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Posts posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. Anyone watch Smackdown this week?

    After Jeff Hardy was defeated by the Hart Dynasty, Punk came out to attack Hardy however John Morrison came out to try and save Hardy from the beatdown which made sense as he's a face. Yet, when both men were down Matt Hardy came out and attacked Punk and the Hart Dynasty, saving Morrison and even more weirdly Jeff in the process! :huh:

    Surely this has to be a swerve for Summerslam?, Matt Hardy wanted to end Jeff's career before and with CM Punk having the chance to do so at Summerslam, Matt will help CM Punk?! However if this is the start of a Matt Hardy face turn then that makes his fued with Jeff completely pointless. It just goes to show that without Jeff, Matt Hardy is nothing.

    On a side note, it's always great when the WWE are in Canada as at least the crowd are pumped up for all the shows! :D

    We all know that it is a strong possibility that Jaff may leave after SummerSlam. They will probably keeps this up til then. If Jeff leaves Matt will stay face. If Jeff stays, then as you say it will most likely be a swerve. It seems like the only logical explanation............Yet it doesn't sound like WWE to use logic :huh: .

  2. Here is a full PBP of what is SUPPOSED to be one of the best matches of the year.

    ROH Supercard of Honor IV

    GHC Junior Heavyweight Championship

    KENTA © vs. Davey Richards

    KENTA gets a MONSTER pop from this audience. KENTA has been involved in some very memorable ROH matches actually, and his match with Low Ki at Final Battle 2004 might well be the best of the lot. The referee wants a handshake between the two men. Richards doesn't want any of it. Lockup and into the ropes they go. KENTA misses a kick in the ropes and the fans wanted to see that one connect. Lockup and Richards with a Headlock. Arm Drag from KENTA quickly countered. Both men miss kicks and then miss Dropkicks and we have a stalemate. They lock hands and both men struggle to get control, but Richards gets there eventually, and then KENTA. Richards gets out and goes to the Arm Ringer.

    KENTA with the Arm Ringer of his own and then a Snapmare and a kick to the back from Richards, so KENTA slaps him in the face ! KENTA with a Snapmare and then a kick to the face ! Suplex from KENTA is blocked and then drops behind on a Suplex. Dropkick takes Richards out of the air as he tried a Leapfrog. He gets a one count from that. Snapmare from KENTA and then a Slingshot Back Heel Kick. :lol: Awesome. Kick to the chest in the corner. This is gonna be one stiff match. More kicks to the chest from KENTA. European Uppercut from KENTA. Richards runs into a boot. Forearm to the head, but then Richards with a Dragon Screw over the middle rope and now he has complete control thanks to that.

    He drops an elbow on the leg and locks in a submission. He lets it go and then kicks away at the leg before jawing with the fans. KENTA into the ropes and a Clothesline from Richards. Kicks to the chest from Richards and also to the legs. Spinning Toe Hold, and then the Figure Four Leglock, but Richards doesn't do it since the fans wanted him to, so he does some sort of inverted variation of it. Ouch ! KENTA gets into the ropes. KENTA tries to come back but Richards just shrugs it off and kicks the leg. Clotheslines from KENTA to get back into the match. Suplex from KENTA. KENTA heads for the top rope and then the Top Rope Clothesline gets a two count. Kicks to the chest of Richards and then a Spin Kick and then the Fisherman Buster from Kenta gets a two count.

    STF from KENTA and Richards starts heading for the ropes. Richards gets into the ropes. German Suplex attempt is blocked by Richards, but then KENTA runs into a Head and Arm Suplex. RICHARDS WITH THE TOPE CON HILO ... AND HE FUCKING ENDS UP IN THE CROWD !!! HOLY SHIT !!! Back into the ring they go. Richards to the top rope. Top Rope Dropkick from Richards. He hits the Running Forearm but runs into a Big Boot and then another Spin Kick to the head. GERMAN SUPLEX FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! He brings KENTA to his feet and then sets him on the top rope. KENTA blocks the Superplex and then slaps Richards in the face and dumps him in the ring. Springboard Dropkick and then Boots in the corner. Dropkick in the corner from KENTA to the sitting Richards.

    SITDOWN POWERBOMB FROM KENTA !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! DOUBLE STOMP TO THE CHEST OF RICHARDS FROM THE TOP ROPE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Flurry of strikes. Rana from Richards and then KENTA into the corner and Richards runs into a boot. Tornado DDT over the top rope. HE SPRINGBOARDS RIGHT INTO THE POWERBOMB AND THEN THE TEXAS CLOVERLEAF FROM RICHARDS !!! KENTA IS IN DEEP TROUBLE !!! KENTA GETS INTO THE ROPES !!! Kicks from Richards. KENTA refuses to buckle and comes back with kicks of his own. Kick fest. Clothesline fest. BOTH MEN WITH KICKS TO THE HEAD AND BOTH MEN GO DOWN !!! JESUS CHRIST THIS SHIT IS TERRIFIC !!! Every fan is standing and you can't blame them. BOTH MEN WITH BOOTS TO THE FACE !!! RICHARDS WINS THAT !!! SLAPFEST !!! Richards dominates that. TIGER SUPLEX FROM KENTA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTT !!! Richards finds his way onto the apron. KENTA goes out there to meet him. This will not end well. FALCON ARROW OFF OF THE APRON ... blocked. Both men battle. BRAINBUSTER OFF OF THE APRON AND TO THE FLOOR FROM KENTA !!! THAT IS FUCKING VILE !!! The commentators called that a Falcon Arrow, but that was a Brainbuster. The referee is up to 13 on his count. Richards gets into the ring at the 17 count. Richards uses KENTA to get to his feet. Poke to the eye. REPEATED KICKS TO THE HEAD FROM KENTA !!! BUSAIKU KNEE KICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE .... KICKOOOOUUUTTT !!! GO 2 SLEEP FROM KENTA ... RICHARDS CATCHES THE KNEE !!! THE FUCKING TEXAS CLOVERLEAF !!! OH MY GOD !!! HE DRAGS HIM INTO THE MIDDLE OF THE RING !!! THE FANS ARE NUKED !!! KENTA WITH A SMALL PACKAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTT !!! DR DRIVER FROM RICHARDS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTT !!! I'm exhausted just WATCHING this match. KENTA with Forearms along with Richards. GO 2 SLEEP COUNTERED INTO THE CRUCIFIX COUNTER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! KENTA WITH THE GO 2 SLEEP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!

    Match Winner : KENTA

    Match Rating : ****3/4

    Match Comments : I'm not sure what was missing from this match, but it just didn't feel like a 5* match to me, but this was absolutely sensational stuff. The finishing sequence lasted almost half of the match and was just the most amazing example of throwing bombs that you're going to see this year. I think that maybe I didn't give Davey Richards enough of a chance in this match, and that's why I didn't give it the full whammy. This is a 2009 classic though. Watch it.


    I had actually just finished watching this just before I came on here. An absolutely sensational match and one of the stiffest I've seen in a long, long time. Brilliant stuff.

  3. After looking at the 'best tv themes' thread on this site, it got me thinking. What would you rate as the best ever wrestling themes, whether it be for wrestlers, shows, etc etc.

    2 of my favourites are the old Wrestlemania theme and


    God there are loads of belter :lol: . These are just a few of my favourites for starters:





  4. Really? He had every title in the business won within about 9 months of his debut though.

    There was still alot of debating beind the scenes wether he had the look or physique to be a believebale worlds campion especially when you consider who was in te main event scene at the time (The Rock/Triple H).

  5. Kurt small? Kendrick was never going to push on while he flouted the wellness so blatantly, yet like has been mentioned already he is the kind of guy more suited to being out of the WWE than in it.

    For a while after he first joined WWE, Angle was considered "too small" to be champion and it took a while to convince people that his size didn't matter.

  6. The only thing I think that held Kendrick back was his size. As has been said, in the scramble match he just looked out of place. Even back in the day when WWE pushed "small" guys as main eventers (HBK, Bret Hart, Kurt Angle) they were at least believable. It was just Kendricks bad luck that they done away with the cruiserweight title.

  7. How long do you think before Chris Masters is fired for failing a wellness test?

    I'm going for 5 weeks.

    To be honest I don't think he looked too bad with the roids..............but I totally forgot how much I hated him in the first place :lol: .

    He looked like someone else but I can't think who it was.

  8. WWE RAW 11/03/1996

    I'll cover episodes of RAW which look like they have a match worth watching. This time around, the opening match looks a wee bit tasty.

    "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. Savio Vega

    This is the build up for their rather good Wrestlemania XII match. If their PPV efforts are anything to go by, this is going to be a very good TV match. Terrible ending, but this was an action packed match which built up very well indeed. Savio Vega looked like a star here by refusing to stay down and eventually doing a number on the opposition. **1/2

    The two men brawl after the match, and Savio Vega gets the better of that exchange.

    I loved Savio Vega back int he day, especially when he feuded with Bradshaw. :lol:

  9. I find it hard to believe that Mr.Kennedy at one point was a main eventer, especially when you think of they amount of guys with twice the amount of talent of Kennedy get "future endevoured" which of course brings up the topic of over/under rated.

  10. I agree that Kennedy was a worthless piece of shit. But i don' think it's any coincidence that Kennedy almost injured Orton in amatch, they then had words backstage and the next day Kennedy gets fired. I'm not saying Orton was the only reason he got punted but as the companies top guy he's got to have some kind of pull woth McMahon.

  11. Jerichos partner may very well be Masters. Orton has a lot of pull these days and Masters is a good friend of Ortons. After all it was Orton who managed to seal Mr.Kennedys fate.

    I'm kinda hoping either Trips or Orton wins. I can see them ending up in Hell in a Cell which would spell the end of their feud.

  12. Really can't see Jerichos partner being HBK. Announcing his return would get more PPV buys and you know Vinnie Mac. I'm sure they wouldnt bring him back unannounced. I have a feeling that it will be Christian which would finally turn him heel. That would be the best optionin my book as his face character is shit.

    Oh and this is Santinos best ever momoent. And you thought The Rock sold a stunner :lol:


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