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Everything posted by btb

  1. So it comes down to TM finessing her Cabinet Ministers on both sides of the argument - it feels like a game of Kerplunk with TM one stick away from a massive cascade!
  2. More bad news for Liam "easiest deal in the world" Fox and the rest of us...……………. Russia seeks to capitalise on Brexit after blocking Liam Fox's WTO plan https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/oct/26/russia-brexit-liam-fox-wto-plan-uk
  3. Highly rated - aren't they all? Record fee post-Bosman & a 3 year deal - I reckon otherwise!
  4. Se wasn't always- here's a headline from The Independent in Nov 2015! It was a bit of a surprise when she chose to support Remain, she made one speech only during the campaign, keeping a low profile - after Cameron resigned she was seen as someone who could bring the two wings of the Conservative Party together. Just as cynical as BoJo - bet she wishes she hadn't bothered now!
  5. Roger Daltrey: Brexit won't harm touring bands Legendary frontman of The Who, Roger Daltrey, has said that touring bands will cope after Brexit, and any problem is “nothing that can’t be solved”. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-politics-45890756/roger-daltrey-brexit-won-t-harm-touring-bands
  6. Pure fantasy that has absolutely no relevance to my point about the "good cop, bad cop" nature of the No campaign in the IndyRef.
  7. Yeah we love you Scotland but if you decide to leave we're going to screw you over - that's abuse!
  8. Meanwhile back on-topic does anyone support Mays current position? I had one ear on most of the Q&A session yesterday and reckon not.
  9. Could be fun! Turning the paranoia dial up to 11?
  10. Are they threatening to give the £1billion back as well?
  11. Anyone else see the latest step in her , erm, "non-bid" to become Tory Party leader?
  12. My thoughts on the current subject I'm with Dugdale on this issue (possibly a first!), WoS went over the line. As the accusation was printed in The Record why weren't they paying from the start? Surely Murray's OTT remarks confirm the Branch Office theory, he should've thought a bit harder before making that statement.
  13. We wont but we I expect us to do better than 2017.
  14. It doesn't mean they shouldn't be trying to force one.
  15. They probably formed their opinions during our first EU (Common Market) referendum in 1975 when it was regarded by the left, with justification, as a pro-business organization.
  16. This is not meant to be a personal criticism but there is no better deal.
  17. Much of this is true but the half-hearted nature of Corbyn's opposition to Brexit is the main reason for Mays government being able to survive so long when it's completely split on it's one real policy. I kinda suspect Corbyn would have liked to line up alongside Field & Hoey back in July but as Leader of the Opposition he's got one job - bringing the government. down. Even Dennis Skinner saw the prize was in forcing a No Confidence vote.
  18. I disagree, it would be a face saving way to change policy and allow them to refute claims of opportunism. Assuming Labour could get the bulk of their MPs aside from the obvious dissenters like Field & Hoey to back the switch it would probably have majority support at Westminster and create even more problems for TM & the Tory party . It's the smart move!
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