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Everything posted by btb

  1. There really is only one honourable option - refuse the title and set the X-in-a-row counter back to zero.
  2. I think the social distancing aspect would be more of a problem for the crowd than players, the crowd (and I'm thinking about Saints) will be sitting in close proximity for 90 minutes (more realistically 110), and what happens when someone has to get up for a pee during play, the half-time melee at the toilets (sorry to pursue this theme) or when we score maybe not too big a problem for St. Mirren-0. I can't see crowds being allowed back before a successful vaccine program has been completed - I'm thinking next season's a gonner & it'll be 21/22 before we can restart.
  3. I would certainly hope my club would vote against a "temporary" reconstruction as I remember who were the ultimate losers the last time a temporary increase in the top flight was introduced to save an Embra team.
  4. Well I hope our BoD remember who lost out the last time we reconstructed the leagues to save an Embra team - if we're going to enlarge the top flight it has to be permanent or it's no good to us.
  5. No, if Dundee change then the Championship would have the required 8 Yes votes - it'd would take one of the other 7 Yes clubs to change their vote.
  6. If the Record article is accurate then Dundee have got a loss less than I expected - I reckoned that "after careful consideration" a bung additional payout for teams currently in the promotion play-off spots would be deemed "the fairest option"..
  7. As always summer football is an interesting topic - there are probably logical arguments for & against but my (substantial) gut feeling is no & my worry would be it'd be hard to change back.
  8. A bit pedantic but 1-0 would've done - level on GD but they'd have been above us on goals scored!
  9. The simple solution is to N&V the season - the gap would automatically set the X-IN-A-ROW counter back to Zero. Maybe I'll go on there & post this...
  10. Well you've changed your tune from Top flight clubs aren't going to vote to expand the top flight, not in a season when they've all been promised record amounts of cash. **************************** As I said earlier I reckon it's more likely that we'll see some extra money being found for clubs currently in play-off positions.
  11. It's pretty much what happened after the league was temporarily expanded to save Hibs back in the day...
  12. From their perspective makes sense to me - more to gain from an expansion of top division.
  13. 3 minutes to go - are the SPFL going to declare this evening? Like I've said previously with nothing settled 3 divisions of 14 would be fairer but relegating Hearts would be funnier!
  14. I reckon three divisions of 14 would be the fairest outcome for next season but Hearts getting relegated....
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