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Everything posted by btb

  1. Absolutely hilarious to see a government "spokesman" saying it would "go against the convention that changes to the franchise are done over time and via consultation." Go against the convention - LMFAO.
  2. Wonder how much he'll spill... https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2019/oct/29/former-team-sky-doctor-richard-freeman-to-admit-he-told-a-lot-of-lies
  3. "And I'll tell you, honestly, I will love it if we beat them. Love it.
  4. As the man said "Scotland is lucky to have her" so will all you whingers just STFU!
  5. Watershed election, easily the most crucial since '79. A Johnson lead govt. with a Cabinet filled with Britannia Unchained neoliberals will be the death of the Welfare State and many of the less fortunate members of our society and there's no shying away from this. Live in Ayr, will be voting SNP and hopefully we can reverse the tactical vote of 2017 which saw us return a Conservative MP.
  6. Wonder if the literature had Ruth Davidson's name scored out...
  7. Trying to take all the credit for yourself Jo - naughty, naughty!
  8. Who knows -my opinion (and I've been wrong before) is that the EU would like to bump us (Westminster) into accepting the current WA and get a firm leaving date set. Details like whether we can negotiate staying in the Customs Union can then be agreed in the interim period with whatever govt. emerges after a GE - one less bridge to cross from the EUs POV. If a majority govt. emerges from said GE then the EU would hope/expect it do be able to pass whatever Trade Deal is agreed through Parliament.
  9. I see the EU are running out of patience with us, realising there's no point in agreeing deals with the UK govt. if said deal can't be passed at Westminster. Starting to feel like the beginning of the End Game....
  10. Um, I might have missed something along the way but what are Ruthie's credentials on climate change?
  11. It was an amendment to the Bill that was passed on Saturday, subsequently BJs letter has gone to the EU requesting an extension to the leaving date and various Conservative MPs have indicated their intention to vote for the Bill itself now - but circumstances have clearly changed, Like I said I'm not shedding any tears over the decision and I applaud your indignation towards BJ & JRM at the top of the page, it's all a bit academic anyhow as it's going to be rolled into the Bill the government put forward tomorrow.
  12. I'm not shedding any tears but with "The Letter" (all 3 of them ) and various Tory "rebels" indicating their intention to vote with the government on the Bill now I'd say the circumstances had changed. Anyway, the clock is ticking...
  13. It is staggering how many Tory MPs voted yesterday for what is in their own words a bad deal. Now three of the Tory rebels (Boles, Gauke & Letwin) have publicly declared they are prepared to vote for this deal - unless I've missed some that's only 6 more required for Johnson to have a majority. BJ might very well be able to get his deal through Parliament unless it can be derailed at the Committee stage. I wonder how both sides would react this week if a VoNC was called... EDIIT - 5 more as I see Amber Rudd says she'll support the Bill now...
  14. The booing of Scotland came from a diving incident in a previous game - sure there was a segment of the crowd that responded with racial abuse but unfortunately we've all got those in our support. I was also at the Feyenoord game where Gullitt scored the only goal amidst claims he'd fouled our defender - I don't think he did, he was just a strong, physical player but again there's no denying there was a segment of the crowd who abused him racially after this. I was surprised to hear him claim later that this was the worst racism he encountered in his career after all he played in Italy including Milan & for Chelsea - perhaps we were just a bit closer to him than he was used to at Love Street. It was unacceptable in 1980 & in 2005 and if something happens tomorrow I would expect the vast majority of our support would say it was unacceptable but I hope you enjoy the view from the moral highground - there's normally only one route from there.
  15. Re the post above about demographics in NI, if the trend between 2001 & 2011 (6% swing to Nationalists & a 3% difference) then there will already be a Nationalist majority - 15 to 20 years that majority will have reached voting age.
  16. hates Arlene - it's just my little addition to Stewart Lee's joke.
  17. GIRFUY Mr. Boris Piccaninny Watermelon Letterbox Cake Bumboys Vampires Haircut Wall-Spaffer Spunk-Burster f**k-Business f**k-The-Families Get-Off-My-Fucking-Laptop Girly-Swot Big-Girl’s-Blouse Chicken-frit Hulk-Smash Turds Hates-Arlene Johnson
  18. I see Nigel Dodds the deputy leader of the DUP is being reported in the media as saying the deal "cannot work because Northern Ireland has to remain fully part of the UK customs union"
  19. Latest leak from "the tunnel"... The UK leaves the Customs Union however the EU Tariff regime will continue to be applied to NI - reminds me of the old Sellafield joke where radiation emissions were to be renamed magic moonbeams. Unlikely to get through Parliament but I guess the plan will be to go for a GE blaming "the liberal elite" then full steam ahead for BJ & his neo-liberal cronies to get back to dismantling the Welfare State.
  20. The "gammon" leaning Daily Express is outraged...
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