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Everything posted by Tryfield

  1. I don't have a choice where my tax goes, I work in England and live in Scotland like a good few others around Dumfries, Annan, Gretna and other border towns. My company is registered in England so my tax will probably go to the treasury down south no matter what way I vote. If anyone can clarify this type of situation that myself and others in the same position find themselves, then please do.
  2. It'll be fun either way. One lot will be on champagne, the other lot on Prozac. Whatever the result, the final outcome will still be the same. Do what your told, pay your taxes and shut the fcuk up. That is how I see it.
  3. Tryfield has a total disregard for all politicians. They all lie, most fiddle cash and some are just pure and simply criminals. That's at all levels.
  4. Bet was struck on my birthday last year. Be raging if odds don't come in less than 3/1. Every point above 3/1 is a ton less for me. Boo.
  5. Ladbrokes now going 4/1 YES. I knew I jumped in too quick.
  6. 3 images I seen in The Guardian. They made me chuckle.
  7. That Baton relay is actually screened live by BBC website. It's in Maybole just now, well, just leaving for Alloway. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-scotland-27810806
  8. Maybe he's been goggle eyed at Wings over Scotland and other websites that rant and rave whilst only focusing on their side of the debate. Caught in a bubble. There are certainly a few NO voters who have also let themselves get caught up in their own beliefs. It's almost like two new religions have been born in Scotland. I'll remain agnostic until the 18th Sept.
  9. I was thinking around the 75-80% mark. Whoever loses the vote, instead of slating those on the opposite side, surely they should be directing their ire and rage at the non voters first?
  10. Yep. The way the campaign and mud slinging has gone on...I won't be surprised if the Don't Knows turn into Don't Cares who don't bother voting.
  11. Indeed. YouGov's president, Peter Kellner, a friend of Tony Blair, is married to Baroness Cathy Ashton. The highest paid female politician around(even paid more than Obama) and who has never been elected to anything in her life. Blair made her a Baroness so she could get into the Lords to get the Lisbon Treaty through, which she did. Still, I don't think YouGov would fabricate figures as high as a 20 point difference. Perhaps they merely doubled a 10 point lead.
  12. A wee local poll in the Ayr Advertiser. I also note that from the start of this month Bet365 odds have gone: 06/06/2014 - YES 11/4 - NO 1/4 13/06/2014 - YES 10/3 - NO 1/5 16/06/2015 - YES 7/2 - NO 1/6 YES voters should be lumping on now......unless they are holding out for 4/1 or 9/2.
  13. I see YES have managed to crack the 40% mark in one poll. Doesn't bode well though. I'd have been expecting them to nudge ahead in at least one poll with less than 3 months to go. BBC Poll Tracker http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/events/scotland-decides/poll-tracker Ye never know.... I maybe get my bet up yet.
  14. Germany getting a pounding of lightning storms just now. http://www.lightningmaps.org/realtime?lang=en
  15. Best odds I can see is 11/50 for NO with Betway. (Odds shortening) Best for YES is 3/1 with Betfair (Odds drifting) I thought I was stealing money last June when I backed YES at 3/1. Looks as though I've chucked a ton away.
  16. Would I be right in saying that after Saturday, Spain/Spanish will hold the world cup, Champions League, Europa cup and European championships cup?
  17. Got Wednesday and Thursday off work, full pay. Things are quiet.
  18. X - II Value for money entertainment in Lanarkshire.
  19. I'm watching the full match England v Scotland, Wembley 1967 and Dennis Law has just scored. The hair on the back of my neck....hackles in fact. Brilliant. Two more goals to come. Boaby Lennox just scored and 40,000 Scots at Wembley chant "Easy Easy Easy". Yass.
  20. I have tears running down my cheeks at the Killie Cheats thread. It is amazing, awesome, utter brilliance tonight. Don't ever piss Tamara off.
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