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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. 2016 Batley and Spen by-election - Wikipedia English Democrat, BNP, National Front, Liberty GB... would have been an interesting debate putting this lot in a room.
  2. They're as well binning the radio chat during races. Nothing's ever topping this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLMPO6tkAyw
  3. You forget how annoying Catherine Tate is.
  4. Rugster in particular having an appalling first two pages. I suppose there's hope for everyone.
  5. Yes. Several hundred pages of this thread proves it time and time again.
  6. We get it, Aberdeen fans accept absolutely no criticism of him at all because he won some things in a red shirt decades ago.
  7. I read this as being 100 year old whisky and wondered why it only cost £45
  8. The Birds Eye advert where a woman turns up in a family's kitchen calling their dinner bland then makes a plate of chicken dippers and ketchup appear. They're living the high life now.
  9. The outgoings are even more surreal. Dietmar Hamman, Ched Evans, Kasper Schmeichel and Shay Logan (loan).
  10. Charley Genever – Poet, Creative Producer, Workshop Facilitator (wordpress.com)
  11. It's an unquestionably shite state of affairs if things happen to make elected politicians more withdrawn from the public. It's even worse that politics in the UK hasn't really improved any since the last time this happened, which is a surreal thing to even say.
  12. Scratch that, Alex sitting laughing while they fail this riddle is outstanding
  13. I've been watching the old ones again. Paul Chowdhury finding out what the old man did for a living is the funniest thing in the world
  14. Had a dream last night I was back in school and had befriended one of my year's resident neds. I was somehow getting the blame for him stealing things and putting menchies everywhere.
  15. The Burgundy Juggernaut setting up for another fine season, quite literally taking the piss by having Jack Johnson go bar down with a backhand on a breakaway against the reigning Vezina winner. Who needs a coach or a best player in the league?
  16. The reason people get frustrated at things you post is because they have absolutely no relevance to anything people actually post about. Years ago you managed to get home from abroad once after losing your passport because you had a photocopy of it. Fine. You contacted airlines/whoever explaining the situation and an allowance was made for what would have been an isolated occurrence. Your planning saved you. Fine. From what I remember this started after a story yesterday about the vaccine passport app not working. This isn't a couple of people going abroad, this is literally tens of thousands of people in the country at a time, every day, having to use this. Something they have no say in, it's just government mandated for them to be able to carry on with their lives as normal. Do you really think it's reasonable to expect all of those people to forgo the main advertised means of using this passport and carry a backup with them at all times? Do you see everyone going to a football match with this? What about pished folk in a nightclub queue? The reason people get so fucking irritated with what you post isn't what you seem to think it is, that being a childish tantrum borne of misplaced intelligence and recklessness. People are frustrated because their lives are still subject to restrictions which don't really do much to case numbers or death numbers, they have a government extending and expanding those restrictions with no stated end date, and they have condescending p***ks like you playing a role of simpleton to try and score points over them on the internet. Grow the f**k up.
  17. Scotland's vaccination certification scheme went live at the beginning of this monjt. But enforcement of the new scheme was delayed to allow venues to prepare for the new requirements and checks. Formal enforcement of Covidvaccine certification will begin on Monday - October 18. All those under the age of 18 will be required to prove that they have been double jabbed in order to gain entry and if they don't, enforcement could be taken. Editorial standards at the Record as high as ever, good to see.
  18. That looks unfortunate. I hope you weren't sitting in it at the time.
  19. I realise welshbairn has long been playing a bit on here where he defends everything the government does in the most reductive way possible but it's genuinely fascinating to see how idiotic he can be when doing it.
  20. A 25 year old Solo Shot Captain and an Unnatural Causes bonus might have been enough for someone to catch Ned.
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