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Miguel Sanchez

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Everything posted by Miguel Sanchez

  1. "Mason Mount" Antony Jadon Sancho Probably the best part of 200 million spent on the three of them. Beautiful.
  2. What an odd existence it must be to work for the Scottish Daily Express.
  3. He should've said he can't watch it as he'll be at the mosque when it's on.
  4. No, that signing Jamie MacDonald was a real cowp. Rather than a coup.
  5. Did I just hear Leanne Crichton pronounce the p in coup?
  6. All the good ones must be in the B team this weekend.
  7. Oh I absolutely will, I just enjoyed the irony of it waiting for me when I got in.
  8. I have Elon blocked. He must have looked at the figures and had a meltdown.
  9. Meanwhile, at the other end of the spectrum: Man Utd plans to bring back Greenwood were so advanced they had detailed the type of training shots that would be taken of him and how they would be filtered to the public, while a plan made for how Ten Hag would answer Qs (both initially & beyond). Man United's planning for Greenwood's return also contains extensive ongoing psychological and physical support, which includes the player being offered a form of counselling or therapy. Has your work ever asked if you'd be alright with a woman beating rapist on your staff, or told you how to handle talking about them to the press?
  10. I've just discovered what the lyrics to Delilah are and also that people apparently take them seriously.
  11. On Monday when I went to work there was a bunch of stuff that hadn't been touched since Friday when I had last been in. I fixed it. On Tuesday when I went to work there was a bunch of stuff that hadn't been touched since Monday when I had finished with it. I fixed it. On Wednesday when I went to work there was a bunch of stuff that hadn't been touched since Tuesday when I had finished with it. I fixed it. Today when I went to work not only had the stuff from Wednesday not been touched since I left it, stuff that had come in on Thursday had been done instead, meaning I had to fix all of that. Today I got home and I've got a letter for jury service. It's the last week in September. I have my first holiday from work since May that week.
  12. Hospital bosses ignored months of doctors' warnings about Lucy Letby - BBC News Lots of this is almost too ridiculous to believe.
  13. Oh I get it now. An extremely minimalist version (ie half the notes are missing)
  14. I prefer your audits when they come incrementally. Have you been saving them up?
  15. Must be watching something really good on that ipad.
  16. If we'll accept examples from other sports, Craig MacTavish spent 1 (one) year in prison for killing someone while drink driving.
  17. There's a new Paws album out in October which ought to be good: There's a new Xcerts album out tomorrow which I found in Fopp today which I doubt I will like as much as their others but then I've only heard it once:
  18. No idea why you're asking me on this one but I'd go with what the other guy said. The plinkyplonk stuff at the beginning just reminds me of this
  19. I got invited to enter my e-mail address for an e-receipt for the first time today.
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