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Everything posted by Jambo'ness

  1. We could even afford a missed penalty from Will! If anyone is thinking of derisory comments over the type of teams we are playing, just remember we have hit double figures twice in the last 5 years or so against such wonderful junior sides as Portgordon & Stoneyburn. This was a Cup match and will not be replicated on a regular basis in the League. The Tweedmouth 'keeper made some inspired saves and had a fair deal of luck too. For me MOM was Marty Wright. He led the line well, creating the first and getting a couple himself. Was unlucky with other efforts too, including one off the bar. I know it seems strange not giving it to Ross Campbell, after all it's not often a centre-back scores a hat-trick but Marty just pips him.
  2. Seems like a good day for a game so far. Hope we have signed up our two 'trialists' in time for the game.
  3. Just to hark back to yesterdays game for a moment. How easy were some of their players to bait? Numbers three, five and our old failure James McAteer all indulged in backchat to a degree they were most certainly losing concentration. Will came in for some criticism for what some saw as a 'stupid' booking, when he took out their number three. I would like to see the positive side in that at least it wasn't a card for backchat as is normally the case.
  4. I got my wish and what a difference he made. Great to see Marc Kelly back as well and I hope they don't mess about in signing him up. One of the most one-sided matches I can recall & Oakley very lucky to have only conceded three. Hard to pick out a top performer as no failures but Gemmell just shades it from Campbell. A big shout out to Syme who is a great no-nonsense left-back.
  5. It's a game we have to win. Have we the energy, determination & fire-power to do so? Would really like to see Marty back tomorrow.
  6. The guys started showing much more energy than at the weekend. Their passing was sharper and more accurate too. It took a while but the deserved goal came and we really should have had the game won at half-time. It was strange that 2 of the 3 subs who came on were older than the players replaced, so our energy levels weren't going to improve! In the end only a one on one save by Marshall won us the game but it would have been criminal for us not to. Several players showed good form. Dev & Syme were both solid at full-back. Big Aldin won everything in the air and has a decent left foot too. Gemmell was everywhere as usual, getting stuck in and MacKenzie up front had a good game despite receiving no protection from the ref. MOM though has to be Morgan. Made one and scored one, he is beginning to look like a replacement for Steve Pittman.
  7. I suppose the fact he was so close to McGonigal goes against him. Cannot imagine him getting the bullet this early. Who would you choose at this late juncture anyway? Dealt a blow with Scott walking away but has to address the other issues soon.
  8. We had him on loan from East Stirling a few years back. The way things are going we'll be looking to bring back Joe Savage
  9. Maybe I have too high standards but after speaking to others after the game, I can assure you the consensus of opinion was no improvement from last season......and that's me being kind.
  10. Yes, I was "moaning" about older players but did not "moan" about Bachelor. I merely stated what I thought from watching him last season.
  11. We've certainly let good ones go in the past. Not sure though if Bachelor will be any loss as he didn't look the part at the end of last season. The fact Kegs didn't use Rintoul yesterday suggests he doesn't have confidence in him, rightly or wrongly. It may seem that reaction is OTT over a bad 45 minutes but it is a culmination of several problems which came to a head yesterday. It shouldn't be forgotten we are now on a 4 match losing run in competitive games. Maybe we will look better with those missing yesterday in the side. Only time will tell but every fan knows we are missing a striker. I had hoped we would have learned from our mistakes of last season but again we have left things very late if we want to improve on what we have.
  12. In reality, it's not even who is at the club but who isn't. The loss of Millar & Kelly has not been addressed at all, so our striking options are limited. The new signings are decent. Syme is a 'proper' full-back. Morgan could be the box to box we need but is not utilised as such and Watt can play, although the wind today did nothing for his delivery. MacDonald at the back is a good utility player who can pass a ball. However Kegs needs to tighten them up into a functioning team. I think you could be right there. We were well beaten in the second half.
  13. Struggling to find a positive to take out of this. Only one I can come up with is that at least League points weren't at stake. Apart from the obvious forward deficit, we are also carrying an old team. Three of the starting back four are in their thirties and Dougie has age and fitness against him just now. A big turn-around required.
  14. Today's the day! Competitive football returns but in a new setting. I hope the locals get behind the side from the start. The last two visits from Jeanfield have seen us score five each time but they will be rejuvenated this year and I certainly don't expect a repeat. Keep tight at the back, make chances and take them. God, it sounds so easy doesn't it?
  15. Last year, because of the loan deal with Accies, Marshall was guaranteed a game when available. This year he'll have to earn it. Can only be good for the two of them.
  16. I like the look of the signings he's made. If I have one reservation it is the over-reliance on a lot of the guys who failed us last year. He is on the right lines though. Pollok were outplayed in the first half but looked a lot better in the 2nd half. Will be a decent outfit in the season ahead.
  17. Competition for the keepers jersey definitely needed but on last nights showing, Murphy should be number 1. Josh at the back had a hard time off their number 14 but at least was able to keep apace. Of the other new boys, Syme & Watt continued to impress. It really is a joy to have a proper left-back on the field! Morgan did well too and it was after his withdrawal we seemed to fall out of things. I keep saying it but we are way too light up top. Kelly & Millar lost in the close-season, we really need to sign at least one decent striker. Where from? I'm not the one holding the purse-strings but I would be trying really hard to get Zander Miller back from Broxburn.
  18. I'm happy with either Dev or Gemmell at right back. For both its their natural position. Certainly the centre is an area to strengthen and on the back of yesterday alone, the trialist at the back should be signed up.
  19. I would still like to see another striker brought in. Don't know position with Marc Kelly this year but if things aren't working out at Accies, I wouldn't mind seeing him back.
  20. Decent run-out for the guys, remembering several weren't available today. The new signings Morgan, Syme & Watt are definitely better than anyone we signed last pre-season. I hope we snap up the number 4 from today as he looked a class act, first in central defence, then in central midfield. Dave is right about Rhino though, had at most 4 touches and each one was a muck-up. Was furious with himself but we need a proper back-up for the season ahead.
  21. As a general comment, it is mind-blowing having a full fixture list planned out for us. Great work by the guy(s) at the EoSL
  22. Cracking idea. Could play for the old George Simpson Memorial Cup, contested between the clubs on an irregular basis in the past.
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