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Everything posted by Jambo'ness

  1. She's now 41 and this happened when she was a bairn. Slow news days in banjo land.
  2. Doesn't that say it all about Ally's ability. He hasn't got a clue how to develop them but some other manager in the same division might get the best out of them. Then they can return in January to wreak havoc on the subs bench..........if there is still a club there.
  3. Gruffalo & the periodic table one let me down but a good 8/10 today, especially after a miserable 1 earlier this week.
  4. As a York fan, I remember the last time we played at Starks Park and a certain Nacho Novo ripped our defence for arse paper. our team then was supposedly decent but that game highlighted our deficiencies and our decline was under way. Last night Raith were clueless. I get no pleasure from saying that. If you get important injured defenders back it would make a difference. As for Laidlaw....oh dear. Your midfield is non-existent and I suppose Nade & Elliot require service to do the needful. Long, hard season ahead but good luck.
  5. Well I did get the score half right when I said 0-0. TBH you were awful, really awful. For long periods City were toying with you like a cat with a mouse. Yes, I know all about the injuries but some of the replacemrnts should not be putting on boots to start with. City played some neat football and were never tested at the back, The 4th goal was a highlight even the Raith fans applauded. As for Nade, did nothing to make me improve my opinion. Has some nice footwork but showed no end product. Don't be upset if I predict you're going down, as I did the same last season to Hamilton after Bo'ness beat them in a friendly.
  6. Looking forward to City's match tonight. Saw enough of Nade at Tynecastle to expect big John McCombe will have him tucked away (not in his back pocket as he'd need awfy big troosers). You're lacking in defence, we're lacking in attack. I'm going for 0-0.
  7. I think they will rely heavily on loan signings this season. I can't see them offering long-term deals to many at the moment as they are a little hesitant on their promotion chances. if they have any sense they would look to stay down and maybe build over 2 years but that wont be in the plans.
  8. Thought it was 2-0 but age catching up. That was the night Nacho Novo ripped our defence apart for speed.
  9. Ah, I understand now. You mean like young Rangers fans identifying with the Battle of the Boyne. Like the tories, their actions continue to blight the nation.
  10. You say yourself that you weren't around then, so your opinion means nowt. I was affected by her policies and actions and I can assure you that no workers up here were looking to have their mines, steel works, shipyards etc, etc closed so they could avoid work. I am not a man driven by hate but by God was I happy when I learned of her demise. An evil woman, who is probably pissing off everyone else in Hell right now.
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