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Everything posted by Squirrelhumper

  1. Hes played part time lower league football as no full time club with a moral compass would go near him......untll now.
  2. Baffling signing. Especially this week of all weeks. I'd want the c**t nowhere near my club.
  3. Think it suited both parties. Not sure we would want lumbered with his wages in the championship for 12 months or longer and also doubt he wants to play there any more than we do.
  4. I assume that was what was meant to happen but as it got closer to KO if they were just clicking folk through as the queue was huge.
  5. At the derby in october they weren't even looking at the ticket. Turnstiles arent great when a big crowd closer you get to kick off so I'd get there sharp.
  6. They are playing tonight TBF. Going by ticket sales, they have shifted more than us.
  7. Alloa. They are playing Celtic though, a bit of a step up from Hearts.....biggest budget in Scotland. Talbot also beaten quite a few league sides of late and Hearts just lost to Brora Rangers less than 10 months ago!
  8. Be hard pushed to get any team at 20/1 at home at that this stage of the cup.
  9. Jeez, there was me thinking that you were the ones that brought out RangAyr scarfs. And it was an Ayr fan on here who stated that a reason for the poor ticket sales might be a clash with the old firm game! I hope Ayr bring a decent crowd, it's good for the atmosphere and the derby in general.
  10. It's a different night but not sure i know anyone who wouldn't not attend a Killie-Ayr game cos that shite was on the same night.
  11. Going by the seating guide, there defo wasn't/is 600 sold. Only two sections been on sale so far and neither sold out. Hopefully sales pick up, as it would be great to see a really big crowd from both sides. +
  12. Did it? Not like there's not any midweek's free is there? Although given the state of your pitch its no surprise you wanted to continue. I'd have been raging if Killie decided to play on without even attempting a solution and in the process shafting 3,300 season ticket holders who would be locked out each game there was a 500 capacity. Thankfully Killie & Ayr had the foresight to move the derby.
  13. Good attitude that, Thistle didn't know the outcome of the vote when the other teams voted to shaft their own fans.
  14. Nope, sadly plenty others would rather play in front of 500 fans and not even attempt a solution.
  15. It would have meant we would have a break like the top flight (as Killie wanted) instead of playing in front of 500 fans. Thistle and several other clubs voted to continue playing.
  16. Surely to f**k both clubs will be at least asking BBC to change this to the Monday night.
  17. Aye we had stand behind the goal and part of main stand that day. Was some handbags before game IIRC. Usually was at Killie Thistle games thise days!
  18. Only if they have had their boosters and fully vaxxed.
  19. It' appears so. Strange what some folk will turn a blind eye to just cos somebody can score a few goals.
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