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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. Several licence tests are currently bugged, giving you the wrong tyres. Although I think that's only for S-5 so maybe not helping you much.
  2. What do you think happens if they cook a bunch of stuff, put it out, and it isn't all bought within ten minutes?
  3. Watching the programme now. I find it a bit rich that these people who worked on it for years as it got more and more popular were all just horrified at the things they did to exploit the people on it the entire time. I don't really think they can pontificate about the morals of it now just because it finally caught up with them.
  4. The Navy Song - Billy Talent Born in the USA - Bruce Springsteen Today Won't Go Down in History - Enter Shikari Love Vigilantes - New Order Yellow Ledbetter - Pearl Jam (also Army Reserve by Pearl Jam)
  5. Series 1 Episode 2: The Stig is driving a Ford Focus RS round the track and there's telemetry on screen - time, track map, G-meter, speedometer. We're seeing the whole lap. This is actually really cool, even if it's weird hearing the actual names of the corners. The audience is bigger this week and they're currently inside the Focus and moving around looking at it while Jeremy talks about it.
  6. Maw Sanchez had this last year some time. Some pills for the infection and some for the pain which she now takes again because they help her sleep. Was a bit itchy for a few days but I think she was basically fine. Didn't have any open sores or pus or anything which can happen, so good luck if you end up with that.
  7. All of Top Gear is on iplayer, so I'm watching it from the beginning. Series 1, Episode 1: Jeremy drives a turquoise Citroen Berlingo and says it runs like a Jaguar, while Learn to Fly by Foo Fighters plays. There are about twenty people in the studio. Hammond is somehow dressed even more hideously than usual.
  8. If this offer is true I'd like to nominate two of the Morton fans that hate each other, please. I might actually listen to the programme for once.
  9. Week 11 update Nothing doing this week. Does Lizzie still have covid?
  10. I think the picture above is from one of those races. The R32 Skyline is basically a tank on rails. I don't know what difficulty you're on but whatever you're driving, use soft tyres and upgrade the brakes to the racing ones. The difference is massive and that along will win you most races.
  11. You can also make another PS4 user/PSN account on the same console for your daughter to use. She'd still have access to whatever was on the console and could even play online, but if she wanted to download anything from your account she'd need to use that user to access it.
  12. I'm trying to do the Menus using as many different cars as possible but I keep coming back to the R32 It goes round like it's on rails.
  13. Having never seen an episode of any Star Trek in my life, that doesn't sound like the one to break my duck with.
  14. I could also have presented you with this:
  15. Did we really need to wait three years before confirming Yaz is a lesbian?
  16. As I think the Dundee fans put it: Get doon, stay doon, die.
  17. If she gets kicked out she can sleep in my spare room.
  18. Me, whenever I see someone making these comparisons that don't exist:
  19. Oh! I've just realised you meant Solis. Well. There's plenty more of them where he came from, trust me.
  20. It's appropriate that someone who could see Are Britain in a steak would have England and Wales absolutely massive in comparison to Scotland.
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