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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. Usually when the first one goes, a whole bunch are sure to follow, so anyone care to guess who else will be future endeavoured? I'll go for: Yoshi Tatsu Brodus Clay Curt Hawkins JTG Primo Chris Maters
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nd9UjZraZcU
  3. Not surprising really. He was landed with the entire blame of his and Sin Caras matches being shite. He hasnt done anything for 3 years now. Although, he is a good guy to have around as he will basically do anything asked of him.
  4. I'm not just talking about tanned I'm talking actually turning black . As for Shelton, his face is definetly fat as f**k. The World title and tag title matches should be crackers!!!!
  5. I just finished watching the Press Conference and it was a pretty good effort. It is a throw back to old school NWA. I fucking love Davey Richards!!!!! Also, on of the Briscoes is looking quite black these days ......and Shelton Benjamin is a fat b*****d.
  6. Having him fall on his arse for so long from a slap in the face from a 65 year old man made him look like a massive twat. Staying down longer would have made him look shite. Although I agree, he ompletely no-sold the stunner to a degree. With in 30 seconds he was back up and fine. Really looking forward to another season, it's the best thing WWE have shown on TV in a long time.
  7. We tried this numerous times and it didn't work, however, tried again in the middle of the night and she finally slept .....happy days!!!
  8. Ok I finally just caught up with all of the episode of Tough Enough and thought it was cracking. I thought Big Andy thoroughly deserved it. His promo skills may not have been amazing, but they weren't that bad either. He has the size, look and intensity to at least kick about in WWE for a while. I wouldn't be surprised if Luke and Martin got developmental dealsor tryouts either. Martin was very unlucky with the injury. You have to wonder how some of them even got on the show. Eric, Skidmarks and all of the women were absolutely rotten. It's a shame they gave so many places to women, lets be honest, a woman will never win it and it takes away places from guys who could be genuine contenders. Anyone know if there are plans for another season?
  9. That's the point though, she litterally will not sleep alone. The only way she will go to sleep is while being held. She has a checkup on Monday so it will definetly be mentioned.
  10. She only coming up on 5 weeks. It's not wind or hunger. But I keep saying to myself "there must be some reason she's crying." Aye thats an understatement.
  11. Doing it graduall will take forever I fear . The slightest suggestion that you are about to leave her on her own and she screams the place down. We try to put her to bed at the same time every day to get her in to a routine but shes not having any of it so shes been kicking off for days now. But I find her crying herself to sleep is the hardest thing. It is VERY difficult not to go and pick her up!
  12. Madison simply will not sleep whatsoever unless she is being held!!!!
  13. JR and Heyman was incredible because it was genuine. The number of times Heyman provked a legitimately angry reaction from JR was unreal.
  14. Thinking about it, while they are all on WWE's books why not throw Styles, Matthews and Cole together on Smackdown? It would please me very much.
  15. Either my eyes are fucked or a technical error has occured with this post
  16. Charlie Sheen or Ultimate Warrior? Who said it?
  17. Two supermen against 3 main event jobbers....hmmmmm I wonder what'll happen here.
  18. The other was a first fall wins match, also known as a bog standard, run of the mill 6 man tag
  19. Um, the 3 options for this match were fucking gash. 20 minute time limit match? It'll last that long regardless f**k sake.
  20. Did Booker just call an Alabama Slam a Sidewalk Slam?
  21. Glad Punk will again get the opportunity to job to Cena, looking completeley shite in the process. Surely he's signed a new deal then to be given a title shot. Probably as was mentioned earlier a hiatus for a few months. PS. Punk has nipples like cocktail sausages
  22. Tower of Doom!!!! The X-Division will be raging.
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