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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. Bad news for some (not her) as Sky Sports presenter Jacquie Beltrao's cancer is gone
  2. Week 26 update Heehaw. John McAfee got Epsteined, if that interests you. Perhaps picking a team of high profile people with extradition orders is a good idea.
  3. And yet only congratulations for ClathyDave from Shipa, none for Monkman. Wonder if Monkman stole his woman.
  4. Why do you only ever bring this up? Do trans men not exist in your world, or is it actually the case that you're bothered about something else?
  5. He even kisses like a complete VL. Look at it. Awful.
  6. Everyone knows that when you spend months and years setting up a new media venture that's to feature you front and centre as the most high profile personality that you disappear from it a week after it launches.
  7. I forget which thread the egg fleg controversy a few weeks ago was in but I bought one of these today and I'm curious which side should be more outraged
  8. The gradual zooming on that video makes it. Fantastic stuff.
  9. Since computers started finishing Rembrandts, probably.
  10. FAI Under-17 Irish International Player of the Year: 2012[110] FAI Under-21 Irish International Player of the Year: 2015[70] Lots of English people play for Irish youth teams, to be sure.
  11. Football tops with badges in the middle rather than the left are, without exception, ugly.
  12. "Czechia" Used exclusively by people who think they're much more intelligent than they are
  13. Alex Scott isn't a good pundit. Being pretty and enthusiastic doesn't cover up that, just like all football pundits, she has nothing worthwhile to say outside of describing what is happening in a replay. Her accent is annoying as well.
  14. How dare you. I would've served her as normal but written Trans Lives Matter on the cup.
  15. If the Islanders and Canadiens make it to the final then it might genuinely be the first time where I don't mind either finalist winning, rather than not caring, or wanting both teams to lose, or wanting one team to lose, or wanting one team to win.
  16. You're fooling nobody, I know you're really Kenny Miller
  17. Some c**t nearby seems to have taken up the bagpipes in the last few weeks.
  18. You've got some brass neck complaining about her buying a pair of flip flops when you're dropping 200 notes on a giant plastic tub.
  19. Absolutely stunned at the suggestion Kevin Smith is clinging on to memories of something successful from his youth
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