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Everything posted by btb

  1. That's the point, they clearly don't but their priority is the red walls seats they lost at the last GE and they are prepared to sell their souls to win them back - the branch office is just collateral damage.
  2. The problem with the current iteration of the Labour party is Starmer's excessive timidness matching the Conservatives on every rightwards step since becoming leader. This means they are now committed to right-wing policies that Cameron/Osborne would've baulked at a decade ago.
  3. That's what the puppetmasters thought but she's just not up to the job!
  4. This is what I find most worrying - that the Hunt-led U-turn to a fairly callous version of austerity has somehow become both centrist and orthodox.
  5. Regarding today's PMQs Truss has to turn up or resign but she doesn't have BJs chutzpah so it's hard to see things going well for her.
  6. Does anyone actually believe they? Forced - the markets are a semi closed shop (old boys network) given our pension funds to play with and thus deemed too important to control by successive governments, so they set their own rules and laugh in our faces.
  7. Triple lock on pensions looks set to be next the next U-turn.....
  8. Blatant timewasting from Tory backbenchers! Competent performance from Mordaunt - could this be the final nail in Truss' coffin?
  9. Truss apparently set to duck Starmer's Urgent Question on KKs sacking, she is suddenly unable to make the HoC this afternoon despite having planned to be there for Hunt's statement and Mordaunt is now set to take her place. She's got one job now - to take the bullets and she won't even turn up for that!
  10. His job is to take whatever bullets are coming his way due to decisions made down south - if he's prepared to do that for the new leader his job's safe. "SNP bad" is all his target audience want to hear. It's not much of a job but then he's not much of a politician.
  11. That's the amazing thing for me Opinion on Remain/Leave was close but generally in favour of Remain in the year or so up till June 2016. On the night Farage said he expected a narrow majority for Remain (it could easily have gone the other way a week earlier or later) and yet discussion about rejoining is off the agenda, currently and for who knows how long - certainly not at the next GE and I suspect the one after that too.
  12. That's fairly optimistic coming from you....
  13. It didn't have to be Hunt, all the markets wanted was to see the budget balanced which will be done by increased austerity for the likes of you and me and the continuation of the existing light to no regulation on the said markets and the salaries/wealth of our real rulers after which they'll just select the next target on their VirtualVegas. **************** Given Hunt's trashing of KKs budget fiscal statement yesterday I am in the camp that reckons Truss is PRINO (PRime minister In Name Only).
  14. Last season would've been the first in almost 30 that you were in the same division - I'm surprised they're still on your radar. Now that we live in the age of the interweb it's easier to build up rivalries with teams from slightly further afield - I'd say over the last 10-15 years we've spent more time dissing the Fakes, Livie (sic) and Falkirk than Morton. Oh, and did I mention that we had more fans at Fir Park for the 77 cup tie than people who have ever lived in Motherwell? @Captain Saintsible
  15. Suckered into this but what makes you an "increasingly ludicrous figure" are statements such as the one in bold.
  16. Yup, if you watch a clip of KKs speech announcing the top rate cut in the HoC the Tories behind were all nodding the heads and cheering.
  17. vs Celtic Attendance 6331 vs Kilmarnock Attendance 6785 Are Killie a bigger team than Celtic? If any support deserves two stands at GHR it must be the squirrel humpers! As ever FTOF!
  18. JKR is no shrinking violet, she seems more than happy to fight about anything and everything online - she'd love P&B.
  19. Agreed, Truss is in office but no longer in power, the Tories have already lost the next GE the only remaining issue is who's gonna take the bullet. I suspect the Tories would like Truss to take said bullet leaving Sunak to takeover (Hunt would be in his mid 60s by the time of the following GE) the only drawback to this is that Truss is a black hole in terms of charisma - she could do a Major & leave the Tories unelectable for 2/3 GEs.
  20. No that's Paul Whitehouse from the early days of his career when he was between roles.
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