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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. For me, muscle mass has f**k all to do with it. It's purely about their look. Miz, Punk, Jericho and Ziggler look like main eventers. Christian doesn't, simple as that.
  2. Naw, Christian looks like a mid carder, acts like a mid carder, talks like a mid carder. The only thing that's not mid card is his actual wresling ability. He is not a "proper" main eventer. Miz looks like a main eventer. But apart from that everything about him bores me. Miz clearly isn't hence why he has ben pumped back into the upper mid card. I'm more pointing to the fact that SD is really lacking in creible main event heels. After Christian who is there? Now with Sheamus face turn they've narowed it down yet again.
  3. Talking about Christian beng the only guy there to fill the spot, they really need new main eventers on SD.....heel or face. They shouldnt be turning Sheamus face, he'd be a great main event heel. Also, when will Taker come back?
  4. Christian isn't a "proper" main eventer though. You get the feeling he is being used because well, there is nobody else to fill that spot just now.
  5. Aye that's all fin and well when you have a credible WHC like HHH.
  6. Can't see it. The WWE Title=money. It will be back on TV soon whether that be on Punk or the winner of tonight. After Punks indy appearance at the weekend, maybe the rumours of an alliance with ROH are true. I mean alot of people within both companies had their suspisions and 9 time out of 10 there is no smoke without fire.
  7. There are no televised WWE events in Chicago until Decmber though. RAW comes back to to Allstate Arena on Boxing Day I think it is, I read it a few days ago. Five months is a long time to keep fans interested without being on TV.
  8. Had an 8 week check up today. Madison was 6lbs 8oz at birth. She was weighed today at 10lbs 2oz
  9. Anyone reckon Punk will show up on RAW tonight? I have a feeling that he will to show everyone thathe is the "REAL" worlds champion.
  10. I love the way this is going. It's something totally new. It really is amazing to be a wrestling fan right now. Hopefully this means the beginning of the end of the GP era and the re=birth of edgier stuff. CM Punk in WWE similar to attitude (although not as attitude will never be replicated.) would be amazing....for me it's on it's way to being the best wrestling in the last 10 years. Everyone is on Facebook/Twitter/Youtube these day, so why not use it to your advantage.
  11. As for GC contenders of the future? I don't see Boasson Hagen being there. I mean he's very good, but he's what I'd call a strong man. Decent in the sprints and decent in the smaller climbs, similar to Gilbert. Pierre Roland will for sure. The French are crying out for a hero and after the way he rode for Voeckler and for himself he will be a top contender after a couple of seasons as a team leader. Outside of Roland I reckon Uran and Tejay Van Garderen will be challengers eventually.
  12. Well I'm guessing he's been given permission to keep the story going
  13. A bit of a foregone conclusin but Cav takes it from Boasson Hagen I think in 2nd
  14. I'm not saying there was anything rong with the way he rode, my point is he may just be the least attacking TdF winner in history, but the strategy he quite clearly mapped out beforehand worked an absolute treat. I bet he's been drilling the TT in practice with the TdF in mind. He has stitched the Schlecks right up, no way did thye ever imagine he'd destroy them like that in the TT. He rode the way he knew he'd win, why would he expend extra energy launching attacks with the strategy he had? There is a big problem at Leopard Trek. One of the brothers is going to have to go and fend for himself. This whole "well we'll se who's in a better position before deciding who we work for" tactic is NOT working. They both need to be leading a team. I'd suggest Frank should jump ship to an Astana or Radio Shack or something. He'd easily make team leader and have a genuine chance of winning instead of fannying about with Andy whispering sweet nothings in each others ear up each climb.
  15. Rojas still 15 behind Cav? Cav has taken green for me, Rojas won't pul back 15 on him tomorrow. Therefore Cav will win the stage at a canter. Can't see anyone stopping HTC. The intermediate is on the first lap of the Champs Elysees I think, and if Cav picks up anything there then he has secured it I reckon. I'd expect Gilbert to try spring an upset.
  16. Evans has one of the squarest faces I've ever seen.
  17. Evans now leads by1'34 from Andy. Congrats to Evans. I thought he was pretty cautious and defensive the entire 3 weeks, I'd go as far as to say boring, but he has clearly came in with a tactic of keeping it close right up till the TT. Serious questions have to be asked about the Leopard Trek tactics, why oh why did they not try and take more time out of Evans yesterday? They were very content just to stick with him and have been absolutley blown away today. You'd also think the Schlecks would put in extensive practice into TTing, thy are shite at it, and it will continue to cost them big races.
  18. Schleck has blown it. Wearing yellow you'd think he'd be doubly motivated, but he doesn't really look like he can be arsed. Will Evans be the least attacking champion in history?
  19. Estimated at 11 seconds now, how much does Andy regret not attacking Evans yesterday right now?
  20. Before reaching the check they have estimated that the GC gap on the road between Evand and ANdy is 27 seconds.
  21. Apparently the organisers have fucked up. Frank should have started before Evans. Their rule book says that if 2 riders from the same team are due to start consecutively then the lower ranked rider should start before the guy who preceeds him ie Frank then Evans then Andy.
  22. This could be abot dodgy. Is it at all concieveable that Frank could wait on Andy and pace him?
  23. Good question raised on Eurosport and one I've never understood. Why do the GC contnders never race into Paris? Say Evans takes a 3 second lead over Andy into tomorrow, why is it unlikely that Andy would attack and gain the 3 seconds back to win the Tour? I mean it is a race to Paris right? So would Andy be likely be punished by the peloton next year etc.? I know it's a day for the sprinters, but hat would be so wrong for a GC rider to try open gap and win the Tour?
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