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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. Let's just say I'm speaking from experience. It's also fairly easy to recognise that even without shifting to self-service or scan as you shop models in supermarkets that there's not going to be as many jobs for fixing the machines as there would be in the shops, and that not everyone who works in the shops would be able to get jobs fixing the machines. The true calling card of the moron is refusing to use self-service tills in the belief it's keeping anyone in a job. You're an increasingly small percentage of the customer base, and in most cases you're probably making it harder for the person you're getting to serve you.
  2. Tesco to cut 4,500 jobs at 153 UK outlets in latest redundancies | Tesco | The Guardian Fewer people, shorter hours. Why have one person for self-service and one on a till when you can have one on self-service?
  3. And don't forget, anyone who calls it "footie" would want the football and anyone who likes it banned and killed anyway regardless of pandemics, so file that/her safely in the bin where it belongs.
  4. Of all the reactions to this pandemic the "people have died" is the one I understand the least. Even less than people who say the virus doesn't exist. Yes, people have died. Yes, people continue to die from it here and around the world when it's really clear how to prevent that from happening, but that doesn't mean anything. Does she think it's disrespectful to the people who died - primarily due to incompetent government decisions - for anyone to do anything? Does she think people standing next to one another and talking while not wearing masks is going to make another 130,000 die? I know people are commenting in this thread about how they know people who're terrified to go outside and there are stories of that in the press. I know I'm probably less sensitive to this sort of fear than most people since I've carried on working and being around the public as normal and I know of one person from my work who's ever tested positive - a 22 year old, two weeks ago, no symptoms - but there's going to be years of people absolutely hysterical about being in public, and it's not going to end well.
  5. Mazepin only 10 seconds behind Schumacher by the end, he must be getting better. Fantastic performance from the McLarens today too, hopefully Ricciardo's getting the hang of the car.
  6. Week 25 update One death this week, former Zambian president Kenneth Kaunda: Kenneth Kaunda: Zambia's first president dies aged 97 - BBC News Honestly, it's worth reading the whole lot: Kenneth Kaunda: Zambia's independence hero - BBC News I will give you some pictures though: Kaunda was 97 when he died, making him with 28 Base Points. He was a Solo Shot for @Bold Rover for an extra 50 and a total of 78. As a result, the standings now look like this: 1. Ned Nederlander 503 2. Savage Henry 344 3. Fuctifano 259 4. Bishop Briggs 241 5. choirbairn 240 6. Lofarl 193 7. Ludo*1 173 8. buddiepaul 172 9. doulikefish 163 10. Indale Winton, pub car king 152 12. ICTJohnboy 150 13. senorsoupe, stanton 149 15. psv_killie 147 16. The DA 146 17. Arch Stanton 141 18. JustOneCornetto 139 19. sparky88 135 20. lolls, Mark Connolly 120 22. HI HAT 116 23. Arbroatlegend36-0 113 24. peasy23, sleazy 112 26. chomp my root 108 27. Amandajoan 103 28. Bold Rover, D.V.T. 102 30. dee_62 101 31. Willie adie 94 32. Bert Raccoon 93 33. amnarab 91 34. Lex, The Hologram 89 36. Cardinal Richelieu, jimbaxters 86 38. 101, Billy Jean King, nessies long lost ghost 84 41. weirdcal 83 42. cdisaaccie, lichtgilphead, The_Craig 81 45. Raidernation 77 46. gkneil 69 47. Sweaty Morph 68 48. CountyFan 67 49. LoonsYouthTeam 62 50. thistledo 58 51. El Guapo, theportman, TxRover 55 54. Busta Nut, cambozpar, djchapsticks, Duszek, Empty It, Salvo Montalbano, weejack 52 61. Bulbasaur, coprolite 51 63. BillyAnchor 39 64. Aim Here, Curmudgeon 32 66. Arabdownunder, Blootoon87, Eednud, Enigma, gingette, GTG_03, Karpaty Lviv, Melanius Mullarkey, microdave, mozam76, paulathame, Perkin Flump, qos_75, Sergeant Wilson, Sherrif John Bunnell, Shotgun, Speckled Tangerine, The Master, The Naitch, thisal 26 86. Everyone else 0 The spreadsheet has also been updated with these scores: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-OTo44wF_W7A4Q0NFnd1sX3qEDdxTLDobvjhhSgnzkg/edit?usp=sharing
  7. Bob's Burgers is what you're after.
  8. @EdgarusQPFC, who seemed to be going into an alt-right/incel/ultra-banana wormhole. Hope he's doing alright.
  9. A bargain compared to what Squenix are wanting from their own website. Probably a lesson in there somewhere.
  10. @NotThePars how much did you pay for your Cloud statue MERCHANDISE SALES | Square Enix Store (square-enix-games.com)
  11. I read his column in the Sun one day when I was at work. Princess Diana was a big inspiration to him as a gay teenager growing up in New Zealand because she was in a place where she wasn't really wanted or supported but she carried on. I wish I was kidding.
  12. But the point is I've not got as far as caring about any of the writing or characterisation because of how off-putting the gameplay is. I've played it for almost 20 hours and (the fact I've gone large stretches between sessions aside) I don't know anything about any of the characters other than everybody loves Dutch, everybody thinks John is a whiner and they all had it tough when they were up in the snow in the mountains. There are countless people in the gang I'm supposed to do missions or activities with and Arthur knows who they all are and cares about them, but I don't and I don't. I'm going to play it at some point and I appreciate that once I'm used to constantly cleaning my guns or brushing my horse sitting bobbing my head trying to make Arthur move faster I'll appreciate what story there is, but for the time being I'll quote the Zero Punctuation review of Final Fantasy XIII: "People have told me the game gets really good once you're twenty hours in. You know that's not a point in its favour, right?" It's also worth pointing out that compared to the first RDR, the introductory portion of the game is far inferior. There you get introduced to the player character, the premise of the story, the main villain, a minor villain, a manageable population centre and an archetypal friendly NPC and most of the gameplay within the first two hours. Job done, interest piqued. Also, I realise you have a tendency to say deliberately provocative things to get reactions out of people, but considering you voted for the latest Assassin's Creed open world effort as your second game on this list you shouldn't really be calling other games vapid to try and make RDR2 seem good. If you can't praise it on its own merits without denigrating other games then your arguments don't look very good.
  13. I don't really care about these. I found that and the magician missions a bit weird. Beating up people for the money lender was much more disagreeable to me, mainly because for a game which makes such a big deal of its honour system you have to go somewhere and leather someone because someone else told you to. There's no other option, and it feels like there should be. No, he's a criminal who does questionable things. Fine. If I feel uncomfortable controlling him in that then that's who he is, so that's fine. This is all window dressing to the fact the gameplay is by far the most tedious and off-putting thing about it. You referred to Horizon Zero Dawn earlier. For an open world game with crafting elements based on things you collect from the world, it's just better in every way from a gameplay perspective.
  14. There's also a mission in Valentine where you have to fight some local who's huge and a bit slow.
  15. It's also worth remembering the last mission in that sequence featured you chasing a teleporting dwarf through some woods. It's the realism that draws you in though.
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