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Everything posted by Jambo'ness

  1. Frustration, relief, joy. All three emotions felt in around 5 crazy minutes today. First things first, the steak & haggis bridie I had was very tasty and nothing lik the grilled offerings of our last visit. The Bu's started brightly and could have had a couple of quick goals. To balance that, Murphy made a great save when tipping wide a net-bound curler from their number 9. The ref did his best to spoil it but still we saw a good game. Their opener was unstoppable, if a little undeserved. Going behind the second time seemed like a killer blow and tbh the gestures towards us by the 7 would have seen others sent off. We had the last laugh however. Almost like that cup-tie at Rob Roy a few years back. Very good performances from Snowdon, Syme, Campbell, Donnelly & MacKenzie but I gave my MOTM to Murphy for his amazing save(s) in the first half.
  2. Now for another big test. A trip to the far east, Tranent! Always get a tough game there and fully expect the same tomorrow. Just do your best lads and get stuck in.
  3. Take a look at the Dunipace thread for a (hopeful) preview of what our pitch will look like. Certainly looks miles better than that K Park surface.
  4. The photos look really good. Our two projects had been linked closely and I hope our pitch (eventually) looks like yours. Good luck.
  5. We have had two losses this season. After the Jeanfield defeat I was genuinely worried about our chances this season. After today, I am strangely optimistic. We had Snowdon, Jacobs, Keast & Gray missing and a half-fit Wright on the bench and yet we still competed strongly against a highly-rated side. The trick is to maintain that same level against the sides rated lower. I am confident we will .
  6. Let's remain positive. We were beaten by a side in a higher league but certainly didn't let ourselves down. The fact their 'keeper was announced as MOTM says it all.
  7. It's always easy to blame the ref but in this case it's right to. Two fouls on BU players directly leading to their 2 goals. Brown was a joke, not ably assisted by the lanky linesman. The BU's did not deserve to lose and can be proud of their performance. If that is the standard of the LL then bring it on! BTW I think they got the pies locally, most likely from Daldowie Crematorium.
  8. A bit of noise from the away support would be good today. Give the lads some real backing and show the Lowland Leaguers what we are made of. C'mon the BU's!
  9. To be fair, Downie looked poor when with us but the other two were players we should never have let go.
  10. Alan, do you still have that unofficial 'hospitality' shed in the garden behind the goals? I only ask as you seem to have official hospitality now.
  11. Of course Alan, you're so right. The standard of comment in the Junior forum was so much better. We will all try to live up to your high standards in future.
  12. Behind the goals it is then! Certainly not sitting down, I hate seats at football.
  13. Challenge Cup action this weekend and it is fair to say bo'ness have drawn one of the tougher ties. Away to LL opposition isn't going to be easy and we are definite underdogs. Looking at the Non-League scotland site, only one side is used by spectators, which is going to be a little surreal. Never the less, let's do a Jeanfield and cuff them at their place!
  14. So you're the boss, so sorry for saying it was you who chastised him (being kind there). Did you see his actions at the end?
  15. Go forward 45 minutes and you'll be in the right timeline.
  16. I think we spent too much time trying to get used to not playing Crossgates! Definitely not going to be fun compiling the highlights of that game. Still, we got the win and another 3 points. For me Snowdon was the MOTM, not only for his play but also not getting involved with the number 7. You can tell Dunipace have grown in the game, signing Ashley Young! In all honesty, he was a disgrace and the referee really should have grown a pair with his antics. I also believe he acted up in the tunnel too, when his own boss had to chastise him. The trialist on show had a decent start. He looks nippy and is eager to move around, not remain static. I would take the gamble and get him on board before the EK game, because we need some threat up front.
  17. Very good questions but only he knows for sure. Going by recent signings, it is clear he knows players in the West (Watt, Prentice, Gray & MacKenzie). I think Shirra will have been the driver behind Morgan & Syme signings, him being at Sauchie before. We have only picked up one senior outfield free (MacDonald), which surprises me. If you watch the footage of our games this season, it is painfully obvious that our chance conversion rate is very low. Once again, we have waited too long to do important transfer business.
  18. Back to League business this week and a home game to boot. I'm not underestimating any side in this new set-up but I'm sure Kegs would be disappointed at anything other than a win against Dunipace. The last three weeks have proved you cannot take anything for granted. Still waiting for the signing of a recognised striker. We cannot put the load on our centre-backs to win our games. Has Marc Kelly put pen to paper with anyone yet?
  19. It's a bit like your brain. Yes, it's physically there but there's s**t going on inside.
  20. Tranent, historically, has been a bit of a graveyard for Bo'ness. Hopefully the guys are going to treat this tie very seriously.
  21. To defend Dave, he was certainly there. Yes that numpty was a walking time-bomb, still holding a grudge about not having a proper number in the first game. Dave's point is valid though. Morgan could have walked quite easily. Still the biggest puzzle for me is how we let a team with 8 men score against us.
  22. Doubt that. He gave up because of personal reasons that were unlikely to improve.
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