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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. @The Moonster I haven't actually watched either of these yet but both of these guys know what they're talking about for Gran Turismo: May as well tag @BFTD too just to show him 40 minutes' worth of reaction to 2 and a bit minutes' of trailer.
  2. I'm off work for a week and a half. Next week is one of our busiest weeks of the year.
  3. This video is identical to the weekend's incident in terms of where the two cars are relative to each other through the corner (0:54): Saying a driver wasn't ahead at any point and should have backed out is nonsense. He had more than half a car length alongside Hamilton. Not every overtakes needs you to completely clear the car you're passing in the braking zone.
  4. One of the problems I had with GT5 (and 6 to a greater extent) was the feeling that it had stopped being about driving or racing and was all about presentation and image. The graphics side of Gran Turismo has always been a focus and a strength and GT Sport is easily the best looking sim(cade) there is, even being nearly four years old. This hyper-focus on one aspect of the game's presentation is actually one of GTS's biggest flaws - the reason there's no dynamic time or weather is because of the ray tracing system they use for the light. This and Scapes mode is fine, but it's all pretty irrelevant. When I was watching the Showcase and that trailer started I was incensed by the focus the Scapes got. Some of the pictures people take and share in-game are spectacular and there's definitely a place for them, but trying to make it a selling point of the game to this extent is stupid.
  5. I like voting and would like to think there's something to represent the way I think about the world in government. Currently, there isn't.
  6. They were down as a headliner for the second stage in 2020, so I imagine you'd need to sit through loads of shite to see them. Radiohead headlined it two years ago.
  7. I note that in the pages that followed this you didn't (and still haven't) addressed the self-important bit. I want Scotland to be independent. I'm not going to vote for the SNP or Greens in upcoming elections because of vaccine passports. The other major parties are all opposed to independence, so they're getting my vote either. There's nowhere relevant for my vote to go, and a fringe group of cranks, lunatics and people bearing out online grudges and hysteria for a living aren't getting it either. As someone pointed out earlier, for independence to become a reality you need to convince the soft no and the undecided vote. Alex Salmond and his even more repulsive hangers-on is not going to do this. Try focusing on that rather than painting yourself as a martyr for things that aren't as big a problem as you try to say they are.
  8. Someone who's not a self-important sex pest, preferably.
  9. It's perfectly possible to be on and stay on the outside of the first part of the chicane, then be on the inside for the second part as a result. It's a complete farce that there's a penalty for this.
  10. Tell me you don't seriously think Haaland will go to Man United because they have a Norwegian manager.
  11. Two men who've spent a lot of time sim-racing Absolutely buzzing for McLaren. Can't wait for this week's Unboxed episode.
  12. Racing incident that was Hamilton's fault. You can't take that line through that corner when you're side by side with another car.
  13. Week 37 update Two deaths this week. Up first, former Girl Aloud, Sarah Harding: Girls Aloud star Sarah Harding dies aged 39 - BBC News I think this was about the only one of their songs I thought was good: Whenever someone who's relatively young dies of something like breast cancer, the overwhelming response is that it inspires people to be more aware of potential symptoms in their own body. Check yourself and never be afraid to have someone else look at it if you think it's necessary. Harding was 39 when she died, so she's worth 86 Base Points for @Arabdownunder, @Arbroathlegend36-0, @Bert Raccoon, @Bishop Briggs, @cdhafc1874, @Curmudgeon, @El Guapo, @Enigma, @Fuctifano, @Indale Winton, @lichtgilphead, @mathematics, @Ned Nederlander, @pub car king, @qos_75, @sparky88, @speckled tangerine, @weejack and @Willie adie. A Vice-Captain bonus returns 129 points for @Aim Here and @Arch Stanton, while a Captain bonus is worth 172 points for @psv_killie and @Sherrif John Bunnell. ============================== Second death this week is the French actor Jean-Paul Belmondo: French film great Jean-Paul Belmondo dies at 88 - BBC News He died at 88 for 37 Base Points, with an extra 50 for @senorsoupe's Solo Shot returning 87 points. As a result of all of this, the standings look like this: 1. Ned Nederlander 713 2. Fuctifano 420 3. psv_killie 369 4. Savage Henry 344 5. Bishop Briggs 327 6. Indale Winton 288 7. Arch Stanton 270 8. Ludo*1 255 9. Lofarl 243 10. choirbairn 240 11. pub car king 238 12. senorsoupe 236 13. sparky88 221 14. Sherrif John Bunnell 198 15. Arbroathlegend36-0 196 16. JustOneCornetto 189 17. Willie adie 180 18. Bert Raccoon 179 19. expatowner1 173 20. buddiepaul 172 21. cdhafc1874, lichtgilphead 167 23. doulikefish 163 24. qos_75 162 25. Aim Here 161 26. gkneil 159 27. chompmyroot 158 28. ICTJohnboy 150 29. stanton 149 30. The DA 146 31. El Guapo 141 32. weejack 138 33. lolls, Mark Connolly 120 35. Curmudgeon 118 36. HI HAT 116 37. Arabdownuner, Enigma, peasy23, sleazy, speckled tangerine 112 42. thistledo 108 43. Amandajoan 103 44. Bold Rover, D.V.T. 102 45. dee_62 101 46. ThomCat 95 47. amnarab 91 48. Lex, The Hologram 89 50. Cardinal Richelieu, jimbaxters, mathematics 86 53. 101, Billy Jean King, nessies long lost ghost 84 56. weirdcal 83 57. The_Craig 81 58. Raidernation 77 59. Karpaty Lviv 76 60. Sweaty Morph 68 61. CountyFan 67 62. LoonsYouthTeam 62 63. theportman, TxRover 55 65. Busta Nut, cambozpar, djchapsticks, Duszek, Empty It, Salvo Montalbano 52 71. Bulbasaur, coprolite 51 73. BillyAnchor 39 74. Blootoon87, Eednud, gingette, GTG_03, Melanius Mullarkey, microdave, mozam76, paulathame, Perkin Flump, Sergeant Wilson, Shotgun, The Master, The Naitch, thisal 26 89. Everyone else 0 The spreadsheet has also been updated with these scores: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-OTo44wF_W7A4Q0NFnd1sX3qEDdxTLDobvjhhSgnzkg/edit?usp=sharing
  14. Where's the "What's the most tinpot thing you've seen in Formula 1" thread to put those medals in? f**k me.
  15. Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition (PS4, 2014) Guacamelee! is a 2D roguelike dungeon crawler in which you play as Juan, a farmer from the village of Santa Luchita. One day the evil demon Carlos Calaca turns up and kidnaps the girl he likes to use her in a plan to merge the world of the dead and the world of the living, and rule over both. Juan tries to fight him and is swiftly killed, before being given a special Luchador mask which gives him powers. He then jumps and punches his way through an assortment of rooms to try and stop Calaca before his plan succeeds. In theory, I'm not a fan of this kind of game. I generally find backtracking and multiple paths through an area trigger some form of OCD in me where I'm afraid I'm missing content. This is basically the perfect game to introduce someone to the genre. It's mostly linear with a bit of exploration, and an easy to follow map which lets you make sure you've covered everything. The gameplay is the right mixture of platforming and attacking, with an array of powers and moves you unlock as you progress through the story. Some fights can feel overwhelming especially if there's lots of enemies in the one room, but it's never cheap and really satisfying when you work out an effective strategy for dealing with enemies attacking you in different ways. The enemy design is wonderful and varied too, and the overall aesthetic is a really strong part of that. The Mexican, cartoony and slightly hand-drawn feel to everything is a very strong and consistent look, and all characters really play into that. The boss fights are no exception to this. Neither are the locations with side-quests, with relatively charming NPCs offering you small fetch quests. It doesn't always feel like a very deep world, but it's a nice one. Movement and exploration are both varied throughout. Some places require backtracking once you've unlocked certain abilities, but for the most part they're easy to get to. The obvious highlights are when you can turn Juan into a chicken to get through small gaps. The squawking noises he makes are worth it alone. The fast travel system is pretty awkward, with each main area having one area you can teleport to. This means you could go back to the end of a long area to discover a missed collectable at the start, and given the swift nature of the rest of the game it seems like an oversight rather than a deliberate choice. It's not too big a problem though, and probably only applies if you're as I've described, paranoid about missing things. In addition to the strong art and design, the writing is great too. All of the dialogue is text-based, but it's funny. It's not consistently wacky, it's not that irritating early 2010s meme-based irreverence, but it's distinctive and enjoyable. There are quite a few pop culture references in addition to the Mexican theme, and it's nice to see a game made with such love which acknowledges its influences. I remembered the Journey reference from when I played this on PS3 and it still hits. As far as criticism goes, it's short. I got 100% while playing on hard in 13:40. I used a guide for some of the collectables, but that's still not very long. It's also worth pointing out that the PS4 version includes the PS3 version's DLC but adds new DLC of its own. With a few new characters you can play as. I didn't actually realise this and I'm pretty sure I paid more for the DLC than I did for the game itself. This feels like a pretty cynical way to get some extra money out of people, but I've spent more on things I've hated and spent less time with, so I can't really complain. All in all, good fun. It also offers four player local multiplayer, which I'm sure would be great fun. It's definitely worth your time.
  16. Living in 2021 and being woken up by bands marching past my house playing The Sash.
  17. A devout Christian who never really enjoyed the attention his name got, as it happens.
  18. That's what was played. It's worse live when you see people enjoying it.
  19. I'm going to choose to believe Jimi isn't saying bad things about the Frightened Rabbit version of the Whole of the Moon. I really loved Athlete when their second album came out. It was ages before I found Vehicles and Animals on sale anywhere and when I got and listen to it I was surprised by how bad it was. It (and they) still don't really sound like regular indie landfill stuff to me, that album didn't have anywhere near enough energy in it to compare to that stuff. By their third album they almost threatened to be interesting with the opening instrumental track but that was it: Anyway, I'm watching TRNSMT highlights and Sports Team were on. Holy f**k. This is worse than indie landfill and it's popular over a decade after that stopped being a thing. How is this possible?
  20. Top banter from my local Hermes person who delivers two parcels - leaves one on my doorstep on the top floor, leaves the other one perched on the banister in the close. Doesn't ring a doorbell or chap a door. Never even used my buzzer, f**k knows how they got in.
  21. On the subject of "pundits", from the related tweets to that: who are these people
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