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Everything posted by btb

  1. Depends on whether they want to appeal beyond their hardcore/staunch vote - if they want to do so then SK is probably about as bad an option as they could choose.
  2. As least they were winning their games, it was working for them. I all but gave up listening to Radio Scotland because of the amount of times I heard losing managers getting praised because their teams "tried to play football the right way". Forcing "kick & chase" footballers to pass the ball about at the back before either losing possession or kicking the ball aimlessly upfield often out of play was never the right way.
  3. Very plausible that Scotland and Australia go into their final group game knowing that a Scotland defeat within a certain margin would see both go through and knock England out. Could be fun — Ben Gardner (@Ben_Wisden) June 8, 2024
  4. It'd be funny if it turns out he's claimed the same expenses from Holyrood & Westminster - not unbelievable either!
  5. Yup, fixed it doubleplusquick.
  6. Sunak was given one of the safest Tory seats not long after our then PM (David Cameron) met his billionaire father in law so he never really had to do politics to become an MP and was still a relatively Junior Minister at the last GE, this is his first real go at an election - and it shows!
  7. I remember A Hard Days Night by The Beatles where they're having an argument with an older gent who says "I fought in the war for the likes of you" and Ringo replies with "and I bet you wish you'd lost". When did worship of WW2 veterans become compulsory? Oh well only another 5 months till poppy season.
  8. Just had a mechanic out to the house to do some work on the car. His name was Calvin Knox - you don't get more staunch than that!
  9. Wordle 1,084 3/6 Sighs!
  10. Yeah but it's a formulaic response when a PM/FM resigns (from all parties) and no-one actually it expects it to happen.
  11. Fuxake Morton fans, have y'all given up? All the other TeamThreads have been active within the last 3 hours but yours is going on a week without any action. Post something - even if it's just to tell me to fuck off!
  12. That was the game and that was the goal that spelled the beginning of the end for Oldco, that and beating them on Christmas Eve of that season after they'd been reduced to 9 men - hell we even let Aaron Mooy come off his to score that afternoon!
  13. Does touching Peter Gabriel's bum when he was crowdsurfing count? BTW it was quite flabby!
  14. How much difference will it really make - Nige was always their spiritual leader. I'm assuming it's good for Nige's real interest - The Grift. £££
  15. Style is for "whatever minority group it's still acceptable to abuse - Mackems, Monkey Hangers & Sneckies" points is what counts and Robinson's doing a fine job.
  16. I remember the Hertz fans telling us something similar in 2020!
  17. Wordle 1,080 3/6 Pretty average score for today!
  18. It can be done without outside support, remember 2006 when we had to install USH despite having an alternative pitch protection system and despite already having planning permission for the new stadium, and where were the Falkirk & Dunfermline fans then - in the top flight and laughing there arses off. I'm just glad were inside the tent pissing out on this occasion - makes a change!
  19. Three goes, three cheers! Wordle 1,079 3/6
  20. Falkirk win the Championship, dig up their new pitch and get relegated straight away.
  21. Are you in limbo with regards to new signings until a new manager is appointed - if so no offence but long may this continue.
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