  11. A few more twists to come yet, but please forgive me if I don't wish you "all the best".
  12. For as long I can remember the Labour Party (the leadership anyway) has leaned towards the Israeli side of the conflict and views like and Williamson's (& Corbyn's) were by and large tolerated however now there is a Labour leader who leans towards the Palestinian view of the conflict IMO it has transformed into a witchhunt of people who hold these views, and at who's behest - the Tory Party, Daily Mail & pro-Israeli tweeters.
  13. Even Ruth Davidson says so......... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-41454566
  14. Soft left, probably closest to the TIGgers presently and in the immediate future. Today's puff-piece on Chuka where he implies he was only comfortable with Labour during it's Blairite period is telling. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/mar/01/chuka-umunna-i-never-felt-totally-comfortable-in-the-labour-party
  15. I presumed it would be May's deal or back to the drawing board/chaos giving Labour a chance to press for a second election.
  16. The amount of "just in case" money we've wasted on Brexit is erm, unbelievabe, well if only it was, although no doubt Grayling will survive even this! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-47414699
  17. Could Labour muster enough votes at Westminster to get a second referendum - a straight Yes/No on May's deal? Would people be tempted to vote yes just to get the business finished? https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/feb/28/labour-moving-towards-plan-to-let-mays-brexit-deal-pass-if-it-faces-public-vote
  18. Another Tory minister resigns, one George Eustice who stood as a candidate for UKIP in the '99 Euro Elections (!) due to May possibly reconsidering an extension to A50.
  19. Let me get this clear - if an MP wishes to avoid "a No Deal Brexit" they should vote for May's deal.
  20. I see after being pulled in by party apparatchiks Williamson has issued an apology.... The glee amongst Tories & their friends in the meejah is probably the most depressing part of the story.
  21. Indeed I see no benefit for the EU in extending A50 if it just leads to TM racking up the air miles or has that been her real plan all along?
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