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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. You are correct and was just about to post that clarification. Given Darvel's budget you could have some good news soon despite how Syngenta's equaliser unfolded.
  2. Some of the coverage has probably been a bit too upbeat of late about Ukraine's immediate prospects as opposed to the medium to longer term. What's still not clear is whether the Ukrainians actually were able to cross the Donets river NE of Kharkiv and create a bridgehead. That implies that they fixed the bridge shown below while potentially very much in range of Russian artillery and then secured the far bank from Russian forces: Seems a bit farfetched to me unless there were maybe partisan forces left behind by the Ukrainian side that could help on the far bank.
  3. The graphic distributed at the start of the season was crystal clear. Top two in Conference X are promoted no matter what and possibly third would have been as well in a scenario that has now fallen away with VoL being confirmed as relegated from the LL. Looks like Whitburn and Syngenta are going to be promoted then. Unfortunately, looks like Armadale Thistle will miss out. Would have been good to see another former east superleague club promoted this season so clubs like that find their natural level as quickly as possible. There's talk on the Bo'ness United thread that Armadale have found a sponsor to bankroll a rise through the divisions in the years ahead.
  4. ^^^sums up Shetand perfectly. Not necessarily. Think there used to be a small league with a few different teams from the south end plus Burra.
  5. Think the argument is that they have neglected maintenance of their basic weaponry and building up their logistics capacity while spending way too much on advanced Bond villain type weapons that they don't have enough of right now to make a difference. If some of their much hyped hypersonic missiles eventually wound up with Syria's answer to Michael Corleone maybe the Iron Dome would be in for a bit more of a test than it usually receives from incoming missiles manufactured in workshops in the Gaza Strip. Israel handed over the missles that could sink the Black Sea fleet though so they don't appear to be too concerned about future revenge tasted cold. On a completely different topic, this apparent advance over the Northern Donets east of Kharkiv seems too good to be true from a Ukrainian standpoint but something to keep an eye on given it is Russian sources that have been reporting it today (note how Ukraine is minus Crimea and the Donbas in the graphic):
  6. The WoS website has Darvel's games listed: https://wosfl.co.uk/team/darvel-fc/
  7. Short clip from the final has appeared on Youtube.
  8. Barring a miracle they are still going to be in tier 9 next season though so that seems like a big step backwards. Given all the teams involved in that division are likely to be from in or around West Lothian and Edinburgh maybe it's simply easier on him from a time commitment standpoint, assuming of course that this info is legit.
  9. Given the obvious logistical difficulties of crossing the Atlantic, the F-word Brotherhood invaded Canada instead to a minor extent, which was still very much part of the British Empire at the time. F-word Raids is what to search for in wikipedia to see the details.
  10. Let's not forget in all of this the many decades of access to pools money and ground related grants that part time SFL/SPFL clubs had access to but junior clubs of comparable support level did not.
  11. ...and whatever you do don't comply when they ask you to squeal like a pig. Hopefully said part time clubs will realise it is in their long term interests to open up pro/rel to the same format used elsewhere in an SPFL context so it is easier to bounce back again.
  12. That's the problem Club 42 have. You are expecting players who have been losing lots of games all season and know they are about to be on a free transfer to play as if their lives depended on it. The LL is significantly stronger now than it was when Edinburgh City were promoted. Never say never because the margins on this are relatively fine but it would be surprising if Bonnyrigg Rose struggled to the extent Edinburgh City did for the first half of their first SPFL season.
  13. Just as well it wasn't Fraserburgh then because they are probably furthest from a railway for any large town in Scotland since the Borders railway was opened.
  14. Seriously doubt either them or Albion Rovers will be in League Two five years from now with the top WoS clubs now being a factor. Assuming Darvel overcome Tranent in the LL playoff (strange things can happen over 90 minutes in a single game) think they will be heavy favourites to spend their way in next season.
  15. Meant Bonnyrigg on the crowds but it will be interesting to see if Edinburgh City keep the Friday night thing going.
  16. Only a matter of time before your club will be sampling it as well and it's only going to get stronger as a division in the years ahead so that won't be the end of the world.
  17. Bigger club than Edinburgh City and have been drawing plenty of crowds over 500 in the LL so they also have the potential to rise further.
  18. What type of air defence system they provided Syria was a huge issue between Tel Aviv and Moscow a few years back and stuff like that would still have been a consideration a month ago. Tell tale signs are happening that politicians with keen survival instincts now expect Russia to lose:
  19. Probably but not good from a radar evasion standpoint if it does as I am sure you are well aware my Airdire supporting friend. The outer edge of the claimed range means that anything coming out of Sebastopol should be in range from Odesa if somebody with access to a military satellite passes along the coordinates to target. No idea how good Russian missile defences would be against this but it appears to be the best that the Israelis have so maybe they are hoping to boost weapons sales by having the Ukrainians do another Moskva but with their system this time. Israel has to worry about what Russia will give the Syrians so this is a surprising development.
  20. Sergei Lavrov maybe should have kept his pet theories about Hitler's ancestry to himself:
  21. Hopefully the restraint of trade lawsuit from Ann Budge rumour was legit. No idea about the legal merits of that and will wait for an actual lawyer to comment either here or in the mainstream media before assuming it's a non-starter, but even if something like that made life awkward for the LL in terms of running up legal costs it's potentially worth doing if someone has money to burn.
  22. it's better to discuss the solution to this scenario and what the outcome should be long before it actually happens. If Broomhill move back west from Alloa, the likelihood of it happening rises considerably.
  23. That's good to see. No need to ever show up with no subs to a game again now that's in place. There's not much point having a BU branded CFC if it doesn't provide a full pathway into the first team.
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