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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. Couples who're kissing and halfway inside each other on the couch when one of them suddenly says "wait" and then they both actually stop and have an unrelated expositional conversation.
  2. Surely by this point any manager who's actually highly regarded isn't even going to countenance this farce? They're only going to get failures on the rebound (just imagine Ten Hag getting it) or old people who want their pension topped up by having a year's holiday (get Big Sam imo). Can't say they don't deserve it.
  3. Plastic by New Order is about Peter Hook: It's official, you're fantastic You're so special, so iconic You're the focus, of attention But you don't want it Cause you're so on it
  4. Why are Dinamo in purple on the league table?
  5. I've just realised 'Turkey Teeth' means he got his teeth done like you get in Turkey, not that he has teeth like a turkey.
  6. Jurgen's not going to read this m8
  7. Week 20 update Two deaths this week. Up first, Super Gran Gudrun Ure: Gudrun Ure obituary | Children's TV | The Guardian I think it's probably fair to say that for many posters, a part of their childhood has gone this week. What I can mainly say here is that she's the only person named Gudrun I've ever heard of. Ure died at 98 so she's worth 27 Base Points for @badgerthewitness (we are checking), @tamthebam and @The Naitch. ================== Second death this week is the writer Alice Munro: Alice Munro, Nobel winner and titan of the short story, dies aged 92 | Alice Munro | The Guardian Here's a funny picture from her Wikipedia page: Somewhat similarly to Paul Auster the other week, I can say I've read one of her works and enjoyed it. The View From Castle Rock is a collection of short stories which effectively all go together to tell the story of her family's emigration from Fife to Canada in the 1800s. The title story is available online here: “The View from Castle Rock,” by Alice Munro | The New Yorker Munro died at 92 so she's worth 33 Base Points for @ThomCat and, er, me. We get a Deadly Duo bonus for a total of 58 points. After these, the standings look like this: 1. mozam76 402 2. Billy Jean King 380 3. Moomintroll 346 4. psv_killie 335 5. Indale Winton, The DA 328 7. lolls 316 8. Forest_Fifer 297 9. sparky88 291 10. Ned Nederlander 282 11. lichtgilphead 279 12. The_Craig 254 13. choirbairn, The Naitch 240 15. pub car king 238 16. JustOneCornetto 225 17. blackislekillie 216 18. Arch Stanton 207 19. parxyz 206 20. cdhafc1874 204 21. Oystercatcher 198 22. Bully Wee Villa 194 23. weirdcal 191 24. Melanius Mullarkant 176 25. tamthebam 171 26. amnarab 169 27. El Guapo, mathematics 164 29. Salvo Montalbano 163 30. TxRover 157 31. alta-pete, Miguel Sanchez 156 33. ThomCat 152 34. Desp, peasy23 150 36. Raidernation 137 37. Savage Henry 134 38. Arbroathlegend36-0 126 39. Lofarl, qos_75 119 41. Arabdownunder 117 42. buddiepaul, chomp my root, scottsdad, Trogdor 113 46. sleazy, Sweaty Morph 100 48. Craig fae the Vale 95 49. pawpar 90 50. invergowrie arab, Karpaty Lviv, Ray Patterson 78 53. DG.Roma, Mark Connolly, sensorsoupe, Sergeant Wilson, Shotgun 75 58. ICTChris 74 59. D Angelo Barksdale 71 60. Florentine_Pogen 58 61. Aim Here, Darren 51 63. BillyAnchor, doulikefish 49 65. Enigma, LoonsYouthTeam 44 67. badgerthewitness 27 68. stanton 25 69. Everyone else 0 The spreadsheet has also been updated with these scores: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CsroU6IlQNJOesOqCc5gsI7SCw8ywBS-PUzQwLTJe4g/edit?usp=sharing
  8. I spent half a hour typing that on a phone with my eyes barely open and never made a spelling mistake until the last word
  9. If I hadn't I would've said I hate you for telling me too late. See you there.
  10. Get ticketmaster so far to f**k
  11. Jimmy Eat World at the Academy in November, on sale tomorrow. It's been too long.
  12. Perhaps this a cue for you to do your own cooking rather than buy these hilariously overpriced cons.
  13. Sportscene. Picture quality that barely looks HD in 2024 is unacceptable. Charlie Mulgrew is unacceptable.
  14. tiktok is a Chinese psyop designed to destroy Western civilisation and I will hear no argument to the contrary.
  15. I'm running out of people to put in my team for next year Canadian writer and Nobel prize winner Alice Munro dies at 92 - BBC News
  16. Are we on to Malkkky now or can we still talk about Monty? For me his credibility was gone when Vinny G pointed out he looks like the penguin from Wallace and Gromit. I couldn't take him seriously after that, and he might be the only interviewee more boring than that Heckingbottom clown. Good luck m9s, you're going to need it.
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