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Posts posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. I remember seeing photos of him not long after his release and the difference was night and day.........he almost looked skinny.

    He was so bad that it was painfully and quite often I found funny that a guy with such little wrestling ability could get a job in the E.

    Oh and I dont find Ortons entrance irritating, Masters on the other hand was extremely irritating. I still don't get why such an insignificant guy got a drawn out entrance like that.

  2. To be honest I can't see a face vs face feud myself but it would be good if that match was anything to go by.

    Oh and they have completely fucked Vicky since moving her from SmackDown! She had great heat but it seems to have gone since she got drafted.

    PS. Santino is awesome.

  3. None of that from you.

    Belting US Title match between Kofi and MVP worth watching for anyone missing the live show.

    Hopefully the start of a good feud for the belt. I'd like to see how Kofi would do as a heel though.For some reason I can imagine him being a pretty decent heel.

  4. Loved the ending of the match. As for The Miz, yet again, super promo, and the reactions he was getting when he was slagging the younger audience was terrific. Compare that to the tripe Randy Orton was doing at the start of the show.

    Nah he's still shite. :P

  5. You know, come to think of it, he did get a good sendoff in 1997. WWE even sent a bunch of guys to his send off. Main evented by Terry Funk vs. Bret Hart.

    Mainly ECW and WWE wrestlers on the show.

    I think it was his first retirement :lol: . He fought Bret Hart in a barn or run down, shit hole. :lol:

  6. Mick Foley didn't officially announce his retirement. Nor did he get every single wrestler in the WWE locker room come out to wish him farewell, along with his family.

    Ric Flair's retirement was unique in the sense that if he does come back, it pisses on so many guys it's unreal. Not even Terry Funk got this kind of send off and respect.

    Was it not Vince who got the locker room to come out for a farewell segment? You know Vince..........he'll do anything to get the auience. I highly doubt Flair would have asked for the send off he got, I'm sure it would hav ehad more to do with Triple H and the McMahons.

    Also I think the reason Funk hasn't had that kind of send off is because he has retired about a dozen times. :lol:

    Like I've alreay said, do I want him to come back? No. But I fully expected him to the minute he retired.

  7. I wouldn't get pissed about a so called retired wrestler coming out of retirement. It isn't exactly uncommon for it to happen now is it. I mean just look at the likes of Terry Funk how coul quite possiblyhave the most official retirements in the history of any business. And then there is the man who idolises Funk, Mick Foley. Now I don't know if Foley officially announced his retirement but it was widely assumed that he was and he came back. Then recently we had the reappearance of The Dragon. I wouldn't get too worried about. Back at WrestleMania 24 I could have almost guaranteed you and would have been confient enough to bet on it that he would be back sooner or later. When you consier how much wrestling means to the mans life, it was only a matter of time. Of course I don't think he should come back but it was inevitible.

  8. Kennedy dropped Orton on his head and shoulder with a Back Drop Suplex. Lawler had to pull him into the ring near the end of the match when he actually forgot he was supposed to come in. This injured his arm.

    :lol: What a tool. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

    Forgetting the finish............unforgivable.

  9. There are stories going around that injuring himself got him in enough trouble but he almost injured Orton dodgy shoulder as well which tipped him over the edge. Him and Orton also supposely got into an arguement over it back stage.

  10. But JoMo working with Shelton will get a chance to show what he can do to his new audience, while The Miz will get shown up as soon as Cena gets near him, leaving his new audience thinking he is shit.

    It didn't do Edge any harm to get shown up by Cena on a weekly basis.

  11. I think the push The Miz is getting is lesser than you might think. He's really been playing the coward to Cena's superhero, but when they meet, you know it's going to end badly for The Miz.

    The way I look at it is that Miz has been working with Cena and Morrison has been stuck with the lifelong micarder, Benjamin.

  12. I think it's the mannerisms and stuff that get me with them. They basically are clones of each other when it comes to their style, their build is pretty similar as are the trunks and they both have that "f**k off" scowl which they rock at. The only difference now is that Orton takes about three years to reach the ring during his entrance.

    I'v been saying that for months now. It's nearly as bad as the Undertakers, but Undertakers fits the character. f**k knows what going on with Orton :lol: , nobody walks that slowly.

    It's the Hart Dynasty btw. ;) I'm still not completely sold on Tyson Kidd. I can remember him being not very good in ROH, but he seems to have improved a fair bit. I know that DH Smith is a great talent having seen him many times before, a couple of times in the flesh. With someone like that beside you, it tends to bring out the best in people.

    I think I should have brought up Tony Atlas when talking about Mark Henry's improvement. Not sure if it can be a coincidence that the improvement basically started when he went to the ringside area.

    It'll always be the Hart Foundation to me damn it! :lol: I think I love them simply for Tyson Kids sling shot elbow.......a thing of beauty.

    Khali SHOULD be near the main event. The guy is a monster. Crap wrestler or not, he could have been packaged as a real superstar, but they have blown it big time. They gave him long matches against The Undertaker which completely exposed him. By the time they got him into a standard where he was competent ( at least he can be carried to a decent match by most decent guys now ), he wasn't believable as a monster anymore because they had already exposed his weaknesses.

    He looks like a giant teddy bear :lol: , espeially now after oing the Punjabi Playbpy gimmick....he'll never be taken seriously again.

    I've given my thoughts on Jericho's schtick, but it works. The fans absolutely despise the man and he seems to have gotten used to the promos that WWE have written for him. He's got the style down absolutely perfectly. His matches since his return have also been fantastic. The fued with Shawn Michaels, with the exception of two of the matches, was super, and spawned an under-appreciated classic at Judgement Day.

    Jericho is one of my favourite guys on the mic, from his WCW days, early WWF days right up to now. His match with Rey at Judgement Day was amazing.

    The thing with Shelton is that he can at least be put into that spot for now, thanks to good outings with The Undertaker earlier in the year.

    I really like him when he tags with Haas but apart from that I don't care. He's only useful at onetime of the year (Money In The Bank)

    Shame on you.

    Seriously......I don't get it. For months I was dying for them to split Morrison an The Miz up so Morrison could go own his own again. But Miz seems to be getting the push between the two and it makes no sense to me.

    Morrison for WHC!!! :D

  13. Cody Rhodes makes most of the Scottish wrestling scene look like monsters. That's pretty shocking when you consider that he wrestles for WWE.

    He looks even more rediculous when you consider who his stable mates are :lol: .How can you take him seriously when his oartners are 6ft plus 250 lbs +, then thers Cody who looks like a wee lassie. :lol:

    The problem with Dibiase is that he looks exactly like Randy Orton. When his titantron comes up, I have to look closely to realise that they're not the same person. Although I think that's more of a WWE problem than a Dibiase problem. They can't seem to come up with refreshing stuff for people to do at the moment on RAW. It's all pretty vanilla apart from The Miz.

    I on't really get what you mean about DiBiase looking like Orton....I've never had a problem telling them apart :lol: . They should add The Million Dollar Man as their manager or something, every serious stable needs a manager figure.

    You can laugh at Mark Henry all you want, but he is certainly one of the main reasons that ECW has been so watchable. He has gained so much experience while on the brand. It's amazing that he's improved more in the last year or so than he did in the 12 years preceeding it.

    You also have the likes of Evan Bourne, Tyson Kidd and DH Smith coming through the ranks and they are bound to improve over time, which is scary considering how good they are now.

    ECW is fantastic.

    The reason I was laughing at Mark Henry is that you would never believe it if someone told you he would be wrestling as well as he is 18 months ago. WWE have done a pretty good job making him a monster heel since he went to ECW, especially by adding Tony Atlas.

    As for Bourne, there is not doubt he has the ability and talent, but I'm not so sure about him becoming a main event talent, only time will tell. As for the Hart Foundation, well I guess it all comes down to what creative have for them. They could be extremely seuccessful or flop, who knows, I'm certainly loking forward to seeing what they do with both Hart Founation and Bourne.

    I think I should point out all of the potential main eventers that Smackdown have created recently thanks to how well booked it is at the moment.

    Chris Jericho, CM Punk, Edge, The Great Khali, Jeff Hardy, John Morrison, Kane, Rey Mysterio, Shelton Benjamin, The Undertaker, Umaga

    A couple of them are more than likely going to be on the outskirts at the most, those being JoMo and Shelton, but the rest can easily step into the main events and look credible. All of those names are also capable of some good shit in the ring, with the exception of The Great Khali, who is notoriously dire.

    I think Jericho has been amazing since his return and his title run was well deserved, I just wish he had a longer run. They are most efinetly building up to another CM Punk title run. Edge has been solid for years now. Great Khali......shite should be no where near the main event. I was happy with his comedy gimmick he adopted. I used to hate Jeff but since about the Royal Rumble last year I've grown to like him. Morrison is a future superstar for sure. Shelton Benjamin isn't main event material.

    He's the highlight of a dire show. His segment with Maryse two weeks ago was gold.

    I'm the only person I know who still thinks The Miz is rank rotten.

  14. RAW

    Is by far the worst brand at the moment. With only Legacy as the main reason I watch. I've been a fan of Ortons since his ays as IC champ. Cody Rhodes is fucking dire and he may well be the skinniest looking wrestler I've ever seen. I really like DiBiase and I think he has the potential to be a superstar someday. He reminds me of Orton back in his Evolution days.


    Regularly puts on the best matches. You can't go wrong with Christian, Swagger, Finlay, Mark Henry :lol:


    My favourite of the 3 by far. Edge, Jeff, Jericho, Punk, 'Taker, Rey etc. etc. etc. Has the potential to put on some outstanding matches. Really enjoyed Rey vs Jericho at the PPV. Looking forward to sse what they do with Punk/Edge and I wish they would explain why Umaga helped Edge.

  15. 2) The death of Owen Hart was a tragedy and what makes it worse is that it was completely avoidable. People always said that he was going to be a world champion, but all things considered, I don't think that'd have ever been the case. For as good as he was, he wasn't a main eventer and was never bought as such ever since his fued with Bret Hart.

    I don't think having Bret as a brother helped things. He was always overshadowed by someone who was, understandably, seen as the bigger dog in the promotion. Where he'd have gone if Bret wasn't around is anyone's guess, but by the time he was gone, Owen Hart was a midcarder and completely cemented there.

    Anyways, I was horrified when it happened, and it's never good to lose someone with the obvious talent that Owen Hart had.


    I'm like you and don't think Owen would everhave captured a world title. He was an outstanding wrestler but he never really had the mic skills or the charisma to be a real main eventer. The same could also be said, Bret never really had the best mic skills or charisma, but his title reigns still worked. Owen didn't really strike me as the type who craved a title run anyway. He reminded of Piper in that it was never about the glory of championships. I think Owen was more conserned with putting on the best matches possible and making whoever he was paired with look really, really good. I remember JR's reaction as he was announcing that Owen had fell adn later that night that he had passed.

  16. I'll notbe paying for Judgement Day. I don't pay for any except Mania or the Rumble. I'll try find a streaming of it online.

    Batista in a main event is meh.

    Looking forward to Edge vs Jeff, Christian vs Swagger and Punk vs Umaga.


    -- World Wrestling Entertainment is well aware of websites such as Justin.TV streaming pay-per-view broadcasts for free in real time and have been much more adamant in recent months in shutting down the feeds.

    During any one pay-per-view event, a multitude of live streams can be found on Justin.TV, some of which attracting upwards of 500,000 visitors. In response, WWE now has their legal team scouring the website during live shows for feeds in hopes of squashing as many as they can.

    According to one source, they are taking the same approach to these sites that feature WWE copyrighted material being posted on YouTube. :huh:


    I know 'taker is expected to take a break until mid-July but does anyone know how long HBK is taking time-out?


  17. I'll notbe paying for Judgement Day. I don't pay for any except Mania or the Rumble. I'll try find a streaming of it online.

    Batista in a main event is meh.

    Looking forward to Edge vs Jeff, Christian vs Swagger and Punk vs Umaga.

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