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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. There are now two doses of Pfizer in my system, and speaking as a member of the under 30s I'd like to add that I didn't need to be bribed with pizza or TikTok videos or whatever else it is The Kids are into
  2. Population of California: 40,000,000 Population of Kosovo: 2,000,000 I don't know how the world hasn't exploded already
  3. This is a shite post, so I gave it a red dot.
  4. Gabon's best ever footballer is Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang - Wikipedia Anthony Obame - Wikipedia won a world championship gold and Olympic silver in taekwondo, but it's an easy win for the footballer. Gambia's best footballer seems to be Omar Colley - Wikipedia who currently plays for Sampdoria and has played for Genk in the past. After qualifying for the African Cup of Nations for the first time in 2021 their squad seems to mostly be playing at that middling sort of level in Europe, so it's better than some of the African offerings we've had lately. Their best non-footballer now represents Norway in athletics, but with a bronze medal in the 100m in the 2004 African championships, step up Jaysuma Saidy Ndure - Wikipedia. Second to the footballer. Georgia is a surprisingly close battle with an even more surprisingly Scottish influence. Is it Shota Arveladze - Wikipedia? Temur Ketsbaia - Wikipedia? Georgi Kinkladze - Wikipedia? Kakha Kaladze - Wikipedia? My vote is probably for Kaladze, since he played for Milan when they won several European trophies. Their best non-footballer seems to be from the weightlifting or combat sport field, and Lasha Talakhadze - Wikipedia has absolutely dominated weightlifting in his career so far. This is a fairly close one imo, here we have someone who is considered the best weightlifter ever, and he's only 27. Is that more impressive than Kaladze's career? I think it might be. Germany... oh for f**k sake. We've not even decided France yet. Schumacher beats Beckenbauer imo, but I'll let everyone argue about it for a few days.
  5. Played some RDR 2 today. It is certainly a game.
  6. It's the club's fault, but I didn't hear him complaining when they were spending untold fortunes on utter shite or signing his pals or managers to keep him happy.
  7. Absolutely devastated he has to leave because they can't pay him enough. I really hope he can find a club that'll pay him an 8 figure sum per year, I don't know how he'll cope otherwise.
  8. Am I going to stay up for another hour and a half to watch the marathon? Probably.
  9. Maybe my rivals have all perished in Blair's oil wars!
  10. The media coverage of that at the time was "UK riots" as well. Despite the fact a few roasters in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland tried to organise stuff on facebook and got stamped out immediately.
  11. I think the way top level European football's gone over the past 10-15 years makes their achievements seem a bit less impressive than they are. The consolidation of wealth and players in teams like Barcelona, Real Madrid, Bayern Munich, PSG... over the past decade or so means these elite players are going to be there for a few years, they're going to dominate a domestic league and probably win a few European trophies. I know ZIdane was at Madrid during the Galacticos era but even then, football wasn't really comparable to where it is now. I am enjoying some quotes from Zidane's wikipedia page though:
  12. I've just noticed that noted Tory, forehead enthusiast and Hamilton fan Im_Rodger is banned. Last online in April. What happened?
  13. Your commitment to exposing and eradicating systemic sectarianism on P&B lasted... 3 hours and 6 minutes Truly the hero we need but don't deserve
  14. They don't make Irn-Bru any more so you're not missing out on that.
  15. The moderators are all easily contactable, yet you're openly posting about this without tagging any of them. Seems to me you don't actually want to effect any meaningful change, you just want a contrarian moan. Have at it
  16. Just FYI, Kinky's tried this one before with much more skill than this and it didn't work. I wouldn't waste your time.
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