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Buddist Monk

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Everything posted by Buddist Monk

  1. Lah - vety that is two for me. It's a very soft 'e' though. Which, I am sure Lavety wouldn't approve of!
  2. In my defence I am not from Paisley and have never lived there, so my pronunciation will not be the same as the locals.
  3. Being a Queens fan I fully expect you to have a farmer's accent, perhaps that explains the 3 syllable thing..
  4. I've always said it as two syllables; la-vety. Don't think I know anyone who says it differently. Now, onto another question... Do we want Morton promoted with us? There is a good chance they will make the playoffs, and I'm sure all the Saints fans (even grudgingly) would like to see them do well if it's not at our expense in any way. Yet if they were to get through to the final playoff game against what looks like County, do we want them to win that game? The need for a derby match is more psychological than it is financial in the top league. Sure it will always be better to have a local team bringing thousands, compared to (again, just for example) County who are hundreds of miles away and can, at their most pauce, be bringing just double figures; and the derby is important for our finances in the lower leagues. That said you are in a league with the OF, Aberdeen, Hearts and Hibs; all of whom will offset any loss of a derby match. I think there is a certain amount of sympathy for Morton. In the last couple of decades, and due to our success and Morton's failures, we've seen very few league derbies. 21 of them to be precise over the last 20 years, over half of them coming in the last 3 seasons. They seem to be perennial under achievers. That said on the flip side, and from a St Mirren point of view, and in terms of point and laugh material, it is most chuckleworthy that Morton haven't graced the top division in 30 years. As for beating us in that top division you need to go all the way back to 1985 (for the lulz, this was #1 in 1985). Now it's only fair to mention that they did have a decent run of almost a decade in the top division from 78. So... that's the dilemma, do we want Morton in the top league even if it means the end of some pretty tasty bragging rights?
  5. As the U21 side wasn't announced when we agreed with Falkirk to shift the game in the first place, I wouldn't have thought so.
  6. This was why I had mentioned that this would be a good test for Ross after the trouble Dunfermline caused us in their last game. Only one person didn't see the problems that the Mvoto long ball caused us, so a switch to a 433 is an interesting one. Out of interest, how much defending did Mullen and Smith actually do? I'm guessing a 433/451 formation may be the one Ross is planning if/when* we are promoted (* it's when, we all know it's a when)
  7. You are right. I think my frustration comes from the papers picking it up and only reporting one side of it. Not that anyone should be surprised by that, but we should never stop complaining of the media bias.
  8. Yup, but it would still be nice to know. Who played, who scored, what the formation was etc.
  9. I don't. I was hoping I could maybe get some more info about the game from somewhere like RangersMedia, but to no avail. I stumbled across The Sun's piece during that search. I suppose there is the argument that the club should be keeping fans informed. There is nothing on the official site, nor their twitter. I get that the two clubs might wish to keep some of the information away from the public, but to provide nothing is a bit disappointing especially as the Rangers side of it is being reported in the red tops. Maybe the information is freely available and I'm just being an idiot and missing it.
  10. So the fucking Sun, now I know it's a shite hawk but to post a story about a friendly game and not mention the opposition at any time in the article is fucking shan of the highest order. I detest red tops and this just underlines what a fucking waste of everyone's time they are. https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/sport/football/2323643/lee-wallace-rangers-celtic-michael-ohalloran-st-mirren-bounce-game
  11. I was wondering if that was us. I had read in the OF tabloids that Rangers had set up a friendly, but the story simply went on to discuss Rangers, then Rangers, oooh, and a little more Rangers and completely forgot to mention who it was they'd arranged the friendly with. The very fucking reason for the story in the first place! It's almost as if the mainstream press in Scotland doesn't give a shit about anything other than the fucking OF. Edit: I see there is a thread on B&WA... http://www.blackandwhitearmy.com/forums/index.php?/topic/43908-game-v-sevco-today
  12. The idea of tying it up against Morton, and at home, would be absolutely glorious. Another nice idea would be to have already got the championship and they give a guard of honour for us..
  13. So here's a question, what level of interaction do Celtic have with Morgan while he is on loan with us. Just wondering if they will get their own physios, sports scientists, coaches to advise him. I can see both positives and negatives to that, but I honestly don't know how it works when you "loan back" a player.
  14. There is the chance we'll blow it, after all Dundee and Morton have done similar, but then why worry about that possibility when all the other far greater possibilities have us romping to the title. I was critical of the squad at the start of the season, we didn't look good and underperformed badly, it's not that I am a permanent happy clapper.
  15. Knicker wetters amongst the St Mirren support? No, I refuse to accept the notion. If people can't enjoy being miles ahead in the league, even with the "worst possible scenario" factored into the games in hand, then when can they be happy?
  16. While I see the possible benefits, and possible pitfalls, in this move I have a certain cynical outlook. Would Donati have come to us if we weren't already some distance ahead in a league that's 2/3rds of the way through. As someone who can add a bit of steel when we need to shut up shop, I see him as a decent acquisition. I do think he's worked his way into a team just for the chance to win silverware. Would Donati be as motivated to help you shitfest your way out of the relegation places? St Mirren have been there, many a time, so this is no dig at Accies but you see the point I'm making.
  17. I'd liked to have seen some of him, but I presume Ross sees him daily in training and knows where or if he should play. I guess we've signed him.. *shrug* ..I mean, it would be pretty bloody odd to announce we had if we hadn't.
  18. Not sure if there is anything in this other than him being offered training facilities. Might be "2+2=5" lazy journalism... but... Is it though? Our one weakness is that teams can on occasion bully us, of our "defensive" midfield players; McGinn, McShane (Hill should be mentioned, but he's not had a run in the team), neither of them have the "bite" that Donati showed in the top league. Unsure of his injury status, nor his disciplinary record - and it would be the latter I'd be more concerned over - but as a late sub to shore things up? I don't reckon that would be that bad an idea.
  19. .. Exactly! The Livi game is not going to be easy so I hope that all the emotion from the week doesn't take away from our performance today. In many ways the players could "try too hard" and the gameplan goes out the window a little, let's hope not. Now while I was fairly certain he wouldn't go this time, do we feel approaches for him this season is now over? We can't offer him another improved deal (by my thinking that's the third he's got form us in just over a year) even if we were in a financial position to do so, but I'd like to think that he's shown a bit of fortitude. Hopefully that will put the mockers on any suitors in the coming months. Like most I've heard the rumours regarding a bigger, and geographically close, team interested in taking him. That might or might not still happen, and if it does I can't really see how he'll knock that back - even though his personal/public persona wouldn't fit with the fan base in the slightest. Still that would be an issue for next season.
  20. I am most certainly not, but as I said how about we talk football. If I am so tedious then set me on ignore and stop complaining.
  21. You could spin it that way if you wish but the checklist is as follows.. Barnsley would be interested, he should speak to them, they won't finally choose him, he won't take the job anyway. Now I'm not getting all smug about this, but it's also fair to say that I called it pretty much on the money. I wasn't the only person who said this, there were quite a few, yet for some reason people have decided to vent their ire my way. C'est la vie. Open forum and all that. Edit: It would also be nice to get back to talking about the football, this playground name calling is a bit tedious to say the least.
  22. It was clearly tongue in cheek, hence the , but it's certainly been the tone. If I remember my old P&B memes, I think you'll find that translates as "box office".
  23. Are you still pissy that the argument I gave about Ross staying, which you disagreed with, turned out to be true? Build a bridge... The sarcastic answer would be, "a St Mirren fan posting on a St Mirren thread, shocker", but you are right I have been quite a frequent poster here. In my defence a huge amount of those replies have been answering other poster's questions put to me. Can't blame a guy for replying when asked, can you?
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