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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. http://www.theguardian.com/news/quiz/2015/feb/23/daily-quiz-23-february-2015 Start the week with a less than stellar 3/10. Knew 2, so not so hot with the guesses today.
  2. Think UKIP could do better in Scottland than some of you seem to think. The niche they could go after is people who think Holyrood is a complete waste of time and should be scrapped, because many Conservative voters still see things that way and aren't really being catered to by Davidson and co. No chance FPTP with that posture but the regional list in Holyrood elections might just about be doable.
  3. 8/10 and knew 4. Kicking myself over the Mt Rushmore one because I would have had that if I hadn't second guessed myself, but 1 was a failed wild guess.
  4. http://www.theguardian.com/news/quiz/2015/feb/17/daily-quiz-17-february-2015 2/10 and knew 1. Just as well there was a ridiculouly easy football question.
  5. Not even arch-nutters like David Irving try to claim that in a European context, so it would probably have to be something from the Arab world or Iran. Kind of hard to explain away the actions of the Einsatzgruppen at places like Riga and Babi Yar, if you want to retain a shred of credibility.
  6. For bears and wolves ever to be a viable option on this a large number of hunting estates would need to be nationalised and allowed to return to their natural state. I doubt there will ever be a government that will see that as a high enough priority to spend the money and take the flak required to make it happen.
  7. You don't need to be over fifty to remember the answer to 5's finest moment in musical terms: http://preview.tinyurl.com/qf33g6h
  8. 7/10 on the Cardinal's one as well. Need more P&B input on this obviously. We'll be hae'in nane of yer Shakespeare and Jane Austin pish!
  9. 6/10 on the above "arsehole with a keyboard" one and knew 2 from 21 March 2014. Far from the worst Friday one, in my opinion. I have had as low as 1/10 in the past.
  10. http://www.theguardian.com/news/quiz/2015/feb/06/daily-quiz-6-february-2015 6/10 and quite pleased as I was only sure about 1. As an extra hint to help propel you all to 10/10, the Irish politician is from the failed statelet originally rather than the RoI.
  11. http://www.theguardian.com/news/quiz/2015/feb/05/daily-quiz-5-february-2015 4/10 and knew 3. A more difficult one today because that seems to be about average so far.
  12. 6/10 and knew 4. I will maintain that we probably need a lot more King Billy themed questions, if I am ever going to get the elusive 10/10. Hope that starts a trend.
  13. 7/10 and knew 3. Will add link so people don't need to go back a page: http://www.theguardian.com/news/quiz/2015/feb/03/daily-quiz-3-february-2015
  14. http://www.theguardian.com/news/quiz/2015/feb/02/daily-quiz-2-february-2015 Disappointed with a 6/10 given the gimmick of recycling the same 5 questions.
  15. Why do people not consider the possibility that it's somebody dressed up in a gorrila suit to wind people up? Bigfoot and yeti sightings tend to be in areas of the world where there are lots of large bears that sometimes stand on their hind legs, but the researcher types never seem to want to explore that correlation or the angle of whether an eight foot tall ape could escape scientific detection for several centuries in the United States.
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