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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. Here is a spoiler-free preview for tonight's episode of WWE RAW. The show was taped last week due to the WWE production crew being on the road this week for Friday's live Smackdown premiere on SyFy. - WWE champion Randy Orton vs Chris Jericho - John Cena vs Edge - Great Khali vs Sheamus - WWE United States champion Daniel Bryan & John Morrison vs The Miz & Alex Riley - Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel vs Mark Henry and Evan Bourne
  2. I think that's hid deal. He wants to respect you. He puts in in certain predicaments and if you stick up for yourself you get his respect. If not, you continue to be his bitch, literally.
  3. They shoulda just took the Joey Styles approach and knocked the fucker out. I know that 'Taker is known as being quite harsh on rookies in the locker room, but thats just hazing them and pulling ribs, Bradshaw is known for taking it too far. In saying that, I've never heard the part about Lawler just standing and watching. I herd he tied GMS up in the showers with towels and told him he was gonnae shag him. GMS proceeded to cry as all the boys in the locker room looked on pissing themselves laughing.
  4. JBL did an interview last week that I read where he admitted he was a dick, especially to Miz. Also I've heard the one about Bradshaw threatening to rape Grand Maaster Sexay before.
  5. I've heard these ones before: 182. Dynamite Kid used to wake his wife up by putting a pistol to her head... and pulling the trigger once her eyes opened. Then he would say, "One day, it will be loaded." 192. Brian Pillman was a definite racist. 197. Rock loves to lay the smackdown on Trish Stratus. These ones made me : 183. The Anvil taught Davey Boy how to drug his wife's orange juice right before bed time each night. Then the next morning their wives would awaken with bloody, sore anuses. It took them a few bloody anuses to realize their husbands were anally raping them. 202. At WM 13, supposably Psycho Sid shit his pants in the match with the Undertaker and Undertaker said it was some horrible smell in the ring. 446. Chris Benoit invented the triple German suplex back in the 80s; Steve Strong was the Trans-Canadian Heavyweight Champion, but was a real dick about it backstage, so one day before a match with Benoit, Beef Wellington jacked off all over the back of the belt before he put it on. Once the match began, Strong's belly was so sticky that Benoit couldn't get his arms off of it until after the third suplex. 458. At the beginning of the Attitude era, when Vince was going nuts with merchandising ideas-- one of his pet concepts was for a set of WWF Legends commerative cockrings which would have been available in adult speciality stores like Spencers.
  6. 99% is probably bullshit but they're a good laugh. Although Buff Bagwells name came up quite a few times, no smoke without fire and all. Also, Punk comes across as a bit of a c**t
  7. Alter Bridge- Come to Life and now Pendulum - Voodoo People
  8. 22, but I can tell my mum won't be happy, she'll come round eventually though.
  9. I've only known one day, God knows how I'll last 9 months.
  10. Cheers. I'm looking for as much advice as possible here. Do you ever stop shiteing yourself at any time before the birth? Off to tell my family tomorrow,which for some reason I'm shiteing myself the most about.
  11. Urban Legends Some funny shit, although it is a bit out dated ie.it talks about Trent Acid scoring heroin after shows.
  12. Found out earlier today that my giirlfriend is pregnant. Needless to say, I am shiteing myself.
  13. And needs to heel it up, he simply isn't a face and when he cuts face promos I find myself cringing quite a bit. Bring him back as an evil b*****d like he was in Evolution and we'll be on to a winner.
  14. They railroad themselves into "well we must have a ladder match here, we must have a HIAC match here" instead of just having regular PPV's where thy can have whatever type of match fits the feud. Not all feuds in WWE require HIAC matches, it's fucking stupid.
  15. The Big Boss 9/10 By far my favourite Bruce Lee movie. Loved the modern plot to a martial arts film ie.drug smuggling.
  16. I agree about RVD vs Test. Belting match. I loved Test during his ECW run.
  17. There loads of reasons why I rate it so highly. Watching it at the time I started out with about a crowd of 10 or so mates watching from the back of the living room and sofa and come the end of it everyone was gathered in a huddle, about 6 inches from the TV, right on edge screaming like f**k at it. Incredible entrances (particularly Triple H), incredible wrestling with absolutley amazing story telling and psychology used. The crowd were red hot for it.
  18. Might be an unpopular opinion, but I'd say it probably is my favourite Mania main event, or at very least in my top 3.
  19. If anyone can watch Cena vs HHH from Mania 22 and still say Cena is shit then there opinion would mean very little to me.
  20. I'd say Edges best match was with Cena too (ladder match).
  21. His character is down to your own personal opinions, for what it's worth, I can't stand his gimmick. However, to claim his wrestling ability is "lower indy level" is just plain wrong. Go back and look at his matches, he has had many, many, many belters.
  22. 9/10 Christian has match of the night on SD.
  23. Bad news for SmackDown star Christian .. We reported earlier that Christian was injured and it has now been confirmed that he’s torn a pectoral muscle. He will have surgery this and is expected to be out of action for 6 months following his recovery and physical rehabilitation, according to PWInsider.com. That would keep him away until February. Fellow SmackDown star MVP wrote on Twitter: “Let’s wish [Christian] a successful surgery & a speedy recovery! The good guys need him back quickly.” GUTTED!
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