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Everything posted by btb

  1. I'm a bit sceptical of the "not interested in the royal family or aware of the colour issue" claims of posters jumping into defend Baker on the issue. He released the tweet after the official photo was released so his version of events seems unconvincing to me. It's not the first time Baker's been fired by the Beeb, it's not even a hard news issue it's a "light entertainer" misjudging the public mood. Probably forgot Loaded's heyday was 20 years ago it's a career risk and he'll no doubt resurrect it elsewhere.
  2. July 2nd is the new deadline date, to remove the need for British MEPs to take up their seats but I doubt that'll mean Nigel will be needing to apply for Universal Basic Income. The Euro Elections this month must be his wet dream!
  3. Like you the thought appealed to me, but apparently not...
  4. She's always been brittle when faced with proper questioning - anyone who get's behind her "SNP bad" routine!
  5. Struggling to remember her saying anything about regarding policy, although you'd have to admit she's highly proficient at delivering a sarky soundbite. Had recent puff pieces in The Telegraph & The Times which really says all you need to know about her, shameless careerist although she's not alone in that , also read she's not quite as working class as she sometimes makes out.
  6. Back to life @ Thursday's elections don't seem to have changed much both May & Corbyn have basically reacted by saying "People want a deal done - my deal". The clock is ticking on May's leadership but I also think it's ticking for Corbyn now - Jess Phillips anyone? It was a good night for the LibDem's & the Greens but I reckon UKIP will have a better night on the 23rd if the Euros go ahead - I know it's a waste of time but please, please, please M&C get something sorted!
  7. Why not - Theresa May was regarded as a Eurosceptic prior to the referendum and at one point touted to lead the LEAVE campaign by Nigel Farage! https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/nov/01/theresa-may-leadership-eu-out-campaign
  8. Queen's speech to be delayed as TM can't be sure of winning the vote on a new one!
  9. Kez quitting - she'd not have been on the Labour List at the next Holyrood elections so it's more a matter of getting off a stop early. Real chance for Kez to slip the knife into ScotLab which would go down well domestically! ********************* On a more serious note I've always felt that Labour voters of Kez's generation & younger are softer in their opposition to Independence than Tories and older Labour voters.
  10. Saints are in the same position, plenty of those who signed up to the SMiSA deal no longer live close enough to Paisley to attend regularly but the numbers from ourselves and as has been shown elsewhere for Motherwell (1000) & Hearts (8000) show a relationship between attendance & numbers willing to participate in a fan buyout (I accept it won't be the only factor) so that suggests to me that for Morton the envisaged 1500 subscribers at the basic rate is ambitious. FWIW I hope it works out for Morton too.
  11. OK but £400k for 15% still seems like GC are looking for the bulk of their money back and McLennan states that he's looking for 1500 monthly subscribers which seems ambitious given attendance data. His words not mine.
  12. £400k for 15% - looks like GC really are writing off the debt! £10p.m. over 2 years - that'd be 1667 fans which would be greater than their average home support this season. SMiSA got 1300ish which is probably just under half of what our home support was in the Championship the season SMiSA bought the club - 2015/16 Avg. Home Attendence 3549. OK I know I was comparing apples & oranges above but with with an average total attendance of 1925 this season you'd imagine the maximum signup would be 750ish if there was a similar proportion taking up the offer - half of the 1500 the organiser reckons would be achievable/needed. http://www.fitbastats.com/morton/club_records_league_attendance.php
  13. Hodson too I believe although Tansey is out for the rest of the season. The Duck is suspended for the Livi game but all things considered we're in a good state regarding player availabilty!
  14. Barnier getting tough! These are the three issues covered by the withdrawal agreement. So, in other words, Barnier is saying that even if the UK were to leave without signing the withdrawal agreement, it would have to do so in future if it ever wanted a trade deal with the EU.
  15. This is what Brexit has brought us to - being patronised by countries like Afghanistan, Venezuela and although they're not in the article below Iran! https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/apr/06/a-shambles-on-which-the-sun-never-sets-how-the-world-sees-brexit
  16. Amélie de Montchalin - WID! On a serious note it sounds like r27 are now totally pissed off with us!
  17. NS on her meeting with TM yesterday, doesn't sound as if the PM is for compromising - it's still her deal or no deal!
  18. When is the Kez vs Wings result due?
  19. If the SNP didn't gain seats in that situation then the probability of the nation voting for independence would not "be certain" which IIRC was one of NSs conditions for Indy Ref2.
  20. While @Highlandmagyar 2nd Tier automatically loses the argument by referring to Hitler I reckon Corbyn is no longer the "shiny new penny" he was in 2017 and Labour's ambiguous policy on Brexit which would the main (only?) issue in a snap election would cost votes/seats as GD has outlined above.
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