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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. Nigel Farage currently in a rage at the Romanians having their suitcases packed and ready
  2. Starting to think we'll have competition to finish bottom with no points.
  3. If this song was in German then going by the screen in the background they could have got away with calling it Smoky Uterus
  4. Conchita's beard was fuller last year
  5. Australia still at the cutting forefront of world culture
  6. Oh yes, I'd like to vote for her please
  7. Lithuania have done well to get Nicole Kidman performing for them
  8. I'll let you decide if I was referring to the light-up suits or the guy's attempt at Martin Crane mimicking Sinatra.
  9. This just got infinitely shiter.
  10. Love the Israel boy's shoes
  11. When I sat higher maths (2009) I remember being in class one day, it was when the standard grade exams had happened and our teacher had brought us up the credit papers to have a look at them. Now this was the top class, it was the same teacher and roughly all the same pupils that had been in this class for five years, we get this paper out and I'm sat looking through it, completely unable to answer anything in it. I think there was one question which was just calculating how much money was in a bank account based on the interest on it which was just putting the numbers into a calculator. Everything else may as well have been written in Chinese.
  12. One time in higher computing we had done a nab, it was a piece of piss and there's one guy in the class making a point of saying "that was laughably easy" We get them back the next day, he's the only one who failed The class proceeds to die of laughter
  13. The first thing to say would be that this is not pyramid selling. You're doing pyramid selling? No, no, not pyramid selling. I can't believe you're into pyramid selling.
  14. I always wondered if there was a God. And now I know, there is. And it's me!
  15. Additionally, I think I've just seen Michael Stewart in an advert for a pyramid scheme
  16. This happened last night and wasn't allowed, sadly: http://giant.gfycat.com/MatureMarvelousCougar.mp4 (PS if anyone can figure out how to embed gfycat images it'd be nice)
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