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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. Boosting stuff can be a good laugh if you get a good group but the amount to do and the amount of time available there is a bit much.
  2. I Spent 3 Days with the Concord Trophy Hunters Who Dedicated Their Lives to Unlocking the PS5, PC Platinum | Push Square Do you ever wonder what sort of things humanity is missing out on achieving because video games exist?
  3. I learned today the new England manager is actually pretendy Irish.
  4. I learned today the new England manager is actually Irish.
  5. It also contains more introspective material such as "Class of '65", and a song titled "I.L.B.T.s" "introspective" is one word for it.
  6. One of the quotes I read today about that woman in France from one of the men who came in was that they assumed it was legal because it was filmed. And others that that it was legal because it was the guy's wife and he could do what he liked. I know the point of a defence is to find an excuse for the defendant's behaviour but it feels like some of them weren't trying very hard.
  7. A thread of the same title made by Skidmarks (GBNF) has apparently been archived because it's older than I realised:
  8. The longer this game went on, the harder Scotland chased, the more Steve Clarke transformed himself from an anxious pensioner playing the penny slot machines with caution to a fearless footballing version of the great Amarillo Slim holding court at the poker table in Vegas, attacking with abandon, throwing negativity to the wind.
  9. The posts in this thread are more out of time than the crowd trying to sing Flower of Scotland.
  10. I'm not sure how I feel about Gilmour's burgeoning beard either.
  11. Kenny McLean gives Gilmour a hospital pass Gunn's wrists let us down Good combo
  12. I feel as if the "eight years" part is being overlooked in Concord. I didn't even realise that until I watched Mystic's video about it. I had never heard of the game until about a month ago. Not only were they chasing a trend that peaked 5-8 years ago, they were chasing a trend where Overwatch had already killed off near enough every other competitor before managing to kill itself off. And they spent 200 million to do it. It's one thing developing and creating interest in a new IP or new concept, but for those eight years people were playing Overwatch and Apex Legends and Valorant and TF2 and Sony still spent 200 million to make a game that served an audience that didn't exist. And they put the characters' pronouns in it. I also saw a video of it earlier. The only people playing it now are people trying to get the trophies, and it seems the best way to get XP or whatever is to start a match where players only have one life and immediately throw themselves over a ledge and die. A fitting metaphor.
  13. Farcical kick off time obviously, but a browse through the related tweets ended up showing me something interesting: The replies are unanimously in agreement. At what point does the Rangers support realise that hanging about the stadium to scream at players after losing a match is actually not helping anything? At what point do they realise that "Rangers need to win" doesn't mean a bunch of people are going to appear and start winning?
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