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Posts posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. Another guy is going to be making their 1PW debut that weekend.

    I'll post here when it's announced.

    Yeah I heard that, my mates and I have been speculating about who it could be, the common suggestion seems to be Corino but I reckon someone else.

    I had a feeling Jeff was leaving because he missed his old ways, same as Kendrick who reportedly wanted released so he could smoke weed :lol: . Didn't think Jeff would be on this deep though. Although I suppose it give CM Punk more material for his promos. :lol:

  2. Does Matt just jump everybody that shags Lita? :lol: Well to be fair Punk doesn't drink, smoke or do drugs so he has to have ahobby of some kind, so he's taken up diva dating :lol: .

    I was undecided about 1PW this year but I'm now seeing which of my mates wnat to go with me.

  3. I have been trying to think who Chris Masters reminds me of for months now. Well I was just watching Vintage Collection and it turns out that it is this man:


    Paul Roma


    It was during the same show that I thought that these two looked similar:

    Marty Jannetty




    Theres nobody else that can see the similarity between Jannetty and Dave. :lol: My mates think I'm mental for seeing it.

    Anybody think of any others, without mentioning the Briscoes or The Bushwackers. :lol:

  4. NWA Scottish Heavyweight Championship

    Lionheart © vs. Wolfgang

    One of the best fueds in Scottish wrestling in recent years finally finds itself in a main event slot, and on the biggest stage in Scottish wrestling as well. These two guys earned standing ovations for their work with ladders in the past, but they had a blinder of a match in their first meeting in East Kilbride which has probably been forgotten about. With them getting the main event slot, I can see this being an absolute belter. Not sure on a prediction. When it was Scott Renwick that had been the opponent, I could have banked on him winning the belt, but now with Wolfy being the man on the other side of the ring, I can see Lionheart retaining.

    SWA Laird of the Ring Championship

    Chris Renfrew © vs. Damien O'Conor

    It's good to see that Chris Renfrew is gonna get a chance to shine on this show. It was beginning to look like he might not be on the show, but he's wrestling a man who he has faced off against several times before, both in singles and tag team action. Damien O'Conor is more of a tag guy as he and his partner, collectively known as BMW ( Britain's Most Wanted ), but he can certainly go in a singles environment. I expect this will be a hard hitting affair as both guys like to put a bit of beef behind their moves. I don't forsee anything other than a successful defence of the title.

    Money in the Bank Scramble Match

    Darkside vs. Kid Fite vs. Liam Thompson vs. Jason Rotanda vs. ???

    There's a bit of speculation about the fifth man being "The Butcher" Scott Renwick and then he can get his slot back in the main event. I think that this sounds about right. If that happens he'll win the title I reckon, but I have to assume that the main event is as it is at the moment. This match is going to be all sorts of fun. The talent is certainly good enough to make this match great fun. If Butcher is the fifth man then this match is STACKED. I'm going to predict a win for Scott Renwick for this one.

    Was considering going, these 3 matches are worth the entry fee alone.

  5. I really hope WWE doesn't waste him. He really has the potential to be WWE champ I think. Hopefully they won't tell him that he "doesn't know how to work" and send him to OVW or wherever. What arrogant pish. That's what they told CM Punk. Knobs.

    Can you imagine WWE a year/18 months from now if all things to plan. With CM Punk, Danielson and McGuinness? Happy days lie ahead hopefully.

  6. Ring Of Honor sent out the following statement:

    Nigel McGuinness has agreed in principle to a contract with World Wrestling Entertainment.

    Nigel has been a tremendous leader in the Ring of Honor locker room and, without question, a wonderful performer. His merits, both in and out of the ring, are extraordinary and any locker room with Nigel McGuinness in it is better for it. We couldn’t be happier for Nigel as he takes the next step in his stellar wrestling career, and we extend our heartfelt gratitude to Nigel for all he’s worked for and through.

    Nigel has pledged to fulfill his scheduled Ring of Honor commitments. Please join us in Philadelphia, Boston, and New York as we bid an extremely fond farewell to another member of our family.

    Everyone at Ring of Honor is extremely proud to have called both Nigel McGuinness and Bryan Danielson their own; and we looking forward to seeing their stars shine brighter than ever. Like many of the wonderful sons of Ring of Honor that have written new chapters in their wrestling annals, we will look on with a bittersweet smile to the future where we have no doubt that Nigel and Bryan will amaze the masses – just like they’ve done so many times in Ring of Honor.

    With the closing of this chapter a new one opens in Ring of Honor. We now look to an exciting time where new stars will blaze their own paths, while looking back in reverence to those who came before them. Who will seize the opportunity and carry the torch for ROH? We only hope that whoever it is will carry it with the same respect - the same honor - that Bryan and Nigel have.

  7. So we shouldn't be talking about Hardy leaving eventhough it's been known for months but it's ok to say this when Mysterio is obviously losing the title next week now?

    I'm only asking.

    It's only a 30 day suspension and I'm sure I read that Rey only recently signed a new contract which guaranteed him a long IC title run. Not sure if this is true or not and if it is I don't know if WWE have any loopholes in the contract which allow them to strip Rey of the belt in the case of a suspension.

  8. I would assume the difference is that the WWE site has this information posted as news. It does not relate to anything we are yet to see on screen, thus spoiling the viewing of the show. Jeff is taking part in a loser leaves match that will be shown on Friday, so talking about how he is leaving is spoiling Fridays show. To be fair though I personally don't get too worked up about folk posting spoilers online, because if you come on to anything wrestling chat related you can usually expect it.

    Yeah. I'd say that was the difference. The news about Mysterio didnt directly involve spoiling a story line or outcome.

    Anywho, my bad for anyone who didn't want to know.

  9. WWE.com made the following announcement this evening:

    Rey Mysterio suspended for 30 days

    Written: August 27, 2009

    In accordance with WWE's Wellness Program, effective Wednesday, September 2, Oscar Gutierrez (Rey Mysterio) is suspended for 30 days for a violation of the company's policy.

  10. One of the worst matches of the decade at Summerslam and then one of the worst segments of the decade on RAW. Something seriously wrong there.

    Although Vinny saying "those masks are pretty gay" raised a giggle.

    The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Degamation (GLADD) aren't happy with Vince McMahon's comments from RAW this past Monday. During the opening birthday segment for Vince, he commented that the masks that the Cirque de Soliel performers were wearing looked "pretty gay."

    Here's part of a blog on the GLAAD website:

    "McMahon here wasn't implying the performers were gay, however, he used the term in a derogatory manner. It's just another example of how people throw around the word "gay" derisively. This came from the leader of a $500 million-plus organization who holds a lot of power in what he says and what he does. The WWE's website states, "WWE is committed to family-friendly, PG content across all of its platforms including television programming, pay-per-view, digital media and publishing." However, off-handedly using "gay" in a derogatory manner is anything but family-friendly. WWE programming reaches 16 million viewers each week. McMahon needs to understand that the words he uses and how he uses them can greatly affect people's lives."

    GLADD noted that they have reached out to Vince McMahon and the USA Network regarding the comment.


  11. A move to RAW would do no good. They're not interested in pushing fresh faces anymore. He'd be wasted.

    The very name of The Undertaker is a big deal, and he's possibly the best choice for putting new guys over. He has a varied list of guys on Smackdown who could do with him being there. His gimmick might be outplayed, but it's popular and absolutely vital that he sticks with it. Otherwise he'll go back to being nothing like he was in the "American Badass" days.

    No possibly about it.........undoubtedly. He has made stars out of a number guys on the past including both Randy Orton and Edge. Guys like Ziggler and Morrison could be elevated to superstardom by the deadman. I read that as it stands, the plan is for Taker to feud with CM Punk on his return which will make fantastic TV.

  12. Possible spoiler for Summerslam.

    John Morrison could be added to the Summerslam TLC match. [Credit: Wrestlingobserver.com]

    Yeah I was reading that they think he's too big a name to not be on the card. Even if he's not in the TLC match I would ecpect him to be involved in some way on the show.

  13. My only problem with Cody now is the knees.

    Oh, and Freddy was the best guest so far. Good on the mic and actually held his own when Orton seemed to be dragging the opening segment down.

    Cody Rhodes still thinks it's the 80's..........get yourself some fuckin kneepads son, your not on World of Sport.

    I thought Freddy was decent but SD still kicks RAW's arse. I guess him being a life long wrestling fan and a former member of WWE creative shone through last night. I really can't stand the comedy pish we get on RAW these days (Santino/DX), Santinos real comedy comes in the ring.

  14. Legacy looked totally badass. Even Cody Rhodes didn't look like a jobber, and with a bit of a build on him, he actually looks really intimidating.

    I can totally believe DiBiase as a badass heel. But Cody Rhodes?????????Still No. :lol:

  15. Why are all the big names in the WWE all on Raw now? I'm talking about Cena, HHH, Orton, Michaels, Jericho. Smackdown's main men are CM Punk, Matt Hardy and fucking John Morrison? Whats the story with that? Are they trying to phase Smackdown out or something?

    Have you been watching SD recently? Jeff Hardy is without doubt the most popular guy in WWE right now and Morrison is getting huge crowd reactions. Dolph Ziggler is getting a huge push along with Cryme Tyme.It more a case of building the big names for the future. Plus they have the experience in Rey Mysterio and Taker has yet to return.

  16. Are you one of the people who will never be happy with anything ever in the wrestling?


    I'm fairly happy with SmackDown!.

    RAW has just become embarassingly bad to watch.

    Savio Vega vs Owen Hart and HBK vs Vader on Vintage Collection :D .

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