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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. Don't think RFB and AoH parades are the same? Bit like how the more extreme Loyalist type flute bands are not welcome at mainstream Orange walks in Scotland.
  2. Right turn, Clyde. Might be good minus the annoying no talent blonde chick Clint was enamoured by at the time. Personally, I would like to see a remake of Trainspotting that sticks a lot closer to the book in terms of the plot and lingo.
  3. It's been over 40 years now since the UDA and Ian Paisley were able to collapse Sunningdale with street protests and work stoppages, but the Unionist elite in NI is still terrified of taking on the Loyalist underclass due to the fear that another charismatic leader will emerge. When Jamie Bryson and Willie Frazer are the best that the fleg protests could come up with, it seems to me as an outsider looking in that the DUP really needs to get over the baggage of the past and crack on with what needs to be done long term to secure NI's ongoing existance as a political entity.
  4. Both sides have conflicting versions of what happened as per usual. I doubt he would have got bail so easily on a charge of that magnitude, if it was as 100% clear cut as the Republican side is portraying it, but time will tell. Anyone who goes to that particular road junction at this time of year needs their head examined and is unlikely to be motivated by feelings of peace and harmony, so can understand why he wouldn't be given the benefit of the doubt where a dangerous driving charge is concerned.
  5. Is Southport not where the main 12th walk is held on Mersyside every year? Think it might be where King Billy set sail for Carrickfergus, but can't be bothered googling to find out.
  6. Who would have believed that such a heinous act could happen in Martin O'Neill's village. Beyond that, hopefully, we'll reach the day soon when the sons of camogie players from West Belfast, will find better things to do with their time than trawling the internet for ways to make the other lot look bad and will instead embrace the mindset of the 1960s rather than the 1690s:
  7. Glentoran supporters? That may explain why AFJ was posting so much last night.
  8. Just as well Aughrim gets forgotten about despite being the real definitive victory for KB or we would have 11 more days of this.
  9. And beyond that they should find out who Sean Russell was, where he died and which political party still holds commemorations for him.
  10. Why even bother to respond to this guy? Anyone who genuinely believes that the Orange Order was going to morph into a paramilitary group in the event of a Yes vote last year or that Carrickfergus is a hotbed of neo-Nazism has a tenuous grip on reality.
  11. The Portadown News website. It's old, but it's still relevant: http://www.portadownnews.com/06Jul01.htm
  12. Not interested because it's an irrelevance dredged up by cranks to demonise people, who don't deserve to be taken so seriously.
  13. From what I remember he was talking about what some fringe nutters might do under a hypothetical set of circumstances rather than what the Orange Order would do and a copy editor got a bit carried away with the headline for the article.
  14. It was an officeholder answering a far out hypothetical question from a journalist about 15 or 20 years ago, rather than anything worth taking seriously. We just had a referendum with pretty much zero signs of any pro-Union paramilitarism after all. Have to hand it to the Orange Order they manage to get people to completely lose the plot year after year. Maybe they serve a useful purpose in that regard in helping the rest of us identify complete cranks that are best ignored, but personally I'd rather they just gave the whole 1690 thing a rest, so we could move to a genuinely secular society with no sky fairy nonsense creating unnecessary divides between people.
  15. Don't see any Orange symbols in those pictures only paramilitary ones. In the latter stages of the troubles the UDA started to have some extremely dodgy connections to far-right organizations both on the mainland and further afield, so would have thought that's where any criticism over this should be directed.
  16. Maybe a bit deeper than that in terms of favouritism, because if another club had been involved they potentially could have been booted out of the Highland League completely over this issue, because there is no abeyance type system like in the juniors. They will eventually have a new ground on the outskirts of Aberdeen (in an out of the way Distillery type location a long way from being close to anywhere) that should fit licensing by all accounts, but it will be interesting to see how quickly that actually happens.
  17. Check out who the new president of the SFA used to play for and you'll understand why an unusually lenient degree of discretion may be applied in their case on issues like this.
  18. Think it was a social club behind one of the goals at Kilbowie and Cove Rangers also did the glassed in directors box thing in the Highland League. Can remember the decayed wooden terracing at Bayview being in a terrible state back in the early 80s to the point of being genuinely unsafe to walk over. May have helped explain why there were more Hamilton Accies supporters on it than East Fife ones, which was never a good sign given the visiting Accies support in those days was typically using one bus and a minivan at the time.
  19. I always find their bordering on pretentious use of French particularly irritating as well. Pure does ma tête in.
  20. Got a sneaking suspicion it may have been Derry, Aughrim, Enniskillen and the Boyne.
  21. Irish (although technically I could have held an RoI passport if I wanted to), Northern Irish, Polish and Russian on several occasions, but most alarmingly and bizarrely Serbian while playing football against a Croatian team in Canada when Yugoslavia was in the process of breaking up. Lucky to not be in a wheelchair given some of the tackles that were flying in until they finally realised I was Scottish.
  22. The levels of outrage on that thread was unbelievable and made me question how many of the people posting on here have ever actually played the game.
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