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Posts posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. This Shawn Michaels absense has made me wonder. What the hell are they going to do with the man. They haven't seemed to do anything with The Undertaker since then either, even if he has been wrestling. He hasn't actually done anything.

    The two of them have supposedly been fucked for a long time and after what they did at 'Mania it comes as no surprise to me that they aren't doing much. Michaels is off until June, back in time for SummerSlam and Taker is expected to take timeof later in the year.

  2. I've already watched most of his stuff with Savage. I've heard about his stuff with Mr.Perfect too and it's something I'll need to check out. Owen/Doink sounds good too I'll need to watch that too.

    I'm watching Doink vs Kamala just now and his music freaks the shit out of me still :lol: used to scare me shitless as a wean :lol: .

  3. I've mainly been watching promos and interviews as it's not really the wrestler that has me gripped it's more the gimmick. He was so far ahead of his time IMO. I've not been watching any face stuff but I'll get around to it eventually.

    WWE fucked up a great character by firing Bourne after he failed a drugs test. and gave to anybody.

    Any matches you would recomend?

  4. Just a quick question. Anyone like Doink? I've never really been that into the gimmick but I've just been watching some old stuff and the original heel Doink The Clown played by Matt Bourne was an awesome heel. He was kinda scary as a kid and had the whole Heath Ledger/sinister clown deal going on.





    An awesome heel and he could deliver some great promos.

    Any thoughts?

  5. I read not too long ago that Angles contract was up sometime within the next year and that he had been contacted by WWE. I'm also sure I read something saying that WWE creative had began work on an Angle comeback just incase it happened. If he does he would have to come back on a limited schedule, isn't that the reason he is in TNA? The schedule is lighter.

  6. I seen Hornswoggle walking down Gordon Street in Glasgow today with 2 bodyguards. Very surreal. Sadly, none of them where up for chatting :(

    Went past Borders earlier and clocked a massive que who were all waiting to see..............R-Truth :lol:

  7. Not too sure to be honest. Look at what happened when WCW continually gave the strap to older guys. I guess if Foley doesn't keep it too long and he puts over the younger guys then it wouldn't be to bad. But I actually didn't agree with Sting being champ either.

    For me AJ Styles should be the champ as it has been years since he held it and he is one of the hardest workers on the roster along with Angle. I doubt I'd give it to Joe any time soon as his title run was a disaster.

    Also, I watched Vintage Collection last night and it was amazing. Brought back all the memories and I really enjoyed Flair/Santana.........again :lol: .

    Oh and also:

    Jeff Hardy has given notice to WWE that he will not be resiging when his

    contract expires in 2-4 months.

    Jeff Hardy is said to be burnt out from WWE's

    hectic schedule and is looking to do something outside of professional

    wrestling. His contract expires in July and he has decline several

    contract extension offers. His recent losses could attribute to WWE being unsure

    if he will resign this summer.


    Surprised at this if it's true. However, I suspect it's a work after what Matt has said on TV.

  8. Aww ye ruined it!

    I was convinced it was gonnae be Taz btw.

    Well after he put this on Hos blog everyone did:

    With speculation that the former ECW star will debut for TNA this Sunday at

    Lockdown (and at this point I think he will be the name TNA have hinted at), Taz


    “In closing, I’ve been in the Pro Wrestling business for 23 years and I don’t

    plan on disappearing anytime soon."

    “I plan to make an impact real soon in this, the ultimate in businesses and

    keep it’s honor….lol….sorry for crossing the line with my sophomoric humor!

    Survive if I let you.”

  9. It was actually The Big Bossman vs. Earthquake and The Mountie vs. Texas Tornado.

    The Nasty Boys vs. The Rockers is worth a look, as is Tito Santana vs. Ric Flair. Not a great show.

    You sure? I could have sorn it was Bossman/Mountie......but then again I was 2 :lol: . I've seen Santana/Flair since and it is pretty good. I could also remember The Nasty Boys on it but I can't remember ot being against The Rockers.

  10. In saying that my very first wrestling memory was when I was 2 :lol: . The very first show I ever saw was Battle Royal from the Royal Albert Hall. Needless to say The British Bulldog won. But it also had Ric Flair vs Tito Santana and The Big Bossman vs The Mountie :lol: . Its weird to remember so much from such a young age.

  11. I've also heard that he will continue to wrestle for quite a while after the dates mentioned, it's just the last tour he'll ever do of Europe.

    The first wrestling I can remember watching was 1990 and ever since he first appeared in WWE he has been my favourite. Even moreso since around '95, I always thought his character was cool as f**k and as far as gimmicks go he'll always be my favourite.

    EDITED: http://www.lordsofpain.net/news/wwe/1969.html

  12. I guess my plan of heading to Doncaster for 1PW next year is out. He is one of the few men I've yet to see that I really want. I'm not really botherwed where the show is but me and my mate are gonna go see him before it all ends. There has even been talk of heading to WrestleMania next year to catch him. I guess the only one left is Shawn Michaels.

  13. WWE ring announcer Tony Chimel announced at last night's Raw house show in Dublin, Ireland that the Undertaker's retirement tour would take place in April 2010.

    WWE.com has the retirement tour listed under Germany's scheduled events as, "WWE SmackDown & ECW Present Undertaker's Rest In Peace Tour."

    Below are the tour dates:

    Thu, Nov 5 WWE SmackDown & ECW Present Undertaker's Rest In Peace Tour - Frankfurt, Germany 8:00pm

    Wed, Nov 11 WWE SmackDown & ECW Present Undertaker's Rest In Peace Tour - Stuttgart, Germany 8:00pm

    Thu, Nov 12 WWE SmackDown & ECW Present Undertaker's Rest In Peace Tour - Leipzig, Germany 8:00pm

    Fri, Nov 13 WWE SmackDown & ECW Present Undertaker's Rest In Peace Tour - Hamburg, Germany 7:00pm

    Not really sure how reliable the source is as it say April 2010 yet lists the dates as all being in November and only in Germany.

  14. :lol:

    Aye, because they had enough ring time for anyone to make that judgement.

    To be honest I was actuallly talking aboo the gimmick :lol: . I dunno why but it's just a bit hard to believe that a group of male cheer leaders could beat anyone up :lol: . As for Zigglers new gimmick, he looks like a porn star.

  15. Hogan has lost the plot :lol:

    The well-documented war of words between Hulk and Linda Hogan has taken an ugly turn. The New York Post has some quotes from a recent interview Hogan did with Rolling Stone magazine where he talks about understanding how O.J. Simpson could [allegedly] murder his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson.

    Linda Hogan walked out on Hogan last year, filed for divorce, forced him out of his $18 million mansion, allegedly started spending the couple's money at the rate of $40,000 a month and is dating "some shaggy-haired pool boy 30 years her junior."

    Hogan tells Rolling Stone, "I could have turned everything into a crime scene, like OJ, cutting everybody's throat. You live half a mile from the 20,000-square-foot home you can't go to anymore, you're driving through downtown Clearwater and see a 19-year-old boy driving your Escalade, and you know that a 19-year-old boy is sleeping in your bed, with your wife . . . I totally understand OJ. I get it."

    Hogan has since backtracked on the statement as his P.R. rep, Elizabeth Rosenthal, told E! News that he "in no way condones the O.J. situation."

    "As part of a larger conversation, he referred to it to exemplify his frustration with his own situation," Rosenthal said in a statement released to E! News.

    Linda's rep, Gary Smith, issued a statement on her behalf, reacting to Hogan.

    "Hulk's serial cheating destroyed our marriage, our family and our future," Linda said in a statement released today. "Sadly, his recent comments remind us that his definition of fair is much different than what the law dictates."

    "We have always maintained that the fear that Linda has had to live with comes from the rage and instability much too often associated with pro wrestlers," Smith added.

    "We have always maintained that the fear that Linda has had to live with comes from the rage and instability much too often associated with pro wrestlers," Smith said. "Linda and her family are taking these recent homicidal comments seriously. Linda's attorney Ray Rafool is weighting all options necessary to protect his client."

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