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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. 5/10 knew 3, the link above didn't work for me: http://www.theguardian.com/news/quiz/2014/nov/27/daily-quiz-127-november-2014
  2. 8/10, jebem te flower pot men, second guessed myself out of the correct answer, and no clue on Bills Bills Bills. Knew 7, which is probably an all time high for me.
  3. 6/10, which was not bad given I was only sure about 2. Not sure about the "Christian Calendar" stuff given Presbies don't go in for all the Lent stuff. If they really mean Anglican they should spell that out.
  4. The middle name of the 18th president of the United States, Ulysses S. Grant was Sneddon and his parents were from Grangepans in Bo'ness.
  5. 7/10 again and knew 5, getting a bit monotonous. http://www.theguardian.com/news/quiz/2014/nov/19/daily-quiz-19-november-2014
  6. Another 7/10 after getting the first three wrong. Quite happy with that given I knew 5: http://www.theguardian.com/news/quiz/2014/nov/18/daily-quiz-18-november-2014
  7. Basically agree with what you are posting, but one of the goals of the Plantation of Ulster in geostrategic terms was to drive a permanent wedge between the Gaels of Ireland and Hebridean and Highland Scotland, which is why what was once one language and culture is now four centuries later regarded as two and the older relationship that you have in mind is lost in the mists of time for most people. You must have blinkers on if you can't see it is two-way.
  8. A spectacular 7/10 given I was only sure about 2 courtesy of being old enough to have watched the Magic Roundabout and to remember the chorus to the Iris Robinson lookalikes hit single. GIRUY Sam Cooke I know what a slide rule is for.
  9. Have fun with that identity crisis. If the RoI were as shite as they were before the grandparent eligibility rule came in and the Scotland team was consistently qualifying for World Cups like in the 70s and 80s people like you would soon be rediscovering their Scottish identity and jumping on the bandwagon.
  10. 7/10 but not happy about question 8 because I think two of the answers are correct and I picked the wrong one. Jebem te poetry.
  11. Easy to be brave when there is no danger of Spain or the EU actually agreeing to it. Nobody has to worry about stuff like what happens to their pension. The next one to watch is Veneto in Italy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venetian_independence_referendum,_2014 because Italy might not be so hardline about territorial indivisibility as the Spanish tend to be.
  12. 1/10 yesterday (still waiting for those elusive 0/10 and 10/10 scores but have had everything in between) followed up by 6/10 today: http://www.theguardian.com/news/quiz/2014/nov/06/daily-quiz-6-november-2014
  13. A spectacularly high 7/10 after a shaky start on the first four. May demand a recount depending on where the Cheeky Girls live within their native country.
  14. 2/10 and knew the smallest bird one. Safe to say that jazz would not be my specialist subject if I were ever a contestant on mastermind.
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