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Everything posted by btb

  1. I've explained it numerous times, it's because he didn't provide the continuity that was described as his function by GLS when he was appointed - there's no need for translation just a basic grasp of English comprehension. Looking forward to your reply.....
  2. Here's what they said back in the goode olde days (earlier this year)... https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/aug/29/mad-suggestion-how-tory-ministers-once-viewed-call-to-prorogue-parliament
  3. It was always going to come to this once BJ became PM by uniting the "Little England" & "Britannia Unchained" subsets of the Tory party. No-Deal Brexit, revoking A50, NI & Scotland leaving the union - my bet is Boris is more focussed on his post-PM book deals than any of the issues mentioned.
  4. I'm sure Ruth will be working hard behind closed doors standing up to BJ and generally acting in Scotland's best interests....
  5. Read what GLS said in the article - his words not mine! If you do so carefully there will be no need to post any more jeremiads on this topic!
  6. Nope, the remit was described on the BBC website that I have referred to, frequently. All managers come into a rump of existing players, GMs role was to provide continuity in recruitment in the event of this summer's managerial change - IMO he failed.
  7. Not like you to exaggerate C'apn... I maintain my opinion that JGs arrival resulted in a change in signing policy and that there was no masterplan...
  8. After the Stubbs debacle OK was appointed manager and MacPherson as Technical Director because in the Chairman's word "we have learned lessons" and GM would provide a "constant presence" - it didn't work after OK left, signings stalled, and the better quality players arriving on longer contracts didn't happen till 5 weeks after Goodwin was appointed - and as I see it changed policy. I'm as happy as any Saints fan with the signings in the last month but GM didn't provide the continuity he was appointed to do and rewriting recent events as being part of the masterplan is ridiculous.
  9. That's official Tory policy now... Jack, a staunch Brexiteer, accused Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP of inventing grievances; using “the Westminster system” as an insult coded to attack the UK as a whole; and inventing a “fiction” that devolution no longer works. He said many fiercely proud Scots were comfortable being Scottish and British. Acknowledging the Brexit crisis was putting the union under strain, he blamed Sturgeon using “anger, bitterness and resentment” over Brexit to promote independence. Ian Blackford, the SNP’s Westminster leader, called on Jack to withdraw the piece on Twitter.
  10. The first team squad on the OS is 21 strong but that includes Kellerman, an emergencies only pick and Erhahon & MacPherson who I would class as still being in the development stage. That leaves 18 players I wouldn't worry about seeing in the starting line-up so an extra 2 quality signings would take us to a core squad of 20 which I reckon most folk would say is the absolute minimum, but the new manager has made a decision to chose quality over quantity. Like the majority of Saints fans I'd go for a versatile defender (Naismith would be ideal) and another striker.
  11. As ever it takes a football manager to get to the heart of the matter - time to take back control... https://www.theguardian.com/football/2019/aug/21/eu-to-blame-football-new-handball-rule-ian-holloway
  12. Farage seems to be drawing a little flak from his "Closed Doors" speech Down Under where he said he preferred "Fancy Dress Nazi" Harry to the new snowfake "2 kids only" one with some jibes about our future King Charlie Boy (his words) and even a little joke about the late Queen Mum . It seems a bit of a misjudgement as I reckon most of his supporters will be keen supporters of the royal family - perhaps he was trying to stay to the right of Boris and has fallen of the edge.
  13. By then Obika was isolated and tired - my only criticism of JGs tactics yesterday was that he waited 10-15 mins too long before replacing Obika with Mullen. That 3rdPlaceSkunk must be strong stuff man....
  14. Ah, Cap'n, always grabbing the wrong end of the stick. To me it looks more like our new manager changing policy, signing better players on longer contracts, clearly GM is closer to the bottom of the ladder let's just be happy he has found his niche as a good scout. ****************** PS -There were promising signs of us looking to play the long ball game yesterday although Obika was left isolated in the second half.
  15. Massive bonus that after a summer of turmoil we seem to have emerged with a team able & willing to compete in the top flight - it was February last season before I felt this way about the squad.
  16. Not entirely sure if this is on topic but one of the smaller gripes I have with the monarchy is that they're not as taciturn as they claim to be - news items often contain short comments about what the queen is "understood to think on the issue" - I suspect ole talks to plants will be worse!
  17. Jeffrey Epstein ex-friend of the Don found dead in prison - let the conspiracy theories begin...... https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/aug/10/jeffrey-epstein-dead-prison-report-latest
  18. Apparently Fluffy Mundell is leaving the dark side - can't read the full article as I'm too mean to pay for The Herald's subscription...
  19. If BJ lasts beyond Halloween Ruth is obviously toast, however that is far from guaranteed and she might find herself back in favour with the Tory Leadership again. I suspect her reputation with "ordinary" Tory members down south will have taken a bit of a beating.
  20. Killie only survived their first season up becaue they beat a 2nd string Rangers team who had just clinched the league in their previous match, throw in the overspending that took them to £12M in debt - they've ridden their luck over the years.
  21. Some old comments from Leave maestro and BJs current backroom boy Dominic Cummings confirming what we always knew https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/jul/30/dominic-cummings-tories-do-not-care-about-poor-people-or-the-nhs
  22. I'm starting to think it's win-win for Boris. If it all goes pear shaped he can resign, blame everyone else and go back to after dinner speaking/journalism but with his rates bumped up for being an ex-PM and if by some miracle he gets a slightly better offer from the EU he will be SuperBoris and swan around as PM for a few years before he gets his snout seriously into the trough.
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