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Everything posted by Jambo'ness

  1. I can only really speak about the Spanish model. Its all a matter of opinion on whether it 'works'. No reserve side can reach La Liga, or play in the same division as their 'first' team and they cannot leapfrog them if fortunes differ. The two reserve sides currently in the Segunda, Barcelona & Seville, are both presently in relegation places, so there is an argument as to whether they bring much to the table in a playing sense. In Segunda B, there is a proliferation of reserve sides spread over the four groups, with mixed success. Its when you drop down to the Tercera it gets really messy. Split into 18 groups, you can see the sense of reserve sides making up the numbers in the Canarian group but you get other local mainland groups with clubs third teams included. I'm mainly concerned that if you open the door here, the gruesome twosome will take advantage, as they always do.
  2. The thing with the Colts teams boils down to what worth does it bring? I'm old enough to remember when Hearts & Hibs had teams in the EOSL. I certainly cannot remember one player of note coming through that route on the Hearts side. When the introduction of Colts is mentioned, it's immediately tagged with the Old Firm being the naturals. Do we really want to infect another part of our game with the associated bile and hatred that would surely follow them about? So, it must come down to money for the big two, who certainly don't give a monkeys about the rest. Just don't think it would be a benefit to the game here.
  3. You hope for change, yet you red dot 2 of my posts for being a little sceptical over your self-interest?
  4. I would not believe you were that stupid but your lack of preparation reflects on just how serious you were in the first place.
  5. Patches giving this post a red dot suggests I was hitting closer to home than he liked.
  6. They have every right to be. The way the whole thing has been conducted is shambolic. From not contacting anyone to sending invitations to retired committee members. Doesn't give you a lot of hope that any meaningful discussions will take place, or is that the underlying plan?
  7. Your idea is good in principle but there is one potential problem. That of balancing the playing side with developing the facilities. Kelty had to go down that route and ended in a relegation play-off! It would be great as long as no possible danger of relegation.
  8. TJ wants to protect his position. Probably worried that if the juniors were integrated, the SFA would want to install a new director of operations. Like so many leaders, when it all boils down, it's a case of 'what's in it for me?'
  9. I'm sure it'll be 'like snow off a dyke' to him.
  10. He'll be getting snowed under with all these responses.
  11. I certainly don't want my club doing anything stupid and becoming a 'victim', as you put it. However, equally, I don't want them sitting still with their hands over their peepers, singing lalalah whilst the world passes them by. I find it blizzard (sic) that there is so much fear being generated. If you don't want to reach a destination, don't get on the bus but be mindful that routes change all the time and at some point you may be without a service.
  12. If the world at large is to be used as evidence, all it leads to is more corruption . Most clubs struggle to drum up committee members as it is, I'm not sure where all these 'professional' people would come from. hence the likelihood of corruption.
  13. A report from a Government committee setting down suggestions on how to run a previously sectarian country with honest principles? Sorry, coffee hasn't kicked in yet so can't see the relevance.
  14. I'm curious. Where is your evidence that this is the case?
  15. How do you really judge that though? If you follow your Junior team, home and away, all season long then surely your 'alliance' is with the Junior side. I may be an enigma here but I spend my time and money following Bo'ness United, so for me to then proclaim a senior 'main' allegiance would make me feel like an imposter.
  16. From my user name it's obvious where my loyalties USED to lie but supporting the BU's for 10 years has blown my senior loyalties away. I look for results but cannot consider myself a fan as I've only been to Tynecastle twice since 2010. When (not if) Bo'ness make the change to whatever part of the pyramid will be open to them, my undivided loyalties will be with them. The team you pay to watch are your team. End of. It's kind of similar to when I was younger and everyone had an 'English' team. Most only ever saw them on TV.
  17. I take it you are not aware of The Newtown Park Association. It's no longer in the hands of the council.
  18. Sorry to come to this late but I was on holiday. The Willie Pryde of Bo'ness had played for Bo'ness Cadora pre-war, then signed for the new United on demob. He moved to Southend United in July 1947. The Pryde that played for Newburgh was, I believe, Jim Pryde. He went on to play for Rangers.
  19. Eric went to Hearts from Salvesens BC in 1969 and was a regular in the reserves and made his first team debut in Feb 1970. So sorry cannot help to confirm, just eliminate him from your enquiries.
  20. When Arniston signed him, my view was he was better off on a football pitch with other men rather than sitting at home on a PC. When my team played them, he kept his head down and was first in the dressing room at the end of each half. Then he gets a move up to Nitten and we saw the start of his arrogance. Then on to Kelty last season, where any baiting was responded to by brushing his shoulder, not exactly remorseful. Yes he is a very good player, who could have made it to the full Scotland team had he kept his nose clean but he didn't and can consider himself very fortunate at the leniency of his sentence. All sorts of excuses can be made for him but it comes down to the fact he had sexual urges for young children. That should never be forgotten. No doubt he is quite proud of himself now but the damage to Edinburgh City will show in the months ahead.
  21. You think? Many football fans at my work do not understand the distinction between 'senior' and 'junior' and honestly think I just support a kids team. Now, translate that to sponsorship and firms may not see any benefit advertising their product through what they believe is a kids team. Granted, most sponsorship at team level is given by local companies who have an understanding but for the national cup for instance we should be harnessing sponsorship at a greater level.
  22. Just answering on the opening post, not had time to read rest. For me, it is the collective 'we' of junior football that is a problem. 'We' are not junior clubs, 'we' are football clubs and that should be all that matters. However the shake-up comes along either by pyramid, or strict regions, it should be remembered it is still one game, be you Berwick, Buckie or Bellshill. The SJFA are self-interested. They have held a power for so long that they don't want to see lost. Everybody should be allowed to find their own level but getting rid of the moniker 'juniors' would be a fine start.
  23. OK then, let's introduce that at least one disabled person is guaranteed an interview, then we can move on and add gender (look at how many male coaches are in women's football) and then go the whole hog by bringing sexual orientation into it. Anything else is surely discriminatory..........
  24. I was prepared to be neutral and read without judgment.....then you spoiled it.
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