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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. (I assume you mean Luca btw, not Solus) Since my telly died the day before this came out I can't really compare to anything. I was editing my post when you replied but there's an update today which might help you: Update Details (1.06) - gran-turismo.com
  2. I'm going to share something that has probably never been shared in P&B history. I've just had a parcel picked up by Hermes. The driver was human. The barcode on the label I printed wouldn't scan and the number (somehow) wasn't on it, he said I could write that down and stick it on the box and he'd explain at the other end what they had to do. He also said he wasn't supposed to pick up parcels that size (not my or his fault, Amazon's or Hermes' probably) and was generally able to hold a conversation about it. What a result.
  3. It's a game about car collecting and appreciation as much as driving. The Cafe and Menu books do this in a way I don't think there's been since GT4. I like them. I already care more about my R32 than I did about almost all my cars in GT Sport. @pozbaird I've been through the game on several tellies in the past week and the in-game settings don't make any difference for me. I use bumper cam (everyone should tbh) but it sounds like it might be your TV settings as much as the game. There's also a feeling that there's a problem with rear grip on road cars. The dirt physics are the best example of this, so I think there might be an update coming in that department.
  4. Coming up for five years they've been at this.
  5. This memory came into my head last night. Are you me?
  6. From what I've played so far pretty much any road car (except 4WD) needs it, and some race cars do. The TCS in GT7 seems to be much more effective, realistic and less restrictive than it was in GT Sport so I'm still getting used to it, but it's definitely something that can and should be used. 1 or 2 for road cars/wet, that's usually enough.
  7. The only driving assists you should have on are ABS (set to default) and changing the traction control depending on the car/weather. Anything else will slow you down.
  8. Oh good I have the Only an Excuse guy as a Sontaran to look forward to in the last episode. That'll improve things.
  9. I'm surprised so many people seem to be struggling with this one, I found A-10 much worse until I watched the demo and realised I was in the wrong gear. For A9... watch the demo. It probably helps.
  10. Flux, John Bishop, the Swarovski-faced gimps, the big snakey boy taking down UNIT, the sassy talking dog Just let it end. I might go back to the beginning and watch Tennant and Piper gurn and skip their way round council estates just to cheer myself up.
  11. I'm looking forward to this thread being cited at the government inquiry as a comprehensive timeline of the past two years.
  12. I'm sure Steve will be along soon with another ten fresh ones.
  13. If you're still stuck and can understand Portuguese...
  14. Same thing works if you freeze boiling water to use in your cooking later.
  15. Imagine being poor The Vulcan at 3 million-odd will have to wait until it comes up again
  16. Source a copy of that rather than the remake.
  17. Yes. More tracks and cars are going to be added (which if Sport is anything to go by will be a lot) and the customisation options for cars are much better and I think the driving is much deeper and better too.
  18. Absolutely they should. I don't know how much time you put into GT Sport but the tuning races were all meta-focused around a tune or a car. The tuning (and the parts) in GT7 seem much more varied and sophisticated but if there aren't any daily races or championship races with fixed setups PD are even dumber than I thought and they're going to ruin one of the best things Sport Mode had going for it. It's a bit hard to judge them on this in the weekend of the game's launch so hopefully there's some variety in the future.
  19. On the other hand, seems like the bullshit has started already
  20. What level do the Indian players play at?
  21. Pretty much. There's going to be a lot of evolution/development in Sport Mode for various reasons but it's going to be much more reliant on the car than the driver imo, and that's not a good thing. I'm guessing you also started from scratch with a DR E rating which you have for the first five races you do before you get put into normal matchmaking, so if you're getting beaten that badly by people at the same level then it's definitely the car. Maybe you a little bit. Can't wait to get to this one tbh, I think I've only done one license so far.
  22. It improved as it went on but the denouement lasted too long imo, it took about half an hour to explain what was pretty straightforward (and a bit dumb). Plus I just couldn't take Bond's accent seriously.
  23. Week 10 update One death this week, French newsreader Jean-Pierre Pernaut: French mourn TV news anchor Jean-Pierre Pernaut | World | The Times And then there's a paywall. Sounds like the sort of person I want telling me what's going on in the world. Pernaut died at 71, so he's worth 54 Base Points. He was a Solo Shot for @Bully Wee Villa for an extra 50 and a total of 104. As a result, the standings look like this: 1. Ned Nederlander 313 2. Arbroathlegend36-0 255 3. JustOneCornetto 228 4. Bishop Briggs 199 5. Indale Winton 183 6. Blootoon87 151 7. chomp my root, sparky88, The_Craig 144 10. Arch Stanton 135 11. cdhafc1874 130 12. Bully Wee Villa, gkneil, Savage Henry 104 15. pawpar, Sweaty Morph 95 17. Florentine_Pogen 85 18. Desp, senorsoupe 50 20. Bert Raccoon, speckled tangerine, statts1976uk, ThomCat 39 24. Hamish's Passenger, Moomintroll, The DA 31 27. Everyone else 0 The spreadsheet has also been updated with these scores: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mup1IJllKHs0a47J8G6IXUkvShJrV28Iuc-Kkn7RKuo/edit?usp=sharing
  24. Why don't you go be a mod if you like mods so much maybe they'll make you a mod and like you more because you're a mod
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