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Everything posted by btb

  1. Without his gang behind him disrupting the agenda Johnson's completely exposed. Perhaps the Speaker in the HoC should take note - PMQs exposed as worthless!
  2. Key comment is "If I should've known, Rishi should've known" he's hoping the Tories on the committee will want to avoid proceedings spreading to the current PM.
  3. If the "I'm stupid, I am" defence that BJ has been reduced to was believed then his worth as an after dinner speaker would be negligible, everyone knows that he knew all along but will Tory MPs admit to it cos that would mean that they knew it was a lie all along too - probably not.
  4. Mainly financial - £200k between 6th & 7th plus bigger crowds post split. It'd also get a monkey of our backs from (mainly) Well/Fakes fans.
  5. In terms of the OF getting into a hypothetical Euro League (my original point) mediocrity isn't the point, they could be playing to their potential and still be losing more games than they win - how many of their fans would stick with them in those circumstances.? When was the last time either of them had even 1 losing season, never mind 3/4 in a row?
  6. Nope I'm saying nobody outside of the OF wants anything to do with you. Basically this thread comes down who is the dog and who is the tail - with Scottish Football League having 130 years of history and 40 other teams covering the bulk of the country I say in ain't you.
  7. We don't want you, they don't want you. Why don't you just quit football and go and eat worms.
  8. That's not the same as mediocrity in division two/three of a pan-European league - this time it's you shifting the goalposts.
  9. I would say there were special circumstances for Rangers in 2012 and that there would not be the same sense of defiance if you decamped to become European mediocrity.
  10. I would love to see the OF move to the second/third tier of a pan-European set up and not be guaranteed their regular feed of trophies - see how many of their patronizing fans would still be supporting them after 10 years.
  11. After the death of Wooly Muller the last man to captain a non-OF team to the league title all Scottish football grounds will be bombed into oblivion.
  12. Part of the deal was that this reciprocal agreement was kept secret at the time.
  13. From Sellick in the early 90s through to Hertz post-Vlad I've wanted every club in financial trouble to go out of business. Take away the two mentioned and the "dead team" and we'd currently be in third place just three points off league leaders Hibs!
  14. If this game doesn't go ahead then in the words of their ex-Chairman Pearse Flynn they should be expelled from the top flight. Flynn fires warning shot at SPL Livingston warn of legal action if St Mirren are promoted | HeraldScotland Not that I'm one to harbour grudges.
  15. What killed him Poison Whiskey or a Saturday Night Special?
  16. You called him cunt. Oh and the lack of self awareness in that post!
  17. How far to the left the current Tory administration is compared to the EU is a moot point but Lee's opposition to Brexit is consistent in both articles, and nowhere in the first does Lee say that Lynch had no right to voice his Lexit position in 2016 so your point is irrelevant and your anger unjustified.
  18. 29 pages already, gotta love these threads, hope there are plenty of hostages to fortune! Come on one of youse!
  19. I am aware of the left-wing arguments used in favour of Brexit, that it was centre-right in essence and any concessions to workers right were resisted and minimized by institutional interests but the idea that social justice issues would be improved by a post-Brexit Troika of Gove, Farage & Johnson was a fantasy - this has been borne out by by the last six years. Mick Lynch was within his rights to oppose the EU but he was absolutely wrong as both SL articles point out.
  20. Stewart Lee nails it in his Grauniad column today. Brexit has reversed the brains of Sunak and Starmer | Stewart Lee | The Guardian
  21. Apparently Kylie won't be coming to the coronation either...
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