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Everything posted by EdgarusQPFC

  1. you can get java versions of the old roms, i had gold on my phone a while ago, just google it.
  2. "So that Final Fantasy VII remake that you've said will never happen: why?" Isnt that a conclusive no? I know every wee ff7 fanboy in the planet would masturbate themselves stupid if a remake happened, but i have my doubts of seeing it happen personally. The only reason they did the remakes of 3 and 4 on the DS is because they were never released outside of japan. As we all know among the FF fans theres the diehard ff7 fanboys the ones who think 7 was pure perfection and that no game will ever come close, i personally do love 7, its a classic and my introduction to the series, but ff9 is much better. I think people gotta stop getting thier hopes up for remakes of old games and instead hope for something to revitalise the series.
  3. Ive not been on the last few days cause my ds arrived and me and the missus have been playing platinum, we have a pichu/volt tackle system up and we are also breeding eevee's soon munchlaxes and so on. Btw the Pikachu Coloured pichu gains you access to a spikey eared pichu that is much stronger than a normal one. *Update* In regards to the Pichu here are the details: Its available right now until the release, How to Obtain On the 3rd Floor of the Jubilife TV Station, you will find this couple. Normally he will ask you for a greeting for you to provide in battles however if you give him some keywords, he will activate the Mystery Gift function for you. The words are as follows Everyone Happy Wi-Fi Connection Distribute them as seen in the images below and voila, you'll have Mystery Gift accessible in the main menu before you load your save file. On your main menu before you load a game, select mystery gift and the pichu should be available for download, if you keep it and trade it to heart gold then you can get the spikey eared pichu.
  4. Better a Chimchar than a paedophile
  5. Im getting that one plus explorers of time and darkness, and ranger. Ill let you know what i think of them once ive played.
  6. As tempting as that is, the fact they are also doing facepainting makes me think id be the only person there who isnt 10 or a parent, might get escourted off the premises lol
  7. Thats a good shout accually, better pre-order it.
  8. Your "new" one for £80 is and i quote " ** UNBOXED Nintendo DS Lite Console ONLY - DOES NOT INCLUDE: Box, User Manual & Power Cord **" I personally wanna buy the games real cause like many people i like having the boxes, but these 18 games will likely be as you say, but im Getting a ds cause i want heartgold. Me and my girlfriend are planning to play, battle and trade pokemon thru the network on our ds's. I still think this is a good deal cause the first new NDS Lite on play with everything you get brand new is £105 which is £25 less than what i paid and look what im getting for £25. ;)
  9. Ebay, its from a english guy who has a company in hongkong, its £130 and £15 delivery. Your getting the console obviously brand new in whatever colour you want, 18 games of your choice, emergency charger, carry case, spare stylus, usb power charger, plug power charger, 2 hard game cases, 2 wrist straps, screen wipe, earphones, spare rechargeable battery(i think), screen protectors, and a neckstrap. Id love to know where your getting your brand new lite for £77 cause i looked on ebuyer, play, everywhere in the town, and everywhere i could think of and they only sold dsi's and only for at least a hunner. Scratch that, on amazon i found a used old ds for £60, If that ds of mine is worth the 77, then im paying 53 for 18 games and those 10 accessories, and they cover the return costs if theres a hardware failure. i still think it sounds like a great deal. Cause its valuable theres a chance i could get charged cash in customs for it, and the guy says he would pay the charge if that happened. He offers a similar deal on dsi's for £180. I think the company is called xpertgame. they have a website and a ebay store. Anyways, its hard to get bumped if you pay with paypal, if your unhappy with it you can get your cash back.
  10. That tool in the tv ads that says "some dosh? some wonga?" Being skint<_<
  11. Found out im getting those games i asked for, Pokemon fire red is excellent. I was playing my missuses game of leaf green the other night, shes just defeated brock and is heading for mount moon, ive caught her a pidgey that im training up and a ratata, shes got a wartortle and spearow at level 18. I love pokemon lol, just talking about her game is making me wanna play.
  12. My girlfriends bought me a DS for my birthday next month, £150 its a NDS lite with 10 accessories, carry case and all the usual stuff and 18 games, the games are likely copies cause they have no cases, but i think you get to choose the 18 games, ive requested: Pokemon Diamond Pokemon Pearl Pokemon Platinium Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almina Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks New Super Mario Bro's Mario Kart DS Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games Metroid Prime: Hunters Animal Crossing: Wild World Tetris DS Final Fantasy III Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings So im gonna be getting my pokemon on again, ive been trying to get those nds emulators working on my pc but they only work fine every now and then, and to be honest, i miss playing games on the bog and stuff. Hopefully ill get the games i asked for cause my xboxes dvd drive is starting to f**k up and i think im gonna have to send it off to get repaired. Im looking forward to that mario game too. My girlfriend has a ds too so were gonna play online and stuff. I know the DS lite is the second oldest model of DS, but lets face it, if you have the choice of the newest model ds with no games, or one with a slightly smaller screen and no camera but 18 games possibly of your choice what would you pick?
  13. Ex girlfriends who dump you then say they miss you. The same ex girlfriend who says she wants to talk things out but fucks off to bed before anything can be remotely talked out Tv shows that end with non endings, i mean the tv endings where nothing is ended, as in you dont find out if someone lives or dies, gets free or whatever, they create a show that gets you interested, you watch and watch, become fond of the characters and curious about what happens next, then when the big finale comes its just a blank fucking page. in certain movies it can work well, but not in a 26 episode tv show. Fucking irritating night.
  14. Up 10/10 Yes im sticking with the Pixar theme today, ive got 2 more to watch tonight Again pixar shine with Up, a truely hillarioius film and a delight to watch.
  15. Wall-e 10/10 What can i say, 90 minutes of pixar doing what they do best, making childrens movies that anyone can watch and love. An utterly delightful movie and one of the very few that was accually that good that i watched it a second time immediately after the first.
  16. I hope so, i know the film is revered by many. I have it on dvd but only because the "special edition" was £3. As overated as the godfather
  17. Scarface 2/10 Im sure i will get some comments for this but i honestly think the film is utter cack, Pachino is outstanding dont get me wrong but i just think the plot is drawn out and dull. These days it seems like every wannabe thug loves this movie. Flags for our fathers 8/10 Ive allways had a soft spot for WW2 movies and i just finished watching on the telly and now im watching letters from iwo Jima. I really enjoyed this film, but the only thing i didnt follow is why the Native American soldier didnt want to be associated with the flag raising. Hard Candy 9/10 Ellen paige is a 14 year old girl who gets friendly with a 32 year old man over the internet and decide to meet up and then go back to his place, but with a disturbing twist, excellent acting and proof that less can be more with a great plot. Drag me to hell 7/10 Billed as a horror but i found it more funny than scary. Angry gypsy curses a bank teller for refusing her a loan(or something) towards her home. Unusual film but its to be expected from Sam Rammi Dogma 10/10 I know Kevin Smith is regarded as a pretty terrible director and actor but this film is just pure entertainment, and any film that can piss of christians is allways good in my book. Great acting especially by Ben affleck (who would have thought?) and a excellent cast in all aspects. Totally love the film. Blood the last vampire 0/10 As a fan of the anime i can truely say this film is utter pish, avoid. Star Trek (2009) 10/10 Being a admitted fan of star trek but not of the shatner stuff, i can say i was amazed by how great and thoroughly entertaing this movie turned out to be. Great cast, plenty of entertainment and a few nods to the older series. A great film for a series that wether you hate or love it you have to admit is one of the biggest franchises out there. and im spent..
  18. They should have ended it on III i mean jigsaw has had his throat sliced by ironically a circular saw, for me that should have been it, jigsaw is dead job done. But as i said i did like seeing the back story moments in Saw IV. If was director id have made saw III 30 minutes longer and mix in the back story of Jigsaw from the 4th installment. That way you learn how he became who he was then he dies and thats it, the angry scottish man gets his daughter but is scarred for life by that black guy being killed rather than redeemed and thats that.
  19. This isnt exactly a normal review, im planning on watcing Saw V tonight with the girlfriend, so im gonna do a quick review of the series. The first half of the series (1-2) were excellent in my opinion and i didnt watch them for the gore and "Torture Porn" i was hooked on the plot, mainly jigsaws character John Kramer. I think hes a excellent character and the only reason i watched the okay 3 and the utterly dire 4 was for the story of him becoming jigsaw. I think its safe to say that tobin bell is the main reason the series is still making money. To give the films credit tho, they have proved once again that movies need much more than big hollywood budgets and tired big name actors to make a profitable film series. I know wikipedia is legendary for its potential innaccuracys but i checked up on the budgets and box office gross of the series: The first 5 films cost 36 million to cost and have made 668 million so far. Ive heard that V is utter shite but im gonna give it a chance. My Scores I: 8/10 II: 9/10 III: 6/10 IV: 5/10 - The parts with tobin Bell: 7/10 The rest: 3/10
  20. Idiots who wish to release Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi aka the Lockerbie bomber, a terrorist and mass murderer on the grounds of "Sympathy for his terminal condition" its the biggest joke ive honestly ever heard and any respect i had for our goverment and court is completely gone.
  21. X-Men Origins: Wolverine 9/10 I was very surprised by this movie, i expected very little from it. You would think it was going to be one of those "Independant" franchise movies that is just lacking what made the franchise a franchise, I was very wrong. Jackman and schireiber are excellent as the brothers Logan and Creed, they play off each other very well and have some great dialoge. The plot flows very well and the action in the film is more tame than i had expected, i was expecting all out Micheal Bay with lots of explosions and cheesy action. If your a fan of the character or film series then i highly recomend!
  22. Transformers 2 7/10 Not as good as i expected as the trailers were awesome. Still a very entertaining movie, but they have removed almost all the comedy of the first film im place of more fight scenes. Most likey this was done because fans bitched there wasnt enough in the first one. The plot is simple and easy to follow, big bad guy robot wants to destroy earth, needs Shia Labeouf to find the key to do so. One thing that im glad didnt change is that Bumble Bee is still the star of the film, not optimus. If your a fan of the first film and a general action movie fan then im sure you will enjoy.
  23. Mostly i remember him screaming how he was gonna f**k up Ryan Dunn in Jackass The Movie, and getting stabbed by a jesus christ-lookin dolph Lungren in Johnny Menomic
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