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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. I accept that it came across wrongly. I understand the therapeutic value of places like this, I also understand that talking to all and sundry about things of this nature is not easy for lots of people, I also wouldn't appreciate it if I told my life story good and bad to anyone and they used it to belittle me, my biggest achievement is and will remain coming back from where I took myself and those around me to where I am today.
  2. Was that not due to more people being at work during the day this time?
  3. No it doesn't but it provides more challenges for those that do and those around them.
  4. I wouldn't ever come on to a thread like this to belittle anyone, we've all got real issues or loved ones with real issues. Do you think we've all got fantastic lives where everything goes swimmingly, I've got 3 kids who've lost a great gran,2 grans,1 granpa,1 neice and a mother in a very short space of time, do you think they're all having a wonderful time, no but we'll deal with the issues when they arise,re-surface.
  5. And I can accept that, perhaps my usual lazy style of posting wasn't the correct way to put my suggestion across.
  6. Everyone should be looking at themselves on a regular basis and I've never posted on this thread for attention purposes ever.
  7. That's correct, he's probably better listening to others that haven't been there though.
  8. It's neither, I've been that person loads of times, when I looked at myself properly I didn't like what I saw or who I was.
  9. I'd be having a proper usually painful look at myself, the sort that most people don't ever do.
  10. You don't always need to keep them off for 12 rounds, there's also no guarantee that he knocks him out if/when he gets to him.
  11. Understandable, I was in the fortunate position of making myself available 24/7, even bought a door bell for her bedroom, on the occasions I slept through the doorbell my son who keeps weirder sleeping hours than myself was always there to take care of his mum.
  12. Is there no one you can wake up for a chat in that situation?
  13. Smearing your cock with lipstick doesn't count.
  14. Waiting in for a delivery of books, hate being on the PM list.
  15. I have never traded, it was more about seemingly having all your eggs in one basket.
  16. Concentrate on the positives of it all.
  17. In all honesty, we can't continue with our current level of form for much longer, winning while not playing well isn't sustainable long term. We're either going to drop quite a few points in the near future or we're going to find another gear or 2, if we find more gears it'll not matter what Raith or anyone else does.
  18. I agree, must would replace should if I were a Rovers fan.
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