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Posts posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. The Undertaker vs. Jeff Hardy - WWE RAW 01/07/2002

    Coincidental that we're talking about great commentators today, because this match is probably JR's finest moment, as he has us all buying the fact that Jeff Hardy has a chance at winning the belt when it should have been obvious that he never had a chance. This match turns out to be absolutely astonishing through effort alone, as Taker did his best to make Jeff Hardy look good even in defeat, which was the entire point. ****

    One of my favourite WWE DVD's with loads of great matches on it.

    The Taker/Jeff ladder match was great especially like you said when Jeff was on top of the ladder and JR's commentary had you believing he was gonna grab the belt, "Climb the ladder kid, climb the ladder. Make yourself famous.". They really did a good job of making Jeff look really good especially after the match when he still called Taker out. I adored the Undertaker character at this time aswell.

  2. The reason I didnt include Adamle was because he was funny as hell. Complteley making moves up and for calling him Jeff Harvey and The Tazz :lol: . He didn't know a single move or superstar and has since gone back to being a sports broadcaster for some pishy news channel.

    All my wrestling watching mates adore Savage and proclaim himto be one of the best ever. Me, I've never really got what the fascination with him is as I've never liked him either as a wrestler or a commentator.

    I also forgot, I really liked Foley during his Smackdown run.

    And let us not forget the legendary Eric Bischoff run in WCW :lol: .

    I also loved Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse "The Body" Ventura.

    I have however decide my favourite duo of all time.............Carlos Carbria and Hugo Savinovitch :lol:

  3. Not really sure about pairings but as individual commentators go:

    1) Bobby Heenan

    2/3) Jim Ross/The King (circa 1997/2000)

    4) Joey Styles

    5) Gordon Solie

    As for worst commentators:

    1) Vince "Oh what a manouver" McMahon

    2) Don West

    3) Tony Schiavone

    4) Coach

    5) Josh Matthews

    It seems strange that King will forever be remembered for his commentary when he had such a distinguished career himself. Commentary is hit these days with the lack of heel commentators. Heenan and King in their prime as heel commentators were amazing. Thats why for me JR and The King are probably my favourite duo of all time. JR is without doubt the greatest play by play commentator ever and combined with The King they really made some matches better than they actually were. The Kings face commentary these days is painful to watch almost as much as Don Wests heel work.

  4. Come on now, give the Coach a break. Don West (and his 'insane deals' on the TNA website) is in a whole league of his own.

    In fact, I'd go as far to say that Mike Tenay and Don West are the worst commentating duo ever assembled in wrestling history.

    The Coach is definetly shite. :lol:

    I actually don't mind Mike Tenay although he's not the greatest. Don West however is terrible with him claiming every ten minutes "This will change the face of the wrestling industry forever". Nothing he has ever claimed "will change the industry forever" has. :lol: His recent heel turn was rediculously funny. :lol:

    Don't forget this :lol: :



  5. Anyone who doesn't watch that video I posted is a moron. EVERYONE needs to see that promo. One of the best I've EVER seen.

    It is a damn good promo but I don't think it's up there with Steve Austins ECW promos.

    I know but I wanted someone decent. Like Johnathan Coachman.

    :huh: eh? Coachman is one of the worst commentators I've ever heard in my life. He's right up there with Don West.

  6. Punk most definetly can go heel, hes one of my favourite heels of recent times.

    This is more who I'd like to see in each show rather than what I think will happen.

    To RAW:


    Triple H

    Mark Henry


    Evan Bourne

    To SmackDown!:






    To ECW:

    Jeff Hardy

    Hurriacane Helms

    William Regal


    The Brian Kendrick

  7. Tests cause of death fianlly revealed:

    According to The Sun out of the UK, former WWE wrestler Andrew "Test" Martin died after overdosing on the painkiller known as "Hillbilly heroin."

    The Hillsborough County Medical Examiner out of Tampa announced his cause of death as Oxycodone intoxication as a result of an accidental overdose.

    Oxycodone is an addictive ingredient found in the painkillers OxyContin, Percoset and Percoden.

    Martin was found dead in his Tampa apartment just four days shy of his 34th birthday on March 14, 2009 after a neighbor reported that he had appeared motionless for several hours.

    The pill, dubbed "Hillbilly heroin," was also linked to the death of fellow wrestler "Sensational" Sherri Martel, not to mention Oscar-winning actor Heath Ledger.

  8. As a wrestler I have lots of respect for Trips because "He's that damn good". It's more his character that is shite. Even when he was heel it got boring because it was the same since about 2000. Also the fact that he has been champ for about 9 of the last 10 years.

  9. I'm sure the WWE had Batista scheduled to fight Cena at 'Mania before his injury kicked in so they might continue to go with that storyline. A heel turn against HHH would be good though. Talking of HHH, it sounded like he was getting a bit of heat at Raw on Monday night from the crowd, a bit like Cena but not at the same level.

    Thats because he doesn't realise his title reigns were boring even as far back as 2003 and refuses to allow someone to take "his" place. As much as the IWC love him.........I fucking hate him.

  10. can anybody else see Batista turning on the Game at Backlash, handing Orton the title? dont know if its just me but that would be great!!

    I already said this in an earlier post. I can definetly see it. His character has gone stale much in the same way Cenas has. I've been praying for one or the other to turn heel for the best part of 2 years, ideally both but it aint gonna happen. This would be a good story as its been a while since HHH and Batisrta had a feud and a heel Batista could be quite entertaining.

  11. It's not always about the money. It's sometimes about the passion for doing it. Mania might have brought back the sort of memories that Steamboat wants to relive.

    But at 55/56 and still having a cushy wee job behind the scenes you have to wonder if he would really want to go back on the roster and put his body through it all again. Does his passion for the business warrant risking his health when he doesn't particularly have to?

    I personally hope he returns but to an extremely limited schedule. I'd hate to see him end up in a bad state because of coming out of retirement and going back onto the full time roster. Like I already said, I would be delighted to see maybe work a schedule similar to that of Jim Duggan.

    I'd love Steamboat vs Jericho at Backlash.The match at 'Mania was wasted with Snuka and Piper. Had they just made it Steamboat/Jericho and gave them 15/20 mins it could still have been alot better rather than have the other two to cluster it up.

  12. He's always been in my all time top 3 but at 56 he is still phenomenal. Get him back on the roster. If guys like Hacksaw can still pop up every noe and then, there is no reason Steamboat could come back and work a limited schedule. However, I suspect Ricky doesn't really need the money so I doubt it.

  13. I was sat in Sports Cafe the other night and in the back of my mind I was thinking Batista would make an appearance at Mania. When he didn't I would never have thought they would bring him back the night after

    I'm telling you now he's gonna screw Trips at Backlash for the title. It's about time he turned heel and its about time Trips wasn't fighting for the title anymore because its boring as f**k.

    Was it just me or did Vickie actually f**k up and had to come back out to correct herself? :lol:

    Once again.........Steamboat is my hero. :D

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