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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. “We welcome thousands of people each year who look forward to seeing the famous tree. A very sad day.” Thousands of people.
  2. The American test is equally ridiculous: 100q.pdf (uscis.gov)
  3. I phoned for today's update and got the exact same message as yesterday, word for word. Only it was a man saying it and not a woman. I suppose I could say I have an urgent testicle appointment on the Friday.
  4. (after checking) he played once for Kilmarnock and managed them for thirty games. Posters on here probably have more of a Kilmarnock connection than him.
  5. Last night's message said to phone again tonight, so I suppose we'll see. I'm off work this week. I really don't see how this system works if they pick anyone who's employed.
  6. A tweet I saw once wondered how we managed to have only one generation who can use the internet properly. Sounds about right.
  7. Have you all met the, this little lady? This lady?
  8. Has anyone done jury service recently? I phoned last night and was told I might be contacted between 9 and 1:30. I'm guessing I'm not getting a phonecall today. Does this mean I'm free? Or more likely to be phoned tomorrow? How has several centuries of the law reached a point where this is the most efficient means of selecting a jury?
  9. There's something really weird about hearing someone say "cuck" and "incel" out loud.
  10. Good news, the American version is getting a reboot apparently: ‘The Office’ Reboot Reportedly in the Works After Strike (vulture.com)
  11. "Created in London Unleashed in 100 Countries" sounds much more menacing than I think they were going for.
  12. You're still thinking about the bad news.
  13. Interesting in this day and age to see the content of the story being even dumber than the headline.
  14. I nearly got my head taken off by his mic wire during Graceless.
  15. "I have no proof but this guy was mean to women online. Also he was white." There's much worse on the internet than this.
  16. We go there every Wednesday night, and it's a fun place, but it's full of loose women. My own problem with that is venereal disease, which is disabilitating right, especially for a soldier. And it's irresponsible to the rest of your unit as well, right. You've been under attack for days, there's a soldier down, he's wounded, gangrene's setting in, 'who's used all the penicillin?' 'Oh, Mark Paxton sir, he's got knob rot off some tart'
  17. Best crowd I've been in for a while.
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